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Two years passed by and nothing changes in the armaan household,
Jawahir has once again regained her husband attention it reaches to the stage that whenever armaan sees jadwa and her daughter he gets irritated and will send them away from him, jadwa careless about that because she barely pay attention to either of them but it always breaks her apart whenever farhana try getting close to her dad he would send her away, the little girl get soo used to it and she barely even go to her dad.

"Farhanan mummy."jadwa say to her daughter who's playing on there bedroom floor with the Ipad.

"Yes mummy."farhana answer with her gaze still fix on the screen of the IPad.

"Go get me a case of water from the kitchen, I need to take my medication."jadwa say from where she's laying on the bed.

"Ok mummy."farhana say and leave the bedroom.

Previously within the year jadwa was diagnosed with pulmonary heart disease, her grandfather advices her on requesting a divorce since he knows the situation of her marriage but jadwa declined and said she doesn't want farhana to leave her father's house, it was a decision everyone object but jadwa refuses to listen to anyone and go back to her husband house, it's no longer something to hide in the extended Amir family that jawahir has cast a spell on there husband within the year they have try there best to do everything they can to make armaan realises he isn't in his right senses but all effort seems in vain and they all give up waiting for a miracle to happen.

"Good afternoon."farhana greet and walk pass the family who are watching television in the parlour, with jawahir heavily pregnant armaan barely leave the house since she's passed her EDD.

"My one get me a case of water please."jawahir say and armaan node,
He head to the kitchen and spot farhana picking a case of water from the firdge.

"Hey get out of from this kitchen."armaan say irritated and farhana turn from the fridge.

"I want to take water to my mummy."farhana say the little girl has started to generate an intense hatred towards her dad, do her mother always tell her how Much her dad care about her but farhana always look at her dad in a very different way.

"I said drop the water and leave."armaan say sternly but farhana hold the water to her chest staring intensely into her father's eyes with soo much hatred.

"What is going on?"the familiar voice say making farhana to look at her mother who's standing by the kitchen door.

"Daddy ask me to drop the case of water."farhana say and jadwa shake her head tiredly as she gesture for her daughter to drop the water and come.

"I said drop the case of water."armaan say sternly to the farhana but the little girl clutch the bottle of water and try walk pass him but he drag her by the ear making her to screech in pain.

Haba this girl is your daughter,
How can you be treating her this way,
Don't you know she's going to grow with soo much hatred towards you,
She is 4years she isn't a small girl, she sees everything you are doing and children barely forget things."jadwa say angrily looking at armaan who's still holding farhana by the ear.

"How is that your concern,
I have tell you several times to leave my house, you and your daughter should leave my house."armaan say and pushes farhana making the girl to fall on the marble kitchen tiles.

He pick the water from the fridge and leave the kitchen grumbling about how Much of a burden jadwa and her daughter has become in his life.

"Farhanan mummy."jadwa say walking inside the kitchen and kneel next to her daughter with a weak smile.
She pick the case of water farhana is still holding and smile.

"Your Daddy loves you he's just angry a.......jadwa don't get to finish her daughter stand up and storm out of the kitchen making her to sigh.

Jadwa knows very well her daughter has a very temperamental anger issues, farhana it's just 5 but jadwa fears how the little girl always keep things in her heart, she's one of those people that doesn't forget things easily and barely forgive mistakes.


Pacing in there bedroom jawahir feel the extreme excruciating pain in her abdomen multiplying two times, she tap gently on her husband foot and his eyes open abruptly.

"Yes baby."armaan say sitting upright.

"I think the baby is coming."jawahir say biting her bottom lips.

Hold on let me get the baby bag and we will leave."armaan say and rush to the giant closet, he pick the baby bag and haul it on his back before helping jawahir up and they leave the bedroom.

The crashing sound from the bedroom is what wakes farhana,
the little girl roam around the bed but couldn't find her mother, she fumble around the bed trying to reach the bedside lamp to switch it on but crash it on the floor.

"Mummy."farhana call trying to stand up but step on the shattered glass lamp making her to scream.

"Mummy."farhana call again crying as she limp to the closet where the red Ray of light is illustrating from.

The guggle sound from the bathroom it's what gains her attention and she rush to the bathroom not bother by the pain on her foot.

"Mummy."farhana say following the trace of blood from the closet and the she found her mother on the pool of red blood staining the white tiles of the bathroom.

Jadwa vomited the content of blood on the floor and try sitting up but she couldn't, farhana look at her mum face the blood coming from her nose makes the little girl cringe.

I'm coming."farhana say and run out of the bathroom leaving the bedroom.

She bange on jawahir door but to no avail and she open the bedroom door she found it empty and she run down the stairs calling her dad.

Armaan help jawahir inside the back seat and drop the baby back in the front seat with him.

"I will go get samira."armaan say and head back to the house.

"Daddy."a voice say from the house making him to run inside the house.

Mummy is bleeding,
There's blood everywhere in mummy bathroom."farhana say holding her father's hand but he swat her hand.

"Let go off me."armaan say farhana trail behind him crying as she narrate how she found her mum to him.

He head for jawahir bedroom and farhana follow him, farhana watch as he pick sleeping samira from the baby bed and pick the water bottle from the bedside.

My mummy is sick."farhana say and armaan push her from the door and close the bedroom door shut.

"Daddy."farhana yell crying as she trail behind her father on the stairs but he ignore her.


"Leave me alone."armaan yell turning to face farhana.
"Let her die,
I don't care "kinji"
sai shegen damuwa da kafiya kamar uwarki"armaan say with a hiss and leave the parlour.

Farhana head back to the bedroom and run to the bathroom.

"Mummy."she call touching her mother who's laying on the stain white tiles.

"Mummy."farhana call touching her mother but she didn't budge.

Farhana run back to the bedroom and switch on the light, she search for her mother's phone but couldn't find it and run back to the bathroom.

"Mummy where's your phone?"farhana say crying shaking her mother's body.

The little girl run out of the bedroom and head for the gate shouting the there security guard name.

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