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2 weeks later
Laying on her bed staring at the wall clock she reminisce about the past two weeks, from the day they left for maiduguri to the unfortunate accident to the death of her best friend jawahir wonder why she has to be the victim, jamila death will forever be in her heart, do nobody bother to ask what took them to maiduguri jawahir care less to even pay attention to anyone, the fact that the wedding date wasn't postponed makes her want to question every single family member wether they really do care about jamila.

"Jawahir."armaan call making her to turn her gaze to the door with a bored expression.

"Aren't you going to the sisters eve,
Everyone has left you are here moping around, you do know jamila isn't coming back right?"armaan say looking at her.

Armaan didn't want to create a scene by asking jawahir what took her to maiduguri without his permission it's already a great lesson to her since she lost her best friend, his life has completely turn into a roller coaster his emotions wobbling around his heart rolling with doubts the only person he find peace with is his daughter farhana but aside spending time with her any other person he sees irritate him he can't even remember when last he spend time with either of his wives.

"I am not going.
Are you going to force me ?"jawahir say and armaan snort.

"You know what?
Suffocate yourself and die in your bedroom i won't care less kinji."armaan say and leave the bedroom closing the door shut.

Jawahir sigh and stand up from the bed, she stare at her reflection in the mirror with a sigh, she open the front drawer and remove the black nylon staring at the object.

Apparently when they went to maiduguri they are done with what took them before encountering the accident on there way coming back.
It's a miracle that jawahir barely sustained any injury and her handbag wasn't stolen so every charm they collected was in her bag, lucky to her the bag wasn't stolen at the accident scene

"I will just do this for the last time and i promise to never go to a sorcerer."jawahir whisper to herself.

She come out of the bedroom, the house is quiet a sign everyone has leave, she leave the parlour to the garden, everything have change a new swing for the kids and the garden chair are replaced by a fancy red chair, she pick the stick from the green carpeted garden and sit on the water fountain edge, she begin digging a spot next the swing and once she's satisfied by how deep it is she remove the charm and with a sigh.

"Just the way i bury this charm let ya armaan love for jadwa be buried, let him listen and obey every thing I say without him questioning me."jawahir say before putting the charm in the hole closing it and putting some green flowers on it before leaving the garden.


"Hurry farhana ammi is waiting for us."jadwa say to her daughter who's eating the cereal as she arrange there clothes in the suitcase.

"Mummy are we sleeping at ammi house?"farhana ask with food in her mouth.

"Yes we are staying until after anty malika wedding and don't talk with your mouth full."jadwa scold zipping the bag as there bedroom door open.

"And where do you think you are going to?armaan ask looking his wife making her look up at him but go back to arranging her clothes.

Welcome back."farhana say happily and run to her dad but was surprise when her dad push her making her to fall on her butt and jadwa look from the shoe rack.

"Why will you push her that way?"jadwa yell looking at armaan in bewilderment.

"You c......

"Shut up.
Just keep quiet ya armaan, I'm sick and tired of you mistreating me in this house, I can tolerate everything but just keep my daughter out of your sick self please."jadwa say and help farhana up as the little girl look at her dad weirdly.

Armaan snort and leave the bedroom slamming the door shut behind him as jadwa try her best to control the tears threatening to leave her eyes as she look up at her daughter.

"Mummy."farhana say and hug her mother as the tears jadwa try holding back emerge from her eyes.

Jadwa hope some day all what she's going through will be a story, at first she was happy with her husband relationship with her daughter but she wonder what happened and why he suddenly turn into his old self.

"I'm fine,
You are also fine and i love you, that's all that matters."jadwa say and break the hug, she wipe her daughter's tears and smile weakly at her.

Armaan head to his bedroom, he enter and sit on his bed frustrated,
He looks at the pile of old portrait of him and jadwa as he feel his vision blurring, he wonder why things between him and his wife become so strange, even if he try hard to make her happy the moment he will set his eyes on her everything could change, a massive intense hatred towards her will suddenly hit him and he couldn't even do anything to control himself even if he wants to, he's become a maniac towards his wife and even daughter, Armaan knows he's been praying hard to God to make things right in his life but nothing seems to change, he feared the day jadwa will leave him when she gets tired of the way he's treating her.

"Why can't i do anything to stop myself from hurting her?"he say to himself as he pushes the portrait from the bed shattering the ones with glass into pieces and uses the duvet to close himself.

Coming out of the house premises, jadwa hold the backpack with farhana trailing behind her with her small baby bag haul on her back as they head to the garage.

I will buy some chocolate for Maryam." Farhana say and jadwa node helping the little girl inside the car as she drop there suitcase and backpack in the bag seat, she close the car door and turn but collide into someone making her heart to drop as she look up.

"You scared me,
What did you want?"jadwa say looking weirdly at jawahir who chuckle.

"Nothing jadwa.
I already have everything i want which is armaan,
How long will you continue like this?
Why can't you just give up and leave us to have our happy ending?
It's ridiculous what you are doing because he doesn't even give a shit about you."jawahir say and jadwa sigh.

"You are sick jawahir at this point i don't know what to tell you because what you have for armaan isn't love,
It is an obsession one which will lead you astray, I'm sorry about your best friend i didn't have time to say my condolences but i thought after what happened to jamila it will be a lesson to you but i was wrong, you are soo far engrossed in materialistic and worldly things which won't take you anywhere rather than a disasterous ending,
I always pray for you jawahir because you are my sister and i hoped one day you will realize that I'm not same person anymore,
Farhana is the only person i care about, ya armaan love has long away died in me I'm staying in this house because of my daughter not you or your husband."jadwa say staring at jawahir who's looking at her with a drop jaw, she walk pass her and enter the driver seat with a sigh.

Jawahir watch as the black Amg exit out of the house and she sigh, with a lot of thought she head inside the house reminiscing about her life since the day she found out she's the real daughter of the Amir household.

Sorry for the late update but I'm soo busy this days with school.

I love you all and don't forget to drop your comments and vote.

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