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It's been a week since we got back and my wedding date with jadwa has been fix which is in two months time since all the family members decided to spend the winter here in Nigeria i decided it's best if the wedding hold before everyone leaves, I've been happy since the day i met jadwa in Bulgaria my life has become normal again i won't say I'm angry with jawahir because she was just been jealous which is understandable, when I told grandpa i want to marry jadwa again he agreed instantly and advice me to do justice between my two wives which i promise to.

Jawahir is back home and i won't say things are cool between us because we haven't talk to each other since i came back i have forgiven her and will find time for us to talk i don't want to be an awful husband by showing how much i love jadwa,i know that will be difficult because I'm human and I'm not perfect but i will try my best not to do injustice between them.

"Kutt seriously Anty jawahir you don't know what you are saying like i am the cutest everyone knows."my cousin  faridah say as i come down from the stairs making me to chuckle.

"Ya Armaan fada Gaskiya ni da farida wa yafi wani kyau."samira say in her weird arab hausa accent making me to laugh.

"Stop speaking hausa just speak English or stick to your arabic."I say and she frown.

"You are Soo mean ya Armaan,
Anty jawahir say my hausa isn't that bad like faridas."samira say with a cutting the carrot.

"Kariyane nima hausa na baya baci."faridah say making us all to laugh she sound really horrible .

" faridah please don't ever speak hausa at least with us but please not in public."I say and she frown.

Your hausa is also not good you British boy."she say throwing a carrot at me and i catch it.

"But is better than yours my wife can testify right J."I say biting the carrot and jawahir nod with a smile.

"She's your wife dude she will always support you."Jamilah say coming inside the kitchen.

"Whatever where's Danish he's been calling me."I ask leaving the kitchen as faridah follow me.

"Ya Danish is at ya fadilas house,
Are you going there?
please bring jamal or should i come with you?"farida rant trailing behind me as i exit the parlour.

"I am not going there,
Stop following me,
go and learn how to cook."I say opening my car and she frown.

"You are not my friend again."she say with a pout childishly and head back inside the house making me to chuckle.

Faridah is uncle fadil daughter she has two siblings Danish and samira, faridah is the last born she's 14 but behave like 3years old uncle fadil over pampered her, i start the car and relax on the car seat i will just go to the house from there i will go and check on jadwa in her parents house.


"That girl,
Wlh ya danish i don't know what you see in that girl she's just very mean and annoying."fadila say to her cousin who's sitting with her in the kitchen with jamal on his lap.

"Extra annoying,
Upon all the girls in this family you decide to choose her, everyone knows jamila is rude and annoying."i say turning the pasta into a sieve.

"Seriously i think you girls are the one being mean here,  talking badly about my fiancee in my presence."ya Danish say and i snort.

"We love you that's why we are telling you this, didn't you see malika or xainab i mean they are even beautiful than that your girlfriend."fadila say with a snort.

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