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With a sigh Armaan push the door and amble himself into the parlour as a yawn escape his mouth, he look around the parlour and switch on the light he wonder why jawahir switch off the light he glance at the wall clock and its just 8:pm , the dinning table is empty making him to shrug as he tiredly walk up the staircase, he enter his bedroom and kick his shoes off his leg before laying on the bed with his eyes close.
  It was such a long busy day at the office, he open his eyes and they land on one of jadwas portrait that's on the wall he stare at it and release a heavy breathe, its been months since he last check on his social media pages maybe someone has some information about her with that on his Mind he enter the bathroom making a mental note to check on his social media accounts/page.

  Laying on her bed jawahir think of how to get rid of jadwa permanently off her husband life and mind, she wants Armaan to be hers alone, he's her husband and she will do anything to be with him,
What did jadwa has that she's lacking, she stand up and walk to the front of the mirror, she stare at her reflection wondering what isn't perfect in her face, she's beautiful a lot of people has said that to her, she also have a nice curvy body unlike jadwa who's just slightly chubby, the knock on her bedroom door makes her turn and go back to her bed and lay down, she use the duvet and close her body.

"Are you alright?"Armaan ask from the door but no one answer making him wonder if she's home.

After several knocks he decide to open the bedroom door, the room it's dark the only light it's just a slight Ray illustrating from the closet, he switch on the lights and spot her laying on the bed.

"Jawahir are you alright?"he ask walking toward the bed, he sit on the edge next to where she's laying and body, her body temperature is ok making him to look at her.

"What happened?"he ask worried and jawahir just stare at him wondering and thinking wether what she's about to do is the right thing.

"I'm fine."she say and Armaan sigh.

"But you don't look fine,
Is something bothering you?
Did i do something to you which i don't know?"he ask seriously looking at her and jawahir sit upright.

"Make love to me Armaan."she say making Armaan to look at her in bewilderment.

"Wh....wha..what are you saying jawahir?"Armaan say looking at her weirdly.

"You are my husband Armaan,
How long do you want us to stay before we start a family, I want kids of my own."jawahir say holding Armaan hand as he remove it from hers.

"B.....Armaan try saying but jawahir cut him off guard and place her lips on his.
Armaan quickly push her and stand up.

"I can't do this jawahir,
I don't love you and I really don't want to take advantage of you even do you are my wife, I can't have sex with you while my mind it's thinking of someone else, I'm sorry."Armaan say and leave the bedroom making jawahir to breakdown and start crying.


The next morning Armaan wake up very late than usual, he dressed up and head downstairs but surprisingly see jawahir arranging the dinning table as if everything is normal.

"Good morning ya Armaan."she say with a smile and Armaan look at her confuse as his mind wander back to yesterday.

"Morning jawahir,
What do we have here?"he ask with a smile as. He drop his jacket in the couch.

"So today i prepare an English breakfast for my belove British husband, well her we have some scrambled eggs, some mushrooms and grilled tomatoes with a little baked beans and black pudding."jawahir say bringing out the chair gesturing for Armaan to seat.

"Wow that's alot of work Mrs Armaan but nevertheless i know you are an amazing cook."he say playing along with a smile.

Armaan begin eating his breakfast as jawahir tell him some jokes as he eat making him laugh.

"Jawahir."Armaan call once his done eating.

"Ya Armaan if it's about yesterday it's fine and i totally understand your point it's not a big deal."jawahir say with a smile and Armaan hold her hands.

"I'm really sorry,
I just.....he pause with a sigh.
I wishe i can completely move on but i promise you i will try, I'm trying but it's just i had this stupid instinct that she will come back."Armaan say and jawahir smile.

"I'm always here if you ever want to move on."jawahir say and slightly hug him, he place a kiss on her forehead and stand up.

Let me get going
I will be back early maybe,
I just have a little stuff to complete at the office."he say as jawahir walk him to the door.

"Ok see you soon.
Take care."she say, he smile at her and walk out of the parlour and she close the door.

Jawahir sigh and sit on the couch,.
The only thing that can make Armaan move on its when he start a family with her she believe if he they had kids he would forget about jadwa and they will live there happily ever after.
She amble herself to the dinning table and begin parking the plates wondering which other way she could make Armaan completely forget about jadwa.

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Someone should help jawahir out and tell her what to do so Armaan will completely forget about jadwa.

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