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Armaan pov!

The next morning after the burial grandpa Amir house is pack with family members, friends and others, I decide to go check on jadwa and apologize about yesterday, I collect grandma sobys car key which is ofcrse a wrangler jeep she's Soo obsess with that car for some reason i don't think that car is for ladies.

Halting at the garage of the house i head to check on ya hafiz since i know anty hanan and uncle hafiz are both at her parents house.

Ya Armaan and i are just friends, bestfriends."jadwa voice say and i stand by the door.

"But i think he likes you,
He seems very overprotective of you."aleeys voice add and i feel my pulse increasing.

"That's just how he is,
He love attention don't worry about him he will come around."jadwa say.

"I th.......Aleey try saying and enter the parlour I think i heard enough of the crap.

"Good morning sunshine."jadwa say with a smile and i sit next to her on the two sitter.
"Ohh please smile ya Armaan, i miss you Soo much."she say with a smile dragging my lips into a smile making me to smile.

"Why didn't you go to grandpa Amir house this morning, i was waiting for you and everyone was there and asking of you."i say with a sigh.

Aleey was having a fever, ya hafiz gave him some medication and i decided to stay so he won't be lonely."she say like it's nothing and i turn my gaze to him.

"Good morning bro."he say and i just wave at him, i am starting to regret ever letting him to come along with us.

"Ok so Aleey want me to show him around town are you coming with us."jadwa ask excitedly.

"Around the town,
Come on JD your GGF just died you should at least grief even do it's for today, I thought you just mention that he isn't feeling too well, why not rest Aleey then later we all go out in the evening."I say and Aleey nod, he excuse himself and leave the two of us.

We both leave the apartment with jadwa yapping about how she love holiday, we sit in one of the hut beside there garden, I drop my head on the table and jadwa drop her head on my back making me to smile.

"I miss you, you know that right?"she say and i humm in response.

"Any girl in your life?"she ask and i sit upright making her to stumble from the chair she's sitting.

Ya Armaan this isn't cool wlh."she say dusting her clothe and sit back next to me .

"Sorry."I say with a smile dusting her hair.

"Mummy has been disturbing ya hafiz about marriage lately and I don't think she will exclude me since fadilah say anty amany has started talking to her about it."she say with a sigh.

"You don't have a boyfriend."I say and she humm in response.

I sigh and facepalm, I feel like this is the right time to tell jadwa how i actually feel toward her, I stare at her jadwa is very beautiful she look more like her dad and in some other ways like her mum, she have this sharp auburn eyes like that of her grandmother, her nose isn't too pointed but it fit perfectly to her face and those damn lashes that you do always think she fix them, I bring my gaze down the table and blow out a heavy breathe.

"I......we both say in unison and chuckle.

"Ok you go first."she say with a smile.

ladies first."i say and she smile, she facepalm and stare at her tremblinh fingers and i entwined our hands.

"You are nervous, come on jadwa it's just me you can tell me anything you know."I say with a smile and she sigh.

"I don't know what you are going to think of me but......she pause and stare at the table.
I think i like aleey."she blurt and for some minute i feel my heartbeat stop, I stare at our entwined hands waiting for her to burst out laughing saying it's one of her silly jokes but nothing happened, I look up and see her staring at me.

"I know i sound stupid an......she try saying and i laugh.

"No you don't?
You sound ridiculous JD,
You just met this guy yesterday an......

"I know i just met him yesterday but you don't have to know someone for years to fall in love with them,"
She say in annoyance and i chuckle.

"JD you can't just fall in love with a stranger, you just met this guy."I say and she sigh.

"We don't choose who we want to fall in love with, love happens when it want you won't understand what I'm saying because you 've never been in love."she say and from her voice i can sense she's trying hard not to cry.

"I'm sorry JD I don't mean to make you cry."I say hugging her and she start crying.

"I know i sound stupid,
But i just.....i like him."she say crying.

"It's ok JD,
You are right, we don't choose who to fall in love with, sometimes we meet strangers and our heart choose to be with them."I say cleaning her tears with a smile.

We both sit in comfortable silence only the chirping of the birds from the garden.

"What do you want to tell me earlier?"she ask with a smile as she entwined our hands.

"It's nothing,"I say with a shrug and she frown.

I wanted to say i bought you the ipod."I say with a smile and she smile.

"Thank you.
You are a lifesaver."she say as she continue rambling about whatever.

"You know JD.
I'm also in love with someone,"I blurt and she look at me baffle.

Who's she?
Where did you two meet?"she bombarded the questions and i chuckle.

"She's my childhood friend but she love someone else."I say with a shrug and she frown.

But did you tell her,
You are a very good looking dude you know, I could go for you if i where her."she say with a wink and i shake my head.

I listen attentively as she continue to ramble about how she never expected to fall in love so soon and with each sentence she mention aleeys name i feel like disappearing out of sight.

Oh oh poor Armaan such is life,

So which team are you.

#teamarman and jadwa
#teamaleey and jadwa.

I am #TeamAJ😋.

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