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The next morning jawahir wake up with a giant smile on her face, the very night she's been anticipating for comes so unexpectedly to her and it was everything she always wished for, she stare at armaan who's peacefully sleeping and smile, she amble herself to the bathroom to get rid of all the bloody stain and body aches.

Exhausted is the best word to describe how he is feeling, armaan open his eyes and the first thing he see is jawahir who's is sitting on the couch blow drying her wet hair, he stare in awe at the length of her hair unlike jadwa who's hair is extremely full without length, jadwa is everything opposite jawahir and armaan wouldn't choose either of them because they are both perfect in his eyes.

"Good morning sunshine."jawahir say with a smile and armaan smile as he reminisce about the previous night.

"Morning J.
Do you need help?"he ask and she node he put on his joggers trousers before coming down from the bed.

"Your hair it's adorable."he compliment making her to smile.

"Thank you my one."she say as armaan blow dry it, once he's done he  tie it into a bun for her before ambling himself to the bathroom as jawahir clean the bedroom and change the bed spread before heading downstairs to prepare breakfast for her husband.

Singing only you by bella shmurda jadwa dance as she put her chicken inside the oven and jawahir comes in.

Jawahir bring out the necessary ingredients to prepare a pancake for armaan as jadwa sing her song waiting patiently for her chicken, jawahir presence always irritate her and if she stay too long in the kitchen with her she will just do something she will end up regretting.

"Good morning wifey."armaan say and slightly hug jawahir as he glance at jadwa who look really uninterested in the both them.

"Morning sweetheart."jawahir say and they kiss each other, once the oven dings jadwa remove her chicken and dish it on the plate, she put it on a tray and add a bottle of lemon juice to the tray she pick her phone and the mp3 before exiting out of the kitchen.


"It worked kawana,
It did perfectly well,
like seriously she's like invisible in this house he doesn't care about her."jawahir voice echo around the house as jadwa descended down the stairs.

"Yeah I'm at home please come over he traveled to London this morning his dad need him over there for a few days."jawahir say as she look at jadwa who walk to the parlour door and open it.

Sai kinzo kawai."jawahir say and end the call as khadijah,malika, zainab and fadilah come inside the house.

She look at them as they walk pass her to the kitchen making her to snort, jawahir doesn't care about anyone henceforth she do promise herself if her cousins won't treat her with respect she do just ignore them besides they never liked her jamila was the only one that seems bother about her right from the beginning,
She stand up and head back to her bedroom.

So jawahir now has become a madam.
Ai daman anche Dan adam bai iya samun wuri" even crossing her legs."malika say making everyone to chuckle.

"Jamila has completely changed the innocent girl, nevertheless that's there wahala to deal with i seriously don't care, she can have the ya armaan for all i care."jadwa say with a shrug.

"Jd we all know it hurt and regardless how you will pretend that it doesn't bother you it is indeed bothering you, it hurt we all know it will fucking hurt, ordinary boyfriend if someone snatched him away from you it hurt, this is your husband we are talking about, someone you've been together with since childhood, I know you are trying to be strong jd but we all know how strong you are since you survived the harsh city of Bulgaria."khadija say and everyone node in agreement.

"I know right khadijah.
Maybe God just want to punish me for what i did in the past, if only i didn't run away on our wedding day she wouldn't even come into the picture, it's all my fault,
i am to blame for everything i just have to accept whatever it's happening now as part of my Qadr and exercise some sabr."jadwa say with a weak smile and slightly wipe the tears that are threatening to leave her eyes making her cousins to frown.

"Sorry you have to go through this jd,
You know we will always be here for you whenever you need someone to talk to, we care about you and you will always be everyone's favorite cousin.
Right."zainab say as they embrace her into a hug.

"Thank you girls.
You are the best and stop been to nice it's choking me and so unlike you girls."she say slightly beating each of them making them to laugh.

The three begin preparing the chicken barbecue as they talk mostly about there relationship obstacles giving each other some sisterly advice.

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