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The next few days passes by quickly, jadwa organized a very grand 3years birthday for her daughter do her husband didn't show up, but jawahir and samirah where barely present since they just show up briefly and left.
Jadwa had been using the brownish essence her grandfather got her from the scholar but nothing changes she do talk to her grandfather about it but he told her to continue using it besides the scholar didn't guarantee them of any changes she get tired and ditch the stuffs with the intention of praying to almighty to bring the end of her misfortunate life.

"Mummy are you ok?"farhana ask her mother who's laying on the bed.

"I'm fine my baby,
Are you hungry?"jadwa ask and farhana node making her mother to sigh.

"I want to eat noodles."she say and jadwa smile sitting upright on the bed.

"Ok my mommy's babygirl,
Stay here i will go prepare your noodles for you."jadwa say, she drop her daughter on the bed and leave the bedroom.

"Hurry and finish your food your dad will soon be home so we can go to the park."jawahir say to her daughter dropping the plate of fried plantain for her on the small children dinning in the kitchen.

Jadwa enter the kitchen and walk pass the two she pick the pot from the cabinet and on the stove before dropping the pot on it.

"Good afternoon aunty jadwa."samirah say making jadwa to turn looking at the girl surprisingly.

"Morning s......

"Dont you ever call her your aunty.
How many times did i have to warn you not to greet anyone unless i ask you to do so."jawahir scold and jadwa snort.

"Adai koya wa yara halin kwarai.
Stop luring them into the wrong path."jadwa say and jawahir turn to face her.

"You should know your stand in this house, by now you should know that you staying in this house is of no use,
So learn to avoid whatever that will affect your stupid stay in this house."jawahir say and jadwa chuckle.

I will let you know that whatever that is happening to me right now is the will of God not you and you should know that what goes around comes around so everything is just the matter of time."jadwa say and jawahir laugh clapping her hand.

"Ohh really.
Jadwa for how long will you continue like this.
i mean when was the last time your so called husband even get intimate with you, wake up and stop dreaming because in as much i jawahir is in this house you will remain so insignificant."jawahir say and jadwa hiss.

She turn back to the boiling water and add the noodles inside putting all the ingredients before closing the pot, she leave the kitchen and found her daughter standing by the staircase.

"Farhanan mummy."jadwa say walking to her daughter as the parlour door open and armaan comes in.

"Welcome back."jadwa say with a glance.

"Thank you."armaan answer making her to turn back surprisingly as jawahir comes out of the kitchen.

"Welcome back sweetheart."she say and hug armaan who slightly hug her.

"I will get your noodles right away."jadwa say and rush back to the kitchen leaving farhana standing by the staircase.

Armaan turn his gaze back to farhana who's now sitting on the staircase with a sigh.
Baby we are done already are you eating right now or we will eat at the park?"jawahir ask and armaan shrug.

"I am exhausted maybe we will all go tomorrow."armaan say and jawahir give him a questionable look.

"All of us?"she ask emphasizing on the us and he node.

I will just go rest I'm having a strong Magrine."he say wander walk pass farhana who's sitting on the staircase playing with her fingers.

Jadwa comes out of the kitchen with the plate of noodles with samirah trailing behind her.

"What did you do to my husband?"jawahir ask and jadwa turn to face her.

"I don't have your time jawahir and I'm in no mood for this drama."jadwa say and walk to her daughter.

"Let's go."jadwa say helping farhana stand up and something fall off from her hand making her to turn.

"What is this?
Where did you get this from?"jadwa ask her daughter as she pick the black charm(laya) looking weirdly at the object and jawahir comes near.

"Where did you get this from?"jawahir yell snatching the object from jadwa who look at her confused.

"Let's go my baby."jadwa say and hold her daughter.

Jawahir watch as the two head upstairs once the bedroom door sound echoes around the house she sigh with a face palm,
Jawahir look at the charm confused wondering how farhana found it regardless how hard she hide it, that explains the sudden Change in her husband behavior, she needs to contact her best friend if she can then she should come back to the country so they can go back to the sorcerer.

"Mummy what happened?"samirah ask her mother but jawahir shake her head.

"Nothing samirah.
Let's go to the bedroom ."jawahir say and pick the girl with a sigh.

Laying on his bed armaan stare at the Rotating ceiling fan with a sigh, he doesn't understand why he's so relentless toward jadwa and her daughter a little part of him is finding himself feeling guilty, he sigh and pick the portrait on the bedside drawer he stare at the picture he can't remember when last he enter his bedroom it's been years.

"Jadwa."he say staring at the potrait its an old picture of them when she visited them back in London.

Armaan feel the need to see jadwa he doesn't know why but he just want to see her even do it's for a second, with a heavy heart he stand up and exit the bedroom wondering what is wrong with him and why he couldn't focus neither think straight.

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