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2weeks has past since jawahir last saw her husband which was the night of there wedding that he sent out of his room ever since then she never see him again.
  The empty garage was the sign he's not home every morning and the creaking of his bedroom door at night was what alert her of his presence,
Sitting in her bedroom jawahir sigh,
Do her mum send her food cople of times after the wedding but jawahir stop her since she's the only one that usually eat the food and say she would cook by herself, the first time she cooked and keep it on the dinning table for Armaan it was untouched, the next day she decided to keep it in his bedroom with the intention of maybe he didn't noticed it on the dinning table, she wake up the following day to find the food and the warmers in the trash ever since then she decide not to serve him anything.

  The doorbell ring making her to furrow her brow nobody has ever visit her since she marry, she head downstairs and open the door.

"Ya hafiz,
Good afternoon please come in."jawahir say with a smile gesturing for them to come in.

"Ya fadilah,
Good afternoon."jawahir say smiling and fadilah node as they sit in the parlour.

"Ya hafiz how are you and everyone,
I've been budging ya Armaan to take me to visit everyone but he didn't want to."jawahir lie with a smile as her brother stare at her worried.

"It's fine we just want to check on you,
Are you eating at all, Dee can you excuse us please just want to talk to her for a few minutes."hafiz say to his wife,fadilah leave the parlour and head to the kitchen.

I know you are not happy and Armaan is treating you rough but you have to try to make things work with him, i know it will be hard but you have to try, let him know jadwa isn't the only one that can make him happy, you are married to him, he's your husband there's no shame in trying to make him yours, I'm really sorry you have to go through all this."hafiz say to his sister as jawahir feel her vision blurring she wipe away her tears and smile awkwardly at hafiz making him to frown.

"Everything will be fine,
I don't know why jadwa did what she did i am angry at her but I'm still worried, I really hope someone find her Armaan has been posting her pictures online with a missing person report and people have been sharing it , hopefully its gone viral and we receive a positive feedback."hafiz say he doesn't know why he's telling jawahir all this but he just needed someone to talk to and she's the only one he confide in.

"Ameen."jawahir say not knowing what to say she also hope they find jadwa.

"Call my wife for me let's be going we were just passing by and decided to check on you, we are going to Zanzibar next week for our honeymoon."he say and jawahir smile.

Allah ya kaiku lafiya.
Where is that?"jawahir ask and hafiz chuckle.

"It's Tanzania,
From there we will go to Santorini in Greece and then we will come back."he explain and she nod.

"Let me call ya fadila."she say and head to the kitchen.


Mum i don't love her how do you expect me to take her for a honeymoon, please just drop that topic already."Armaan say to his mother who's arranging her suitcase.

Anyway when are you coming back or are you relocating to Nigeria, it will be cool your grandfather will find a nice job for you."Asma say to her son with a smile and he snort.

I was going to stay in Nigeria because i was going to marry jadwa and she doesn't want to be far away from her parents, I'm coming to London after the summer i already took the whole summer off from work."Armaan grumble and his mum smile at him.

"That's good.
I am sure jawahir will love it there."she say and Armaan look at her baffle.

"I'm not going with her,
Mum please you all should stop acting as if this marriage will work because it won't, i don't love her you all know that."he say in annoyance and his mum sigh.

"Come on my giant baby boy.
I know you both don't love each other but you've to move on my boy, jadwa doesn't even deserve you jawahir is an awesome girl give her a chance, get to know her and you will forget about jadwa."she say and Armaan snort.

"I will see you off in the airport tomorrow mum, jadwa is my one and only love,
We only love once and jadwa is the first and last girl I'll ever love so please you all should stop disturbing me about my so called wife."Armaan say and leave the bedroom.

He enter the blue maserati his grandfather Amir gift to him and head home, he hoped someone have the slightest information about jadwa, someone told him she saw her in the airport the day of our wedding but she doesn't know wether or not she's traveling that day, so there's probability of jadwa leaving the country or relocating to another state.

The drive from his grandparents house to his house it's a 15minutes drive once he park the car in the garage he wave at the gateman and head inside the house.


The creaking of the parlour door makes jawahir heartbeat skip a bit, she wonder why Armaan is home early today it's 4pm she mutter to herself, she watch as he walked up the stairs to his bedroom and go back to preparing her dishe as she reminisce on what her brother say to her,.maybe he's right she should be the one trying to fix things with him she's his wife, after all she always has a thing for him from the first time she set her eyes on him and now destiny bring them together, with a smile jawahir just know how to make her husband and her become close.

The soft knock on his bedroom door make him look up from his laptop and hiss, he continue going through his social media pages as he through the comments on jawahir missing person picture that he posted, another knock on the door makes him sigh trying to control his anger, he stand up and open the bedroom door.

"What?"he bark looking at jawahir who's holding a plate of food.

"I'm sorry,
I bring you food."she say in a whisper as her heartbeat begin beating rapidly and her hand trembling.

"I don't want your stupid food.
I thought i made it clear that you should avoid me at any cost."Armaan say warningly his accent prominent as he point her with his finger.

"I......he doesn't let her finish her sentence he slamm the door close,
Jawahir breathe out heavily and knock again after few minutes the door swing open.

"Ya.....she try saying but he collect the plate from her hand and throw it on the floor shattering it into pieces with the plantain sauce smash on the black tiles.

He slam the door shut angrily making jawahir to jerk frighten as she look at the messy floor baffle, maybe trying to be close with Armaan isn't as easy as she thought.

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