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"Baby don't you think Armaan and jadwa closeness is a little too much,
She's always with him all the time."hafiz say combing his wife hair.

"She's still young and very soon Armaan is leaving for school so I don't think is any of a big deal."hanan say with a shrug and he humm in response.

"When is Armaan leaving because his dad told me he is staying until he writes the NECO examination."hafiz say tying his wife hair into a bun.

"I am home daddy."jadwa say barge into the bedroom.

"JD how many times did i warned you about sallam before entering the bedroom."her mum scold and the little girl pout.

"Hey princess come on mummy is right you know, so where are you coming from all happy."hafiz say with a smile as the little girl sit on his lap.

"Ya Armaan took me to grandpa Amir office he gave me money."jadwa say bringing out the 100 dollar note.

"Great Jadwa you want to make my dad go bankrupt right."hanan say to her daughter and the girl laugh.

"Daddy i want to go to London with ya Armaan,uncle fu,ad told me London is cool."the little girl say with excitement.

"Ofcrse London is cool but Nigeria is awesome princess."hafiz say with a smile and the girl frown.

"But you took ya hafiz to London what about me?"she whine making her parent to laugh.

"Baby hafiz is schooling and will soon be back home, plus you have to stay with me, the last thing i want is you falling in love with a British dude."hanan say and jadwa pout but didn't say anything.

The family spend the evening in the bedroom mostly there daughter yapping about what she wants to do once his wife and daughter fall asleep hafiz head downstairs to prepare dinner for them.

If there's anything more important in hafiz life is his family, his wife most especially means a lot to him, sometimes he thank the almighty for giving him a second chance to be with her and he will be forever be greatful, when he mesmerized through the past and how there love story is soo complicated he do understand the saying "what belongs to you always finds it's way back to you",his wife is indeed an Amazing soul.

"What are you preparing?"hafiz ask his niece once he enter the kitchen.

"Ohh good evening uncle,
I am preparing this awesome Japanese pasta i learnt online."Armaan say to his uncle and he humm in response.

Okay so when are you leaving?"hafiz ask his niece as he sit on one of the stool.

"I was thinking maybe by monday but jadwa want me to stay longer, so i am staying another extra 2weeks,
I wishe we can go back together to Birmingham you know my mum always want a female in the house."he say with a smile and hafiz nod.

"Totally understandable but seriously Armaan I don't want jadwa to leave considering the fact that hafiz is gone and i don't want to take chances the last thing i want is jadwa growing up in the UK, you know sometimes in life we make mistakes that hunt us till our last breathe, if i can i will go back to the past and rectify some of my mistakes."hafiz say with a shrug as his mind drift to the last few years.

"My dad told me you had a quiet complicated love story with anty hanan before you two marry."armaan say covering the pot of his pasta and turn to face his uncle.

"All love stories are complicated."hafiz say and armaan chuckle.

"What if you choose to marry someone you know right from childhood, someone that's already your bestfriend, someone you know it's impossible for them to hurt you."armaan say and hafiz shake his head with a chuckle.

"There's nothing more complicated than a childhood love, one thing that you should understand is that as we all grow we come to realize who we really want to be with, sometimes everything isn't as easy as we picture it to be."hafiz say with a sigh.

"You know uncle sometimes when i look at jadwa i think she's the one for me."armaan say with a smile and hafiz look at his niece in bewilderment.

"Seriously armaan.
Do not corrupt my princess the girl is just 7, I don't want to hear love whatever from her mouth so soon, life is less complicated when you don't know the meaning of those 4 letter words."hafiz say seriously making armaan to laugh as he switch off the cooker.

"Come on uncle i am assuring you that jadwa knows more about love than you do, like sometimes i think that's all they teach them in school."armaan say and hafiz look at him in boredom.

"I don't want to hear whatever you two are discussing just don't corrupt my girl this is Nigeria not London, sometimes i use to think you are innocent but then i come to realise fu,ad is your dad, that jerk cannot produce something innocent."hafiz say and armaan laugh.

The sound from the staircase makes them to both turn .

"Hey baby,
Smells good here what are you making for us."hanan say walking to the kitchen.

"Armaan prepare a Japanese pasta he learn online, I hope it will taste as awesome as the aroma."hafiz say with a shrug as his wife sit on his lap with a smile.

"How are you armaan?"hanan ask and the boy nod.
"Did you know you look Soo much like your dad just a little more handsome and cute."hanan say with a smile and hafiz frown.

"Handsome and cute i think those two words should describe me."hafiz say and hanan smile.

"You are indescribable handsome."hanan say making her husband to smile as he kiss her on the cheek.

"Uggghh I think parents should stop been all frisky in the front of there kids because seriously kids are also human and have hormones you know."Armaan say and hanan look at him baffle.

"Seriously Armaan you remind me of your dad and his sarcastic self."hanan say as the boy dish the food on the plate just in time jadwa enter the kitchen.

"Hey princess food is all set."Armaan say and the 7years old girl smile at him.

"Mummy i want to eat with ya armaan."jadwa say as her mum place her on the dinning table.

"Ofcrse we will eat together baby, our food is right here."Armaan say dropping the plate of pasta next to jadwa.

They all dive into there food with jadwa and Armaan talking about nothing and everything in particular.

Soo here's a prologue and i hope you all enjoy it.

Will Armaan and jadwa relationship survive or will things change when jadwa grow up.

Anyway just add untainted desires to your reading list let the ride begin.

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