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2 years later

Sitted on the carpeted parlour watching the Disney channel showing princess sophia the little girl smile happily as her mother arrange the food on the dinning table.

Farhana!!."jadwa call standing by the dinning table and the little girl turn with a smile.

"Ummah."she call and stand up, she walk to the dinning table making her mother to chuckle by the way she's pouting.

"You hate eating right,
My baby hate food."jadwa say and pick the little girl making her to laugh.

"Come on let's eat so we can go to grandpa house."jadwa say and sit her daughter on the high children chair as she begin feeding her.

For the past two years her marriage has been a living hell to her if it isn't for her daughter and parents she would have leave the marriage a long time ago,
She's been through a roller coaster of problems, the last time she saw her husband happy with her was 2years ago at the hospital when she was brought out from the theatre but ever since then he has become a complete different person, he can't even stand to look at her rather than spend time with her nor her daughter they have become an insignificant thing to him,
Jadwa have learn to live in the house all alone with her daughter it was a decision she has to make because of her grandfather who she promised she would endure whatever happened,
But what even bothers jadwa the most is the fact that armaan hardly pays attention to farhana, she doesn't have problems with him ignoring and avoiding her but farhana needs a fatherly bond but
what can she do?
when her husband isn't ready to take his responsibility as a father.
Previously within the year jadwa has started working in her grandfather exchanged firm so she wouldn't depend on her husband knowing so well he didn't care about them,
Her grandfather is the only person that she could tell her problems to which he always tells her everything will come to an end he did took her to some scholars few times but it's all same answer "her husband will come back to her soon"but how soon can she wait it's been two miserable years.
"Mummy when is daddy coming back?"farhana ask making her mother to sigh.

"Soon baby girl.
Daddy will come back soon before your birthday."jadwa say with a smile and farhana node just in time the parlour door open.

Apparently armaan took jawahir and samirah on vacation jadwa didn't even get to know about it until fadilah called and told her she came across the two at there grandfather house to say there goodbye to which armaan lied to there grandfather that jadwa said she's not going do to work.

"Daddy."farhana call excited and jump down from her chair jadwa try holding her daughter but the girl quickly wiggle out of her grip and run to her father hugging him by the leg with a giant smile.

"Get off my legs."armaan say and remove the girl from his legs, he glance at jadwa with a look of disgust before heading upstairs with the traveling bags in his hand.

Jadwa sigh and stand up from the chair with a weak smile ,this isn't the first time armaan is doing this to her daughter she have tried talking to him  which ended up in a dumb ear with a serious warning saying he would divorce her and she should know her place in the house.

"Faryn mummy,
Stop crying daddy is tired he just got back from work and he need to rest."jadwa say with a weak smile and pick her daughter as jawahir and her daughter walk inside the house.

Jawahir glance at them and head upstairs with her daughter who's sleeping on her shoulder, jawahir knows she's now the only woman in her husband life,  he's always with her and listen to every single thing she says, she could vividly remember the last time he enter jadwas bedroom was when she got back from the hospital but he couldn't even last for two minutes he left, jawahir sometimes feels guilty for doing what she did but it was a decision she has to make so she could gain her husband affection which it is indeed worth it.

Coming out of her car jadwa pick her sleeping daughter and close the car door shut, she greets the few cleaners roaming around the house as she ascend to the staircase, she take the left turn and push open the large glass door to the giant luxurious parlour gaining the elderly men attention.

"My wife."Amir say with a smile making jadwa to chuckle and lay her daughter on the white royal chair with a smile.

"My old husband.
How are you.
Daddy good evening."jadwa greet and sit next to her grandfather with a smile.

"Evening my dear.
How is your husband?"hafiz ask his daughter who node.

"Fine daddy,
I bring farhana to stay some few days before the holidays end."jadwa say and her father node in understanding.

"Ok aabbah let me be going,
Just say to check on you i was actually coming back from my dad's house my mum isn't feeling to well."hafiz say standing up.

"Yes my wife told me about that we will go check on her later in the night or tomorrow morning,
My regards to my daughter."Amir say and hafiz node.

"Jadwa greet your husband for me."hafiz say and she yell alright before her dad leaves the parlour pushing the giant glass door closes with a creak.

"Good evening grandpa."jadwa greets again with a heavy sigh.

"Evening jadwa.
How is life and everything?"Amir ask worriedly looking at his favorite grand daughter who node.

Amir feels really sorry for jadwa he doesn't want to encourage divorce in the family since its a principle which he promised no one would ever divorce his wife in there family regardless the situation if not he would have ask armaan to divorce jadwa, for the past two years she's been through a lot and he really feel sorry for her ,he has tried his optimum best but wherever he go seeking for help from some scholars its always thesame answer someone has burried something evil until that is dig out things will remain thesame.

"So i went to Niger yesterday and i met this scholar who i explain the situation you are in.
Well he told me same thing that someone did something to seperate you from your husband but he gave  this to give you, that you should always use a burner at night to steam your bedroom with it he said he won't guarantee me to break the spell but your husband will pay attention to you."Amir explain and remove the silver container from his pocket.

"Thank you grandpa.
I don't have problems with him ignoring me but farhana she's growing up without even a single fathers affection it hurt me every single time i see the way he treats her."jadwa say collecting the silver container as she explain to her grandfather what transpire between the two previously before she leaves home.

"Patience jadwa,
Exercise some Sabr almighty wouldn't test you this way if he knows you aren't strong enough, Allah subhanahu watalah test every single being in a way he believes they can endure God can't put you in a situation if he knows you aren't strong enough we fail when we quit but if you continue to exercise some Sabr you will pass this phase insha Allah because nothing last forever."Amir say optimistically and jadwa sigh.

"May the almighty choose what's best for us."jadwa say and her grandfather mutter ameen.

The two spend the evening talking mostly about farhana upcoming birthday which jadwa wants to celebrate in her grandfather house.

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With love from Autan-mama.❤

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