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Jawahir!"someone say tapping me by the foot and i open my eyes tiredly.

I sit upright and look at the unfamiliar parlour as my mind recall what happened making me to sigh.

"The food is ready."fadilah my brothers wife say and i nod with a smile.

"Where's jamal?"i ask and she smile dropping the plate of food on the dinning table.

"He went out with his dad,
I'm sure they will soon be back."she say just in time the front door open and brother comes in.

"Bee you are back already,
The food is even ready."his wife say as she drop the insulated food warmer on the dinning table.

I'm so tired thank goodness jamal don't want to leave with me."he say walking inside the parlour he hug his wife and place a kiss on her forehead making me drop my humble gaze to the floor.

"Jawahir you are awake.
How you doing?"he ask and turn back from his wife.

"I'm fine."I say tiredly and he nod.

"JJ food is ready.
Bismillah."fadilah say to me as she drag the chair for her husband to sit.

I amble myself to the dinning table and sit.

"Ohhh "miyan weewee aka mana yau"
I thought you said "baza'a sake yin shi a nan gidan ba"my brother ask his wife with a giant smile on his face.

"I'm trying to be nice to you doctor that's why i prepare your favorite."his wife say and drop the plate of miyan kuka in his front.

"Fadilah why are quiet didn't you like it "nasan ku matan yan london bakuchin irin wanan abinci"
There's pizza and sandwich in the fridge."fadilah say making me to chuckle.

"No I'm fine with this,
I can't actually remember when last i eat anything native."I say truthfully as i dig into my food.

"This taste amazing wifey
Gracias."my brother say to his wife with a thumbs up and i nod in aggreement.

"Miyan weewee,
Who even give that name to my precious favorite soup."my brother ask and his wife chuckle.

"JD ofcrse she said anytime they serve it to her once she finish eating it makes her high, she then go ahead and named the dry okra soup as miyan kasa saying she doesn't understand why the soup is soo rough."fadilah say and we all laugh.

"JD is crazy i really miss that dumb head, she said egusi soup looks like babies poo."fadila say laughing.

"Nice try my one now you are making me loose my appetite."my brother say and his wife laugh.

Because i called baby poo, ok
Baby poo,baby shit."she say laughing making my brother to chuckle and ignore her.

I stare at the way they playfully tease one another and make silly comments to each other and i shake my head this is exactly how i want my marriage to be, instead i mess up everything i wonder what everyone will think of me because i know it won't be long before the news reaches everyone of the family members.

  Once we both finish eating i help fadilah to clear up the dinning and the kitchen as we make small conversation which most of her talk is always about jadwa and what they did together, i don't even know how she will take the news if she find out about what i did.

"Jawahir."my brother called from the parlour.

I will be right back Anty fadila."I say  she nod and i leave the kitchen.

"Follow me."my brother say heading out as i trail behind him with a rapidly beating heart, we saunter to the back of the house and enter the beautiful garden hut, he sit on the chair and gesture to the space beside him.

"Sit."he say and i did as he say with my gaze on the floor.

"I spoke with grandpa Amir earlier and he just called me that Armaan called him that he found jadwa and he took her to a hospital because she wasn't looking healthy, they will be coming back if they assure them she's doing fine but grandpa said Armaan didn't mention about what you did instead he told him you said you wanted to come home because the house is to big for you to stay alone, so grandpa didn't bring that up so that it won't complicate things and let everyone in the family to start  misjudging you."my brother say and look at me.

"Jawahir."he called and i feel my eyes start burning in pain a sign some tears are forming.
"I know it's not easy for you but sometimes we have to be patience sabr is the key to everything, I'm sure Armaan will want to marry jadwa as his second wife when they come back, but i want you to know everyone walk in there own path of life and everything that will happen to you it's already written so all you have to do is pray, dedicate your life to the almighty and he will grace his mercy upon you, you are the victim in this case jawahir but if you let jealousy and iblis mislead you,
no one will understand your pain instead everyone will take you as the villain, so i want you to promise me jawahir,
Promise me that regardless what happened if Armaan comes back you won't let the devil mislead you just like he did."my brother say holding my hand as he wipe my tears with his handkerchief.

"I promise."I say in between sob and he hug me.

"It's ok,
Everything will be fine insha Allah."he whisper in my ear saying all sort of motivational word to me as i find myself calming down.

After some minutes we both head back inside the house as he continue telling all sort of comforting words.

"BABY."fadilah yell from the stairs making us both run toward the stairs.

"What happened?
Are you alright?"my brother hold his wife who's running down the stairs.

"Baby they've found her,
They've found jadwa.
My one JD is coming back."fadila say confused as she breakdown making her husband to hug her.

"It's ok baby,
God has answer our prayers."he say kissing her on the forehead.

"I can't believe this bee.
JD, mummy just called me that they've found her in Bulgaria.
All this while JD is not even soo far away from us, we've been to BG two times since she left we didn't even know she was with us."fadila say smiling and crying all at the same time.

I enter the guest bedroom downstairs and lay on the bed reminiscing about my life since before i even find my real parents,my life has always been like a roller coaster movement it always change in a dramatical manner.

Drop your comment and please be commenting you are making it extremely bored for me to type because sometimes your comments is what motivates and give me idea.

I love you all❤.

Poor jawahir i understand your pain my dear .

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