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Halting in the garage Armaan say hi to the security guy before heading inside the house, he knows how furious jadwa is with him for accepting the marriage proposal but he have to see her, he misses her and crave her attention.

"Ohh please sweetheart stop crying, jadwa will come around she's just a teenager and will never understand that what we are doing now is the best for her, once she marry Armaan she will forget about that British boy."his uncle hafiz voice say once he enter the parlour making him to walk quietly to where the voice is coming from.

"I am tired of jadwa and her petulant behavior it makes me sick, sometimes I doubt wether she's my daughter it's frustrating a...an..."hanan try saying but couldn't, Armaan quietly leave the parlour, he feels as if he's invading there privacy.

He curses the day jadwa saw Aleey and regret ever coming along with him to Nigeria, he believe if only he never bring him then jadwa and him would have been doing fine and he's confident she wouldn't have rejected there marriage proposal, he stands by the garden entrance with a sigh and facepalm.

  The familiar voice coming from the garden makes him walk deep inside he freeze at the sight of the two, he watch as Aleey kisses jadwa with his hand fumbling around her body, his  adrenaline begin burning with anger as he enter the garden and drag Aleey by the shirt throwing him on the floor striking his fist into his face.

  Jadwa try dragging Armaan off Aleey but she couldn't as he continue striking his fist into Aleeys face who's whining in pain, jadwa angrily pushes Armaan off Aleey and kneel next to him.

"What is wrong with you jadwa?
You didn't even know this guy,
Do you have any idea that what you are doing its affecting everyone one around you psychologically, yo.......

"I don't care!
How dare you hit him like this,
I don't love you, I don't want to be with you and you can't force me to."jadwa yell helping Aleey up.

"You are leaving this house right this minutes, it was a big mistake you coming along with us and now you want to break our family apart, you are leaving this house right now!"Armaan yell and head to the apartment where Aleey is staying and begin tossing his clothes into the suitcase as he grumble to himself.

"What do you think you are doing?"jadwa say entering the bedroom and try snatching the suitcase from Armaan.

"He's leaving this house right now!
JD you barely know this guy, I myself don't even know him so well and he's kissing you, you are kissing a stranger, your first kiss with a complete stranger."Armaan say and continue tossing aleeys clothes into the suitcase.

"What i do with my life is none of your business ya Armaan, you didn't own this house and you have no right to throw him out."jadwa yell the bedroom door creak open making them both to turn Aleey limp inside the bedroom with hafiz behind him.

"What's going on here ?"hafiz ask looking at his sister, his gaze turn to Armaan before he glance back at Aleey.

"Ya armaan wants Aleey to leave."jadwa grumble.

"And so?
was  he not the one that brought him in? i don't know what you are thinking jadwa but you and i both know you are marrying Armaan no matter what so i think it's better if you lower your stupid ego and be obedient to your family for once, young man i don't know you and i don't want to but if you know the importance of family then i will appreciate if you leave my sister and family alone so we can find some serenity."hafiz say looking at Aleey.

Aleey quietly walk to the bed and close his suitcase, he pick his backpack and limp to the door, he glance one more time at the three beings in the bedroom before walking out.

Jadwa try going after him but her brother hold her hands making her to break down in tears as he hug her to his chest muttering soothing words into her ear. 

Seeing jadwa crying is so frustrating to Armaan, knowing he is the reason behind those tears causes a lot of pain in him and knowing within him what actually put her in that state he feels like an idiot, As bad as he doesn't want to hurt jadwa but he can't watch her loving someone else not him as selfish as that may sound but that's the truth, he love jadwa and it means her going through pain before she become his then he's sorry about that,

Hafiz sit his sister on the bed and excuse himself to get his sister a case of water, jadwa cry silently using her veil to clean her tears.

"Ja.....Armaan say trying to touch her but she swat his hand away with a sniff.

Never did she ever think even in her wildest dream that Armaan will do such thing to her, she trusted him even do she feel guilty for not loving him back but she thought he will always put her feelings into consideration before his nevertheless that doesn't happened and he seperated her from Aleey he doesn't even think about what danger he could possibly face in such a big city which he doesn't even know anyone.

"Jd I'm sorry,
I know you think I'm selfish which i agreed with you but i can't bare Seeing you with anyone not myself, I love you JD you are what make me and I'm sorry for hurting you the way i did."he say and hold her hands.

"You should look for Aleey and make sure he's fine, he's a stranger ya Armaan how could you be Soo mean."she say and Armaan sigh.

"Believe me jd, Aleey is fine he's an adult and can take care of himself, I love you jd please just give me a chance to prove it to you."Armaan say and jadwa remove her hands from his.

The last thing she wants to talk about is his pathetic love for her she leave the apartment with different silly,crazy thoughts ringing into her head.

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