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With the wedding preparing in full speed, the extended family of Amir seems really busy, with the elders busy with buying the expensive materialistic things for there children's,  the children seems busy with unnecessary demands trying to program every single event clothing everyone seems busy and uninterested in petty issues and grudeges.
   Coming inside the large kitchen jadwa sigh at the pile of dirty plates and very unhygienic environment her cousins create the previous night with a heavy heart she begin loading the plates in the dishwasher grumbling about how crazy her cousins are.

Since the wedding preparation jadwa always spend most of her day at Fadilah house trying to say all sort of comforting advice to her regarding her rival coming in it wasn't a decision everyone will be happy about but jadwa knows her best friend have to embrace her qadr just like she did.

You've waken up already."khadija say coming inside the kitchen making jadwa to turn.

"You girls ate and left the plates and the kitchen very dirty did that even make sense, look at everywhere."jadwa say and khadija mentally roll her eyes.

She sigh and start helping jadwa to clear the kitchen as they talk about the upcoming wedding.

Sitted on her bed jawahir sigh, for the past 9days since they came back from maiduguri they have been hunting for a new sorcerer to go things are really complicated for them to even have time to go visit a sorcerer jawahir is becoming restless do to armaan estranged behavior it's as if the table is gradually turning around because armaan barely speaks to her the only person he even pay slight attention to is her daughter but he seems unbother about anything except the fact that farhana is becoming the love of his life, he barely speak to jadwa but she always sees him with farhana the fact that he doesn't even listen to her orders any longer makes her want scream do to how angry and impatient she's getting.

"Besti are you alright?"jamila ask coming out from the bathroom and jawahir sigh.

"How can i be alright besti.
Just take a look at how things is going in this house, ya armaan barely speaks to me neither my daughter the only single person he seems bother about is farhana do he doesn't pay attention to her mother but who knows maybe soon things will change,
I'm worried besti this shit is giving me sleepless nights, I want my husband back to me he didn't even listen to me anymore he's a complete different person."jawahir say and jamila sigh, she amble herself to the bed and sit next to her best friend.

"Besti i am trying believe me because even i myself want to see a sorcerer that can work on ya hafiz for me, just take a look at how things are since this wedding preparation has started he hasn't even for once call me not to mention the fact that even if i called him he always reject it,
A friend of mine promise to call me within the week i am expecting her call at anytime then we can leave.
Everything will be fine again i promise you."jamila say reassuringly and jawahir sigh.

"I pray so besti,
I want my hus.........jamila phone begin vibrating on the bed, she stretched her hand on the bed and pick it.

"God, it's her i hoped she found someone for us."jamila say and swipe the answer button.

"Hello jamila.

"Yes falmata, any good news please don't say no i was going to call you this morning tunda najiki shiru."jamila say putting the phone on loud.

"I found one but you two have to come today because he said he's leaving town and don't know when he will be coming back, so preferably you girls should come today because i have spoke to him.

"That won't be a problem we will come today insha Allah."jamila say with a smile at her best friend.

"Anything for you girlie.
I will forward the contact to you because I will be traveling today if you girls come to maiduguri you call him and he can direct you girls to him.,,

"Thank you sop much darling."jamila say and end the call.

Hurry let's get ready i was supposed to go to my wedding gown designer but we will do that tomorrow, get ready so we will drop samirah at sadiya house maybe we can get an early flight so anything evening we will be done and come back home."jamila say standing up.

Jawahir amble herself to the bathroom yapping happily about how happy they are.


"Fadilah you need to stop worrying about jamila and focus, eat your food, take care of your family and be happy before she comes in, nothing prayers can handle keep praying and exercise some Sabr you will see the benefits, look at how you are losing weight."jadwa say worried starting at her best friend.

I can't do anything with the way my heart is restless i have try putting my shit together to avoid all negative thoughts but i couldn't i am not as strong as you are."Fadilah say and jadwa sigh.

"You will be fine but now isn't the time to show your weakness because you have to be strong for your kids, yesterday you fainted fadilah and i don't mean to tell you this but ya hafiz said if you didn't stop over thinking you will end up having a heart problem.
If you develop any sickness and you die God forbids but think about how your kids will grow with jamila as there step mother, you have to be strong for them, your kids supposed to be your first priority because you and i both know what jamila is capable of doing."jadwa say encouraging her best friend.

The parlour door open and there cousin zainab,malika,basmah and khadija comes in from the look on there faces it's clear something isn't right.

"What happened?"jadwa ask looking at them as they walk into the parlour.

With a heavy sigh the 4 girls sit on the couch tiredly making Fadilah and jadwa to look at them.

"Ya hafiz just received this urgent call from a hospital at maiduguri that two of our cousins get into a bad car accident one of them was rush to the hospital and the other died instantly the doctor refused to reveal wether it's a male or female, we just dropped him at the airport."malika explain and everyone sigh.

"May almighty do what's best for us."jadwa say and the rest mutter ameen.

The six girls sit in comfortable silence thinking, praying and wondering who could that be with there large extended family each of them continue praying in there heart for God to ease every difficult situation for them.

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