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The next day jadwa wakes up with a very intense headache, she sit upright on her bed and pick her phone she text khadijah and malika to come help her with the chores which they gladly agree to it she amble herself to the bathroom yesterday armaan was supposed to be with her but jawahir complain of not feeling to well so jadwa let him sleepover there.

Coming down the stairs jadwa rush to the ringing door and open it widely as malika and khadijah come.

"How are you feeling?
"Koh dan baba ya samu neh.."malika say in her bad hausa accent making them to both laugh.

"I want to prepare some akara,masa and pepper sauce my husband told me he's been craving that for the past week, I have already managed to do the necessary things yesterday night, we will just blend the beans and rice for the masa "jadwa say as they enter the kitchen.

"Sorry."khadijah as jadwa massage her throbbing head.

"Thank you.
Please i will just lay for a moment in the parlour."jadwa say and leave the kitchen.

She lay on the couch with her eyes close she called ya hafiz and tell him the necessary symptoms and he says it's malaria and she took some anti malaria for that.

Coming down the stairs jawahir hear the murmuring in the kitchen , she glance at sleeping jadwa before walking to the kitchen.

"Ya malik promised us that trip i wouldn't miss it for anything, the last time you all went to Goa i didn't go i was writing my finals."malika say as she dip the beans paste into the hot oil.

Jawahir enter the kitchen and walk to the fridge ignoring the two girls in the kitchen who also pretend as if she's invisible as they talk mostly about the upcoming vacation and there previous vacation, she pick the hand towel and leave the kitchen, she begin dusting the dinning table as armaan descend down the stairs with his phone press to his ear.

"What are you doing?"he say ending the call and putting the phone back inside his pocket.

Jadwa said she's tired and i should start doing something's so she could rest for some few days."jawahir say with a shrug as armaan feels his pulse picking up do to anger.

"Drop the stupid thing."he say collecting the towel, he spot jadwa sleeping on the couch, he walk to the couch and tap her a little hard making her eyes to flutter open.


"Why will you ask jawahir to clean the house when you know very well what they said about the pregnancy."armaan say in annoyance as his voice echoes around the house making khadijat and malika to come out of the kitchen.

"Good morning ya armaan."the two say making him to turn his gaze confused.

"And what are you two doing this early in my house?"he ask looking at the two girls still on there pyjamas.

we are here to help jadwa out she isn't feeling to well."khadija say her British accent very clear.

Sorry baby,
But you shouldn't still ask jawahir to work in this condition."armaan say sitting next to jadwa who's staring at jawahir in bewilderment.

"I didn't ask jawahir to do anything,
I didn't even know she's awake i have been sleeping since when khadijah and malika came."She say and armaan turn his gaze to jawahir who's holding the hand towel looking innocent.

"You didn't?
But ja.......

"You think I'm going to lie to you or what?
She's just exhausted and i can understand that she's tired of doing all the chores ok,"jawahir say shamefully lieing.

I didn't ask you to clean the house why are you lieing?
I didn't even see you today if not this moment,"jadwa say standing up from the couch she can tolerate anything but she can't appreciate people lieing about what she didn't do.

"Sorry to interrupt but jadwa has been asleep since we came to this house and jawahir enter the kitchen and left with the hand towel.
Nobody ask her to clean anything she's just cooking up some shitty scene."malika say with a glare at jawahir who snort.

"You know what ya armaan.
I'm glad you witness this today because that's what i always faced whenever you are out of town or at work,
I thought jadwa was happy about this pregnancy but it's clear she's not,
I know i hurt her in the past but i apologize no one is above a mistake right,
But anytime you leave for work this girls come over making me uncomfortable in my own home."jawahir say and start crying making armaan to sigh.

"J stop crying your emotions affect the baby please.
Jadwa why are you doing all this?
I thought we've talked about this and you said you didn't hold anything against jawahir.
Why the sudden change?"armaan say hugging jawahir who's still sniffing wiping her tears making jadwa to snort.

So i am the bad one now because i show kind gesture towards her?
Look at her armaan it's clear she's lieing and I'm sure you know i wouldn't do anything of that nature,
I don't keep grudges you know that and if i choose to forgive i do it wholeheartedly,
What exactly will i even gain by doing whatever jawahir is trying to accuse me of?"
Don't forget that I'm the victim here ya armaan, I was the one been drugged and i loss my baby which I am not even sure wether i will be bless with another one yet.
If you start acting this selfish because she's pregnant what else will you do when she give birth?
You will ditch me or divorce me because i will be insignificant in your life right?"jadwa say feeling the anger in her doubling making armaan to sigh.

."I don't mean it in a harsh way jd.
I'm just trying to remind you that she is on bed rest and You were the one that offers to help.
If you are tired of doing the chores i can bring a maid."armaan suggest he really don't want to upset either of his wife, jadwa hiss and leave the parlour to her bedroom slamming the bedroom door shut as it loudly echoes around the house.

"I am late for work.
I will call and check on you later.
Take care of yourself."armaan say and hug Jawahir,
He place a kiss on her forehead and leave the parlour.

"You are a very good hypocrite."khadijah say with a snort and enter the kitchen.

"She's a street girl,
That's what they are good at,
Jamila will ruin you."malika say with a head shake and head upstairs to check on jadwa...

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