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Jadwa's pov!

Dipping my French fries into the ketchup i munch it in my mouth without a care, I know I'm not very close with my mum but from all indication she's in a serious bad mood,she look withdrawn and lost, I glance at my dad and he look lost, he could steal glance at my mum and Stare back at the plate of his breakfast.

"Baby did you tell jadwa about the wedding date?"my dad say to start a conversation as he look at my mum.

"Excuse me."my mum say and leave the dinning table making my dad to sigh.

In my 19years of staying with my parents I've never ever seen them walking away from each other, I glance at my dad and shrug.

"Your grandfather fix your wedding date yesterday a month from now."my dad say and i nod.

Seriously I don't know what they think of me, I don't love ya Armaan and I'm not marrying him that is for sure.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"my dad say and i look at him in boredom.

"Dad please.
You all have make your decision in this family, if I say no will it change anything? So there's no point in hearing my opinion."I say in annoyance and leave the dinning table.

This entire family annoy me, from my all godly grandparents that think they know what's best for you, to my pathetic lost parents that think they are the best kids in the universe to the sickly overly obedient grandchildren, they all make me sick. I bang my bedroom door close and on my mp3 to the highest volume.


I wake up to the constant yelling in the house and sit upright my mp3 must have shutdown, I sashay out of my bed and open the bedroom door I follow were the yelling is coming from and stand halfway in the staircase.

"I'm not cheating on you hanan,
How many times will i have to tell you for you to believe me,"my dad yell at my mum frustratedly.

"Then who's she,
You've been hiding and answering this stupid estranged call midnight and you want me to believe you?
I should have known better than to ever trust you, "mai hali baya pasawa"my mum say and my dad sigh.

"I have never cheated and will never cheat on you hanan, just so you know whoever you said you saw me with yesterday I don't have anything to do with her."my dad say just in time our gateman come inside the parlour.

"Sir a lady is here she wants to see you."he say.

"I'm no......

"Let her come in."my mum say curtly to the gateman glaring at my dad who just facepalm with a sigh.

A lady probably in her late 40s come inside the parlour dressed all gloriously in red.

"Ohhh after all this years I have finally gotten the chance to meet the famous Mrs hafiz again."the woman say looking at my mum with a sinister like smile on her face.

"What exactly do you want?"my dad say clearly angry.

"Ooh come on hafiz we're a family there's no need for any formalities, beside hanan here willl like to know who I am."the lady say with a smug smirk.

"Who are you?"my mum ask looking at the lady.

The ringing of my phone makes them both to turn there gaze toward the staircase and i smile awkwardly with a wave.

"Oohhh OMG she's all grown up hafiz,
I can't believe this."the strange lady say walking toward me.

"Stay away from my daughter faridah,
What exactly do you want from me and My family."my dad yell dragging the lady by the arm making her to crumble on the floor.

"Your daughter?"she say with a chuckle and stand up.
You and i both know she's not your daughter."the lady say bitterly.

"What exactly is going hafiz?
Who is this woman and what is she talking about?"my mum ask looking between the two of them as i walk down the stairs.

"Look hanan.
Don't listen to whatever she's saying,
She's lying, please just trust me this once."my dad say trying to touch my mum but she swatted his hand away.

"Look who's talking about Trust?
Hafiz you can't keep running away from the truth if you can't i will tell her, haven't she always wonder why she's not always the perfect daughter she wants.
Hanan the.......the woman trying saying but my dad drag her by the arm and drag her out of the parlour throwing her out and order the gateman to throw her out of the premises.


"Ya Amir.
Is there something you are not telling me?"sobia ask looking at her husband worriedly.

"You are just been paranoid sabreen.
It's nothing there's just this thing i want to settle but it's nothing serious I promise you."he say with a smile and hug her sideway.

As bad as she doesn't want to believe her husband she couldn't, she do trust her husband wholeheartedly and trust every single decision he makes.

The unnecessary noise coming from the unknown direction makes the two to rush out of their bedroom.

"I don't want to stay with you hafiz,
You are a lier, a cheat and every other pathetic word, how could you?
I trusted you."hanan yell at her husband as she try removing her suitcase from his grip.

"Hanan you have to listen to me,
I promise you wlh i didn't cheat on you."hafiz say pleading.

"What's going on here?"Amir ask looking between the two.

"Daddy."hanan say and run to her father engulfing him into a hug as she cry.

"Faridah came to our house."hafiz say making His father in law to look up abruptly.

"Who's faridah?"sobia ask her husband as hanan come out of her dad embrace.

Sobia listen attentively as her daughter begin to explain what actually happened at there home as the two men just look down feeling guilty.

"Who's she ya Amir i know you won't lie to me,
Tell me.
Is jadwa hanan daughter?"sobia ask looking at her husband for the past 40years they 've been together she's never seen him so guilty and speechless.

"I'll tell you the bitter truth Mrs Amir."the familiar voice say making all head to turn face her.

"What are you doing here?"Amir say through gritted teeth.

"You can't keep running away from the truth Amir and I'm sorry if whatever i will say today will make you and your family bare the consequences but i can't continue living with such hefty secret it's a lot more easier not knowing your granddaughter is alive, but now that i know about her and what she's going through, I can't continue watching your biological grand daughter suffering I'm doing this for everyone."the lady say as she flick away the tears off her eyes.

"What do you mean by my biological granddaughter suffering?"Amir ask confused.

"Hafiz daughter is alive."the woman blurt making everyone to look at her on confusion.

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