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Laying on the floor of her bedroom jadwa clutch her stomach do to the excruciating pain she's feeling, she cry silently on the cold tiles as she feels the gush of the red liquid erupting down her legs.

"JD."armaan say entering the bedroom, he drop his bag on the bed and kneel next to her as he spot the red liquid sprawl all over where she's laying down.

"Ya salam.
What happened to you?"he say picking her up from the cold tiles and drop her on the bed, he remove his suit jacket and drop it on the bed and enter there bathroom, he come out with a bucket of warm water and towel.

I will just clean you up and we will go to the hospital."he say removing the pinafore she's wearing and begin cleaning the blood in her body, once he's done he put on a plain black gown on her, he pick her bridal style and exit the bedroom.

The sound from the staircase is what makes them look up from the television and they both stand abruptly.

"What happened to her?"jqmila ask worriedly.

"I don't really know,
Jawahir just help me clean up her bedroom i will be right back."armaan say not sparing the two a glance and leave the house making them to sigh heavily.


The unnecessary noise is what wakes her, as she feel the excruciating pain in her abdomen making her to cringe.

"Jd."her husband voice say touching her forehead as she feels her palms on his.

"Jd it's me,
Everyone is here to see you please open your eyes."he say and she try opening them, she could spot the multiple blurry figure of people she close her eyes and open them with a sigh.

"Good evening ma'am."a nurse say smiling at her and she node.

"How are you feeling?"the nurse ask and she node.

"Just a slight pain in my abdomen."jadwa say with a raspy voice as she begin coughing and armaan give her a mug of warm water.

"It will be fine,
Just don't stress yourself."the nurse say and do some examination on her before leaving.

How are you feeling?"fadilah ask and she node with a weak smile as jamal stretche his hand at her to carry him.

"Let him sit here."jadwa say and armaan collect the little boy and drop him on the bed next to his wife.

Jadwa scan the hospital room full with her cousins gisting making her to smile.

"I thought you are all here to check on her and all of you just occupy the spaces without even asking her how she's feeling?"hafiz say and everyone sashay to the bed side saying all sort of mean and funny things making jadwa to laugh, after some minutes they all leave except for armaan and fadila.

Jadwa stare at her husband and best friend wondering why they are all staring weirdly at her as her best friend sigh.

"Jd you lost your baby."fadilah say and jadwa turn her gaze to her husband as she gesture for her best friend to leave.

Armaan look at jadwa with a weak smile.

"I'm sorry i should have let you bring me to the hospital yesterday this wouldn't have happened."jadwa say and wipe the slight tears that want to roll down her eyes and armaan smile weakly at her.

"Let's take it as Qadr.
We will have a baby sooner or later,
I love you."he say and kiss her slightly on the hand.

The next two days passes by with everyone coming in and out of the hospital to check on jadwa, fadila and hafiz cancel there trip to Gozo do to the situation of things regardless how jadwa insist her best friend to go she decline.

"Did jawahir come at all,
I have never seen her since i have been coming to this hospital."khadijah ask and jadwa shrug.

"She came yesterday,
.I seriously don't care ever since she start mingling with jamila she's been acting weird and bitchy but i seriously don't care that's least of my problem, they shouldn't just crossed my lane."jadwa say and basmah snort.

"I knew it.
That girl jamila is a very cunning girl just tell ya armaan to send her out she will ruin your happy home."basmah say as the door open jamila and jawahir comes in.

"A dai rage gulma da munafunchi."
Gossip won't take you anywhere."jamila say and zainab snort.

"No one is scarred of you here jamila,
Aren't we saying the truth you have a lot of anger in you and you will just drag this innocent girl into your bitter life,
stay away from her jawahir."zainab say.

"Don't listen to them jawahir,
They are just jealous because armaan has started paying attention to you....

"Ooh cut me that crap.
Wether or not ha armaan acknowledged her is none of our problem because at the end my sister here will always be the queen in his heart."malika say with a glare and jamila pick the tray of injection and throw it on her.

"I am not surprised.
Jawahir look who you are Ming......... Jamila don't get to finish her sentence  the bedroom door open and armaan comes in with hafiz.

"Are you girls animals?
Why can't you all for once behave like adults,
Get out."hafiz say pointing the door as they leave one after the other grumbling to themselves.

"Even you madam."hafiz say to his wife making fadilah mouth to drop open and she leave the bedroom.

"How are you feeling?"hafiz ask his sister and jadwa smile.

We are going home."jadwa say as hafiz sit next to her and gesture the chair in front of the bed for jawahir and ask armaan to excuse them.

"Don't let your sisters come between the both of you, i don't want to hear any more complains, jamila is going back to grandpa Amir house today, I know she's the only one you are close with jawahir but she has to leave she can come visit you whenever she's free but i don't approve of her staying."hafiz say after a lot of advice he ask jawahir to excuse them and she leave.

Hafiz stare at his sister wondering why she did it and he sigh.

"Why did you take those pills?"hafiz ask Making jadwa to look at him confused.

What pills?"she ask and hafiz put on a serious face making her to drop her gaze down to the bed.

"If you ask me what pills i will sound you.
Are you crazy?
If you don't want to have kids why can't you put yourself on birth control rather than aborting it.
The next time anything of this nature repeat itself i will make sure i tell your husband."hafiz say making his sister to look up.

"I didn't take any pil.......

"If you speak again i will slap you.
Nonsense, if you ever try anything of this nature jadwa.
You won't like the consequences."hafiz warn and leave the bedroom.

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