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Jadwa's pov!

Laying on my bed I lost count of how many times i dial ya Armaan contact, I throw the phone on the bed with a sigh.
  Why are they doing this?
Why do parents always think they own you just because they give birth to you, I am sure ya Armaan is also angry about this decision I will just have to talk to him and lets find a solution out of this, I can't believe fadilah make me look like a lier,
I can't pretend to be in a marriage just to please my parents we are in the 21st century, the door to my bedroom creak open i don't bother to look up because i know is either of my parent.

Your mum told me you don't want to be with Armaan."my dad voice say as the bed deep next to me.

"You know jadwa,
I don't want to force you into an arrange marriage just for our own selfish reason, you know sometimes we parents think that we know what's best for our kids not caring about the consequences of what will happen aftermath, but again kids have to understand that parents are always right and want what is best for them, you might think we are being hard on you but trust me honey, sooner you will be happy Armaan is a great guy he knows you more than we do and i am sure you two will do just fine, make a great couple like me and your mum."my dad say i ignore him and just lay like a sack of potatoes on my bed listening to him.

"Ok fine.
Tell me jadwa, who do you love if you have someone in your life let us know so we don't feel guilty for separating you from someone you want to be with."He say touching my hand , I sit upright with a pout making him to chuckle.

"Come on JD.
Tell me is my princess having a prince charming in her life."he ask with a smile and i smile.

One thing you have to understand is that i am more of a daddy's girl, my mum and i don't have the best relationship we are cool but not awesome.

"Daddy."I say playing with his fingers and he humm in response.

"I think i like ya Armaan friend."I say in a whisper with a smile and he look at me.

"You mean the British guy,
Come on jadwa you just met this guy you don't even know him, believe me nothing absolutely nothing good will come out of him."my dad say and i frown.

"Dad he's not a full a British, one of his parent is a Nigerian please come on dad."I say and my dad chuckle.

"That makes it even worst a half-British it could have been easy if he's a British completely, you know what jadwa this conversation is over, you are marrying Armaan and that is final."my dad say angrily and leave the room slamming the door shut.

I mutter a whatever and throw myself on the bed, i will not marry ya Armaan i will figure out a way out of this shit, with a lot of thought and how to come out of this mess i ended up sleeping with my clothes on.

The next morning i wake up earlier than usual and head to my grandparents house, I head to the apartment ya Armaan is staying and it is lock a sign he's still asleep, I fish my phone out of my back 8:00am good, I enter the main building and the workers are busy with there morning chores i greet them and head upstairs.

I push the bedroom door open and ofcrse my grandparents are awake, my grandfather is massaging her feet.

"Good morning grandfather."I say and kiss him on the cheek.

"Ohh come on grandpa smile it makes you younger."I say sitting next to my grand mother who just smile at her husband.

"Come on Ya Amir smile i say i was sorry i promise you i will eat alot this morning."my grandmother say with a smile making my grandfather to smile.

"You promise sabreen you are eating whatever i will serve you."he say and she nod with a smile.

"Ugghhh you two are so adorable,"I say with a smile making my grandfather smile to disappear from his face.

Get this straight my grandparents are not so very old matter of fact they look young to be call my parents and my grandfather is the most grumpy person you do ever come across i wonder how he ended up with someone as charming as my grandmother but I think all rude men ended up with awesome women.

"What are you doing here early this morning jadwa, if it has anything to do with the decision your parents make then i am assuring you, there's nothing i will do about it, you are clocking 20 very soon, I don't want you going to that NYSC camp single."my grandfather say sternly and i breathe out a some air out of my mouth.

"Look grandpa, I understand your point but i don't want to marry ya Armaan, I don't love him he knows that and i am sure he isn't happy about your decisions also, please just give me some time."I say pleading looking at my grandmother, she's the only one this old guy listen to.

"Romeo maybe you should talk to Armaan an........

"Armaan is ok with the decision and you jadwa if this has to do with what you told your dad then i don't agree to it, you don't know this guy  Armaan himself just met him cople of months ago and you just want to jump into a relationship with him,
Did he even say he likes you?"my grandfather say sternly and i feel my vision blurring.

As much as i hate crying but believe me if my grandfather is against any decision in this family then it's final it's either you embrace it or rot in your grave.

"Come on jadwa it's ok,
Everything is going to be fine."my grandmother say hugging me as i cry.

"Tell me jadwa did this guy say he likes you?"my grandmother ask and i break the hug making her to smile.

"It's ok your grandfather has gone outside,"she say cleaning my tears.

"No grandmother.
But i love him and i know he feels the same I can tell from the way he look at me and all those stuff."I say and she chuckle.

"It's ok jadwa,
I am not going to guarantee you but i will try and talk to your grandfather,
You think this guy is your Prince charming?"she say smiling and i nod.

Let me tell you a story jadwa."she say with a smile and i groan.

"I don't want to hear grandmother your boring love story with this grumpy dude."I say and she laugh.

"One day i will tell you our love story and you won't find it boring trust me."she say and i laugh.

I begin telling her about Aleey, how I feel toward him, how he react when we are together and she listen attentively with a smile on her face.

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