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The days passes by quickly for armaan and it's exactly 2weeks since he married the love of his life,
Jadwa was everything perfect to him even more than he's expected, she is what complete him.

Yau zaka tafi ka barni
Can i even sleep i am used to cuddling next to you."jadwa say putting on the long fitted gown.

"Please don't remind me of that,
I myself i am not sure wether i can sleep, let's just drop that topic."armaan say looking at his reflection in the giant royal mirror.

The two continue dressing up as the talk mostly about there cousins and there weird behaviors.

Clad in the red ankara skirt and blouse jawahir look at herself in the mirror she really wants to look her best for her husband do they are going to there family house she doesn't know what to expect.
The knock on the door makes her pick her handbag from the bed, she glance at herself in the mirror one more time before walking to the door.

" Good morning."she say to armaan who node ,he glance at her before urging for her to go first as he trail behind her down the stairs.

Jadwa look at jawahir and shrug she has been the one greeting her for the past two weeks since they brought her to this house and today she decide to observe wether jawahir usually do it intentionally or she wants her to be the one always greeting her.

The three walk to the car with jawahir and armaan in the front jadwa answer her ringing phone and press it to her ear.

Armaan scan his garage trying to delay so jadwa would be done with making her call because he seriously don't want jawahir to sit with him in the front as selfish as that may sound but that's how he feel.

"I'm tired of standing.
Can you please open the car we are going with?"jawahir say looking at armaan who's engross looking at jadwa who's standing few feet away from the garage with her phone press to her ear.

"Ohh sorry."armaan say and click open the blue SUV and jawahir open the passenger seat and enter making jadwa to roll her eyes.

Armaan enter the driver seat and jadwa enter the back seat with a sigh, he adjust the mirror so he could see jadwa from the back seat.

The drive to the family house was a quiet everyone engrossed in there own thoughts, armaan wonder wether he can cope with two wives he pray to almighty to give him the ability to do justice between his two wives.


"My princess come and tell me how is armaan treating you?"hafiz ask jadwa who smile sitting next to him on the couch.

"Allah daddy I'm treating her well can't you see she add some flesh within two weeks."armaan say making everyone to laugh.

"Jawahir how have you been?"hafiz ask and jawahir node with a smile.

"Marriage is all about understanding,
I know it's difficult but you two are sisters please don't let love blind the two of you and do something you will regret, life is short so live it in peace,
Armaan take care of my girls fate has make them to be yours please treat them right and make sure you do justice between them."hafiz say and armaan node.

"Thank you daddy.
Insha Allah i won't disappoint you."armaan say and hafiz node.

The front door open and there mother hanan, malika,khadijah and samira comes in.

"Our wives."fadilah say as they all head to the kitchen and drop the groceries before coming back to the parlour.

They all dive to conversation mostly fadilah,khadijat and malika doing the talking while samira and jawahir talk mostly about school.
Once is evening armaan comes back and drive his wives back home.


"You should go and sleep.
Dee she's your wife i don't want God to punish you for injustice."jadwa say pushing armaan from the bed.

Let me spend one hour."he say snuggling next to jadwa as she pushe him and remove his tight grip from her.

"Leave my bed.
I don't want problem come and be going."jadwa say and push him from the bed throwing the pillow at him.

I will go but tomorrow i will sleep here do."he say and jadwa laugh.

You will spend one week with either of us that's how men with two wives do and you will be of no difference."jadwa say and armaan snort.

"I am not doing mine that way.
It's one day each."armaan say and jadwa shake her head laughing.

"Goodnight my giant teddy bear."she say and armaan smile.

I love you."he say, he kiss her on the forehead and leave making jadwa to sigh heavily, she switch off the lights, make some supplication and cover herself with the blanket.

The creaking sound of the bedroom is what gains jawahir attention from where she's sitting in front of the mirror.

"Good evening.
Can i help you with something?"she ask cleaning her face with the wet cotton wool soak with face cleanser.

Armaan look at her weirdly and sit in the couch.

"I'm here to sleep ofcrse.
Am i not welcome?"he ask looking at the short white transparent night wear on jawahir body as she stand up.

"You are ofcrse.
After all i am the uwar gida."jawahir say sitting next to armaan making him to chuckle slightly and stand up.

"I'm super sleepy.
You look good by the way."he compliments and pick the pillow from the bed

"Thank you."jawahir say looking weirdly at him as he drop the pillow on the couch and lay down.

"Aren't you going to sleep on the bed?"she ask and he shake his head with his eyes close.

I'm fine here you can sleep on the bed."armaan say as if it's nothing making jawahir to stand up from the couch.

She stare at armaan wondering why he always do this to her,
She wonder wether he do it to make her angry or to show her how insignificant she is in his life.

"Why do you always do this to me armaan,
It's been more than a year since we got married you have never touch me I'm a human you know that right,
I have needs to stop what you are doing because you are hurting me terribly,
Your life always revolves around jadwa it's as if she's the only important thing to you, I'm sick and tired of you treating me like a garbage."jawahir say with her eyes close she open her eyes and armaan is far asleep making her to sigh with a snort.

She wipe her tears and switch of the light before ambling herself to the bed and lay down.

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