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Sitted on her grandmother's bed jawahir listen attentively to whatever the elderly women in the bedroom say to her taking each word dearly  to her heart, never did she ever thought even in her wildest dream did she ever think she will marry anytime soon, not to mention the fact that she will marry Armaan someone who hardly notice or acknowledge her presence.
    Do to how things turn up the ostentatious glorious dinner party everyone was excited about didn't hold on, jawahir doesn't understand why none of her cousins seems interested in her wedding with Armaan, the only people that seems thrill about it are the elders of the family aside from them everyone look bored and already ready to leave the catastrophe wedding.

"Jawahir."the familiar voice say to her making her to look up as her mother embrace her into a hug, she hasn't seen her since she was rushed to the hospital this morning suffering an asthmatic attack after she heard the news about jadwa from fadila.
   jawahir doesn't understand why she can't cry, she try finding her tears but it's as if her tears gland doesn't exist anymore.

"I'm sorry jawahir,
Ever since you came into our life we couldn't provide happiness to you, all your life you've been going through circles of problems, Now that you find us, we your biological parents we couldn't provide you with the happiness you deserve either and now we  married you off to someone you didn't even know, someone you know he's in love with another person, I'm so sorry."Hanan say to her daughter as she wipe away her tears she feel guilty for putting jawahir in this situation.

"It's fine mum,
I agreed to this marriage,
Nobody forced me so please stop crying."jawahir say with a smile as hanan stare at her long lost daughter her mind drift to 27 years ago when she married her dad, she fear that history is going to repeat itself and her daughter will end up getting hurt.
  Hanan hug her daughter tightly to her chest as she cry to her satisfaction,

"I love you jawahir kinji.
I know it's going to be difficult for you but just keep it in mind that sabr always pay off" regardless the situation one day it's all going to be a story and you will find the happiness you deserve, I feel really guilty and remember I'm always here if you need someone to talk to."hanan say and kiss her daughter's forehead as everyone continue saying all sorts of advice to jawahir who is holding her mother's hand to her chest.

I know just how much you love jadwa and I'm so sorry this happened to you,
I'm not going to tell you to forget about her and move on, because i know just how difficult it is to do that.
But I'm going to plead with you not to hurt jawahir emotionally or physically, I'm confident you won't hurt physically because you are my son and I'm sure you will never raise your hand at a woman, please Maaan i know you are hurt but please don't vent your anger on someone who's innocent, I'm really sorry you've to go through this it's a difficult situation for both you and jawahir but sometimes everything happens for a reason so embrace whatever situation you find yourself and keep praying then the almighty will guide you through, i love you."fu,ad say looking at his son who's staring at nothing in particular making him to embrace him into a hug as he breakdown.

"Why did she do this to me?
Why does she have to leave me dad,?
I love her,
How could i possibly live without her
She was my everything....i.....i.....
Jadwa was my everything daddy."Armaan say as he breakdown, fu,ad hug his one and only child to his chest Armaan has always been a strong boy regardless what you do to him, he never cries so seeing his strong son breaking down in tears it's petrifying and he hoped this doesn't change his sweet,adorable son into a callous husband and person.

After several hours of talking and trying to comfort his son,
Armaan and his male cousins together with his friends head to the house his grandfather raheem gift to him to live with jadwa which he's now going to share with jawahir, every minute he remember who is married to Armaan feel stupid and guilty for betraying jadwas trust by marrying her sister.

The drive to the house is a quiet one considering the fact that everyone knows how in love Armaan was with jadwa, it's best if no one try to sympathize with him before he snaps, Armaan may be all calm and sweet but when he's angry you rather be miles away from where he is because if he explode it's like a volcano so his friends and brothers decide to stay quiet.

Once in the house which is quiet Armaan step out of the car with a goodnight to his brothers and head inside and his brothers drive out of the house everyone engross in there own thought.

Stepping inside the house every single thing remind him of jadwa because everything was her idea, from the house paint, to the black furnitures down to the wooden polish staircase, everything in his life revolves around her how can he possibly forget her when she's his everything, he creak the bedroom door open and see the familiar figure on the bed making him to freeze.

"Get out of my bedroom."
Armaan say not even sparing her a glance and enter the large closet as he begin removing his clothes, he drop his zanna bukar cap on the floor, he remove his wristwatch and his phone begin ringing in the bedroom he enter the bedroom and find her still on the bed making the anger in him accumulating 10times than before.

"Are you deaf?
I said leave my bedroom I'm not sleeping with you so leave and please just try to avoid me at all costs if not you won't like the outcome."Armaan say warningly and head back to the closet as jawahir quietly leave the bedroom muttering some prayers to herself.

Well,well,well I guess Armaan isn't as simple as i thought,
jawahir dear I'm sorry.
Jadwa this isn't fair why will you do this to us?

If you are reading this for the first time and is curious to why jawahir mother(hanan) feel bad for her daughter you can as well read Afflictive desires it's hanan parents love story.

I love you all and please don't forget to comment,vote and share😊.

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