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"This is good news, but you need to be prayerful and stop been harsh on your husband you know it's definitely not his doing, armaan care about you and whoever it's doing this come rain ,come sunshine it will definitely comes to an end some day."Amir say and jadwa sigh.

We all know this is nobody doing rather than jawahir an..........

"Stop been judgemental toward your sister, keep praying and remain optimistic just because you and jawahir don't get along doesn't mean she can go to the extent of making armaan turn against you for years, none of my blood will be that selfish this should be the very last time you will say something like this."Amir say sternly and jadwa snort with an eyeroll.

I'm leaving farhana here i want to go visit fadilah, she told me khadijah and malika are coming today."jadwa say standing up with a sigh.

"Yes about that.
The wedding is going to hold same time , jamila is already coming she called me this morning, they are all going to marry they aren't getting any younger."Amir say and jadwa sigh.

"Take care of yourself old man."jadwa say and leave the parlour anticipating to meet her best friend.

Crying silently on the couch fadilah wipe her running nose with a sigh, the doorbell ring making her to stand up and amble herself to the door, she open it and turn back knowing exactly who's at the door.

"Fadilah."jadwa say closing the door shut and walk inside the parlour.
She drop her handbag on the center table and sit next to her best friend worriedly.

"Where's jamal and samha?
What happened?
Why are you crying?
Where's ya hafiz?"jadwa bombard the questions confused as she hold her best friend two hand staring at her puffy eyes it's clear she's been crying for a very long time.

"Fadilah what happened?
You are scaring and making me worried."jadwa say and fadilah break down hugging her best friend like her life depends on her.

Ya......y...ya ...hafiz is marrying a second wife."fadilah say in between sob as jadwa feel her heart drop.

"Second wife?
A rival.
I'm so sorry."jadwa say not knowing what to say as she hug her best friend who's crying profusely as she whisper soothing words into her ear.
Jadwa wonder why her brother choose to hurt her best friend this way, fadilah is the only shoulder she used to rely on to cry and now she's going to go through same thing she's going through she feel really sorry for her.

"When did he tell you?"jadwa ask after fadilah stop crying.

"This morning."fadilah say sitting upright and wipe her tears with a sniff.

"This is really surprising.
Did grandfather knows about it?
Who's the girl?"jadwa ask impatiently and fadilah release a heavy breathe.

"He said it isn't something he wants to do but the elders in the family has already make the decision and he can't object since i know the principles and norms of this family regarding questioning the elders decisions,
that isn't the case jadwa, they told him this for the past 3days and he didn't even tell me until today when the elders have already discussed the wedding date."fadilah say and wipe her tears as jadwa hold her hand for comfort massaging them.

"Sorry fadilah.
Everything will be fine insha Allah nothing last forever keep praying to the almighty to choose what's best for you."jadwa say reassuringly and fadilah shake her head.

"No jadwa.
Nothing is going to be normal again because jamila is going to be my rival, of all people jamila.
Why did ya hafiz have to be the one."fadilah say crying and jadwa stare at her mouth open.

"Jamila?"jadwa say and fadilah node wiping her tears.

"Jamila is going to be my rival.
Ya hafiz told me that she and ya Danish aren't together anymore and since khadijah and everyone have found suitors except she then grandpa raheem decided ya hafiz should marry her."fadilah explain crying and jadwa sigh, she engulf her best friend into a hug as the two continue saying all sort of soothing words trying to remain optimistic about everything.


"Besti we have to leave this evening,
I will tell armaan I'm going for a friend wedding at maiduguri he won't mind, it's not like he has a say anyway."jawahir say and drop the plate of food in front of her best friend.

"Hold on first.
I don't know what grandpa wants to say to me yet, he just ask me to come i don't even know who the fuck he wants to patch me with, i will just run away if it's someone i don't like."jamila say eating the spoonfull of rice.

"So ya danish is marrying malika.
Like seriously i know that dude isn't going to marry you he was just messing around with you."jawahir say and jamila snort.

"Who cares, it's not that i love him
Suje chan su karachi tsiyarsu.
If not because i dont like paying attention to men,
Why will i even wait for grandpa choice."jamila say and continue eating her food.

"Hopefully is someone nice,
All the male in this family are nice so I hope is going to be a family marital whatever."jawahir say and jamila node.

"Where's your rival haven't seen her since i come,
Even ya armaan."jamila say and jawahir shrug.

"Since yesterday he's been distancing himself from me, that girl I don't know how she found that thing in that room, jadwa rarely stays home she's always busy at work or wherever but she barely stays home."jawahir say and jamila node.

"Just wait by tomorrow.
If i go and see grandpa then we will go to the sorcerer, I spoke with sadiya yesterday and she didn't have his contact anymore so maybe we will just go directly to the house and meet him the man is always at home."jamilah say and jawahir sigh.

"I am soo exhausted besti.
Whoever will marry you will worship you."jawahir say and jamila laugh.

"God help him he didn't have a wife then maybe we will live in peace but if i am going to be a rival then we will live in pieces, I can't stand everyone been happy like seriously i love how conniving i am."jamila say and they hi five laughing.

The two continue talking mostly about jamila unknown husband as they plan on what to do next.

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