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Sitted on her bed jadwa stare at the rotating wall clock, armaan was supposed to spend the night with her for the past two days he's always ignoring her, he seems happy and perfect with jawahir she sigh and leave the bedroom.

"How did it taste?"jawahir ask giving the spoonful of whatever she's serving armaan on the dinning table.

"It's wonderful just like you."armaan say with a smile making jawahir to chuckle.

"Good morning."jadwa say not sparing them a glance and enter the kitchen.

Armaan glance at her and turn back to jawahir, he's really upset with jadwa but he really missed her do this few days he spent with jawahir he realized just how funny and adorable she is in her own way he do promise himself if jadwa try to apologize to him he will forgive her so they can be a happy family and he would take her to the hospital for birth control so she won't repeat such mistake.

"Are we still going to the park today?"jawahir ask and armaan node.

Apparently the two have been hanging out a lot leaving jadwa all alone by herself in the house armaan in his own sense trying to provoke jadwa and jawahir in her own mind trying to replace jadwa in her husband heart.
The two head upstairs to get ready for the evening as they talk mostly jawahir doing the talking and armaan listening.

Singing along watarana by namenj jadwa cut the vegetables as she twirl around the kitchen, she really don't want to stress herself with armaan and jawahir issue she believe sooner or later things will come back to normal between she and her husband.

"Ha,an look at this woman didn't you hear me knocking, you put mp3 dey enjoy."fadilah say entering the kitchen and switch off the mp3.

"How are you?
Where's jamal?"jadwa ask turning to face her best friend making her to sigh.

"Drop him with khadijah and the rest they are going to the park."fadilah say and jadwa node.

"So how's things going?
Any improvement?"fadilah ask and jadwa sigh.

"Nothing much he's still mad and jawahir is using that to her advantage but i seriously don't care, life is too short to worry about insignificant things i have apologize several times, i can't do more than my best."jadwa say with a shrug and turn back to cutting her vegetables.

"But jd.
Didn't you think it's weird,
Maybe jawahir put that shit inside your food besides the last food you ate was the couscous she gave you."fadilah say and jadwa sigh.

"I also mull over it fadilah.
But i don't have any prove nevertheless wether or not she did it the damage has been done, i loss the baby and she get what she wants."jadwa say and fadilah sigh.

"How about a payback?"fadilah ask and jadwa sigh.

"Fadila please let her be i don't have energy of all this rivalry thing, whenever they are tired i am waiting for them."jadwa say and fadila stare at her best friend worried.

"Bestie mi.
Everything will be fine insha Allah.
Remember I'm always here for you if you need someone to talk to."fadilah say and jadwa node with a smile.

"I know.
Thank you."jadwa say and fadilah node as she stand up to help her with what she's doing and they talk mostly about there childhood.

Laying on the bed with jawahir head on his chest armaan mind wander back to jadwa he feel stupid, it's been 8days since the incident about the pills but after jadwa plead and he didn't listen she stop bothering him, the fact that she ignore there presence completely makes him even angry,
Maybe jawahir was right jadwa will never love him, she's to inconsiderate and selfish how could she abort there baby yet she's acting so normal and unbother by the way he's ignoring her.

Armaan stare at jawahir who's sleeping peacefully with her mouth slightly open, jawahir is indeed very beautiful his eyes wander to her body the short transparent night wear she's wearing revealing her naked body making him to gulp down some saliva.

He uses his hand and carefully drop her head on the bed, he sit upright and turn his gaze back to her, he remove the hair covering her face armaan find himself having this strong desire to be with jawahir he doesn't know wether it's the right time to get intimate with her but he careless about it he just want to see himself with jawahir this minutes, he lean down and press a kiss on her cheek, he trail it down to her neck making her eyes to snap open.

"I'm sor.........armaan try saying but jawahir shut him by pressing her lips with his.

Armaan find himself removing jawahir short nightie he admire every single features of jawahir body she was perfect in every angle and for some reason armaan do know jawahir will make him become a vigorous sex addict with how wild and insatiable she is.

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