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Pacing in front of the theatre room armaan facepalm with a sigh he didn't want to even start thinking anything negative the thought of jadwa losing another baby makes him sick to his stomach.

Calm down, sit down and keep praying she will be fine insha Allah."His grandfather say.

"I can't grandpa,
J.......armaan try saying but the theatre bulb off making him to gulp as he mentally mutter some prayers.
The theatre door open and a nurse comes out.

"How's my wife?"armaan quickly ask the nurse.

"She's fine.
We removed a beautiful baby girl but she has to stay in the icu in the incubator for some days because she's premature.
Your wife will soon be move to her room."the nurse explain and armaan sigh in relief hugging his grandfather making him to chuckle.

"Now you can relax.
Alhamdulilah."Amir say as armaan start talking happily about how excited he is to see his wife and the baby.

Walking into the shanty local area the two women take the left into a very secluded alley.

"How long are we going?"jawahir say tired as she trail behind jamila.
They have been walking for almost an hour she's glad she leave her daughter with sadiya(jamila friend,).

"Just a little once we leave this alley we will taake our left the house is the only house there."jamila explain as they walk.

"This kind of suffering.
I hope this works if not wlh besti you won't rest with me yapping."jawahir say and jamila chuckle as they continue walking and talking mostly about what they would love the sorcerer to do to jadwa.

"That's the house."jamila say once they take the left turn making jawahir to sigh.

"Thank God."jawahir say and they head for the house.

The shabby sack hanging on the small entrance door makes jamila grimace as jawahir makes a disgust look making her best friend to chuckle.
They sent a small boy to go in and tell the Mallam they are waiting outside.
After some few minutes the boy comes out and urge them in.

"Barkan mu dai mallam."jamila greet in her very usual hausa British accent.

They exchange pleasantries and jawahir explains the situation of things for him and how she would love things to turn around, he write some things on a sand looking like square wood and urge her to place her hand on the sand box which she did as she is told, he observe the sand.
Jawahir watch as he do some writing on the sand and node after some time he node.

So what exactly did you want me to do to her because from my observations and everything i will never lie to you jamila here is like a sister to me this isn't the first time she's coming and i am sure it won't be the last so i won't hide anything from the both of you,
Your husband cannot divorce this girl the bond between them is too strong and if you insist on doing anything you will end up losing him but i will suggest I do something that will make him hate her, anything pertaining her or the child she will born won't bother him, he will completely ignore them."he explains looking at the two girls as jawahir node in understanding.

"Just do what you think is best mallam, you know this is the first time she's coming here and if everything work as we want which i believe it will then we will come back for the next step to take."jamila say looking at her best friend.

"Or what did you think besti?"jamila ask and jawahir clear her throat.

"It's just like you said earlier mallam,
Since it will be very difficult for him to divorce her then just do something that will make him hate her and her baby, let them be like a statue they should be insignificant in his life."jawahir say bitterly and the mallam node in understanding.

"You will be surprised.
Take this."the mallam say and give her the black tied doll.

"Find somewhere in the house and burry it.
In as much this doll is bury you will be surprised by your husband change behavior because he won't be able to question anything you do to your rival neither her daughter."the mallam explain and jawahir collect it with a smile.

"Thank you."she say .

"And this one."the mallam say showing the laya(charm).
Put it anywhere in her bedroom,
Somewhere you know she can't find it. In as much this is in her bedroom your husband cannot come anywhere near her, if he enter the bedroom he won't be able to stay or have peace of mind so he will leave."the mallam explain and jawahir collect it excitedly.

"Thank you soo much mallam."she say with a smile.

"And this is the last one.
You bury it together with the doll make sure you bury it somewhere nobody can dig it out because if by any chance they dig it out then all the charm and everything will expire that day, this charm is like burying the love he have for her, he will feel not even a single affection towards her or her child if this is bury."the mallam say and jawahir collect it smiling.

"This one just put it inside his food and anything you say to him he will do it without questioning you."he say and give her the black nylon.

"Thank you soo much mallam,
Thank you soo so much.
Besti thank you."jawahir say and open her handbag.

"Take this isn't much mallam,
I will come back soon."jawahir say dropping the three bundles of 1000naira note.

She thanks him one more time before stuffing all that he gave her inside the handbag as they leave the shanty rural area talking about how excited they are to make use of every charm they collect from the mallam.

Na double update.
Because i love una and please comment.

My poor jadwa God is with you.

Add up my new book Uncle Jalal it's going to be an awesome book i promise you all you won't regret adding it to your reading list.❤

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