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Jadwa's pov!

Laying on my bed i stare at the florescent light, I jadwa marry ya Armaan i shake my head with a sigh, I don't love him and i can't even believe he's soo selfish it makes me hate him for what he did to me, it's been two days and nobody even cares everyone act as if i am not very important, I can't even remember when last i saw Aleey i pick my phone and veil before leaving the bedroom.

come and join me in the kitchen, now that you will soon get marry you have to be useful and learn how to be a woman."my mum say once i enter the parlour.

If there's anything i hate it's kitchen,
I know i sound stupid but i hate cooking my mum could quarrel me everyday to learn how to cook but i am not just interested.I frown and enter the kitchen.

Jadwa!! Wlh you've to change some of your petulant behaviors life isn't always a bed of roses, you are a woman you have to learn to low down your ego, I didn't see the reason why at this age the only thing you are very good at is cooking noodles, God knows i have try my best the only thing i will help you with is prayers "Allah ya shiryeki"my mum say  i pout and stand by the freezer.

"Mummy me i don't want to marry,
I am just 20 I don't understand why it's Soo important to marry at early age, we are in the 21st century not some primitive century."I grumble and my mum turn to face me.

"Sit jadwa."my mum say gesturing to a stool as she also sit on one of the stool.

"What else do you want in life jadwa,
You grow up with your parent, you have a loving brother, there's nothing you ever asked for that you've been denied of, you go to the school you want to, you eat and wear whatever you want, isn't that enough for you to say Alhamdulilah, what else do you want?
You are a graduate if you didn't marry what do you want to do, your grandmother married my dad when she was 16, I married your dad when i was 19 what happened to us?
Jadwa you should be happy you have a man as good as Armaan in you life,
He love you and i am assuring you he will take care of you, do you know the pain of loving someone from childhood only to be rejected by them?
Please jadwa lower your ego and be happy try to embrace every situation you've found yourself in.
If you are destined to marry Armaan then no matter how hard you try and how far you run you will still come back to him, have sabr jadwa and you will see the reward in it."my mum say looking at me and i just sigh.

"That's what everyone cares about, Armaan, Armaan, Armaan, what about me I am the one been forced into this marriage it's not fair how men always get whatever they want and woman have to suffer to obey stupid rules and endure a ridiculous sabr, I don't want to be with ya Armaan mum, what about me and my own happiness nobody cares."I say angrily and my mum shake her head.

Honestly speaking i don't know what to say to you again, growing up i always respect my parents decisions no matter how awful it is but in your own case you are different, I don't know what and where i ever go wrong in your upbringing."my mum say tiredly placing her hand on her forehead.

"I don't love ya Armaan, I don't want to be with him a.......

With this your behavior which man in his senses will want to be with you,
Armaan is the only one that can endure you, your petulant,pernickety and fastadious behavior, you don't know how to cook, you don't know how to do the house chores, you don't know how to do anything jadwa, the moment i mention house chores or cooking you run to your grandparents house,
You should be lucky someone as nice and gentlemen as Armaan is even willing to marry your dimwitted self."my mum say angrily i start crying and leave the kitchen.

I don't care whatever everyone will say I don't love ya Armaan, it's not by force to love someone, I collide into someone and look up to see Aleey, I clean my face and look at him with a smile.

"Sorry."I say and he frown.

"Are you alright?"he ask worriedly looking at me and i just turn to leave but he hold my hand.

"It's nothing, I just want to sit in the garden."I say and he nod.

Can i come with you if you don't mind."he say and i nod.

We both walk inside the garden, I sit on the swing as he push me gently.

"My mum always wanted me to visit her in Nigeria."he say and I humm in response.

"Your mum is a Nigerian?"I ask and he sigh.

"Well not really! But she's a black,
She's marry and move back here with her husband when they separated with my dad."he say and I try turning completely forgetting am on the swing and fall.

"Ohhh so sorry."he say helping me up  i smile awkwardly and stand up.

"Your mum is married?"I ask as we head to sit on one of the resting sofa.

"Yeah i haven't seen her since i was twelve that's when she and my dad divorced, my dad take full custody of me but we do speak on phone with her."he explained and i nod in understanding.

"Where did she say she's staying in Nigeria you know maybe you two can meet."I say and he sigh.

"I don't know,
I don't think i want to see her, she usually come to London to see her parent but she didn't even care to come check on me."he say staring at me and i smile.

"She's still your mother you know and I'm sure she has her reason for doing that.
Stop staring at me that way you're making me uncomfortable."I say and he smile.

"You are very beautiful."he say and I stare at the green grass.

"Thank you."I say and he use his hand to remove my veil from my face.

I look up and he just smile at me the staring become soo intense that I'm lost in his mesmerizing sharp grey eyes and i feel his lips on mine.

Well, well,  well.
This is becoming so so interesting.

Who do you think jadwa should be with?

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