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Crowd isn't something jadwa wants, she do prefer sitting all alone than meeting her lousy family members,
Laying on her grandparents bed she go through her contact whatsapp status every single person in her contact list put there wedding Kamu picture which hold on yesterday evening, tomorrow is the Nikah and then a very lavish Dinner her grandfather organize in the evening.

Won't you go and stay with your cousins everyone is asking of you,
Kinzo kin zauna ke kadai anan"
"Toh ki tashi farid zai kai ki gida jawahir na jiranki a kasa.
Please go i want to spend some alone time with my husband he will soon be here."sobia say to her granddaughter who just ignore her and continue pressing her phone making her to sigh.

Yanzu zan wuche,
Very soon you won't even see me again to nag about,
everyone jadwa this, jadwa that "sai kache nikadai che mutum anan gidan."jadwa say do she doesn't want it to be as harsh as she sound but her voice and anger betray her.

We Care about you that's why we always nag about the wrong decision you will make, baza ki gane ba sai ran da kika waye gari kika ga babu mai ce maki bari" that's when you will realize the importance of family and only then you will know that we all care about you, I don't know when you will start appreciating the people that care about you, what else do you want someone to do to prove to you that they Care about you, instead you keep on nagging and yapping about unnecessary things do you have any idea how many people go a day wanting and praying to have even the small privilege you do,
Ba komai mutum ke so yake samu ba but inkikayi hakuri, you will benefit from it , have some sabr jadwa,
Arika yi ana godiya wa Allah."sobia say sternly to jadwa who start crying.

"Why don't you force jawahir to marry
Why me?
Because i am some mad woman daughter who you all have to raised as yours or what?"jadwa say and clean her tears as she begin stuffing her things into her handbag grumbling to herself.

You know i didn't mean all what i say the way you twisted it, everything happen before jawahir even come into the picture so stop twisting and making everything complicated,
Why are you always trying to blame jawahir for all the misfortune things that is happening in your life, is not fair JD you know it because all jawahir want for you is happiness but all you ever do is..........sobia don't get to finish her sentence jadwa storm out of the bedroom slamming the door shut with a bang.

Sobia sit with a sigh on the bed, it was never her intention to make jadwa angry but she keep on blaming jawahir and don't miss any opportunity to remind them they aren't her real family, God knows among everyone of the family members jadwa seems to be everyone favorite but she doesn't understand why jadwa don't want to see that everyone care about her, sometimes sobia feels guilty and bad for jawahir because no one even seems to care about her and she's the one that need all the love, affection,attention and care because she didn't even have the chance to experience all that but yet she's the one appreciating the little attention everyone offered her.

What happened?
Did you and ya Amir quarrel?
Why are you crying?"jasrah bombard the questions to her bestfriend as she sit next to her on the couch.

"It's nothing,
Ya Amir and i are fine,
I'm fine jD."she say tiredly cleaning her tears making jasrah to frown.

"Then what's wrong?
Why are you crying?"she say looking at her best friend worried.

"It's just.....jadwa
I don't know why she doesn't want to understand and see that everyone care about her she's soo insatiable on everything, I feel guilty by the way everyone treat jawahir it's as if she's invisible nobody even care or pay attention to her yet she still appreciate and remain happy, jawahir is the lost daughter of this family but yet everyone doesn't even look at her as one but jadwa doesn't see all that  she still nag and don't hesitate to say all sort of mean things to hurt someone."sobia say crying as jasrah try to console her saying all sorts of positive things to calm her bestfriend.


Entering her bedroom which is full with her cousins jadwa open the wardrobe and remove some of her clothes ignoring everyone that's trying to talk to her and leave the bedroom.

"Toh koh sunyi fada da angon ne."fido one of the cousins say in her weird Hausa accent making everyone to laugh.

"JD and ya Armaan love anyone that try to do over sabi for there matter will die, "kyale su anjima zaki ga ta samo lungu tana waya."samha say.

"That's the definition of true love."nafisa add as fadila excuse herself to go check on jadwa leaving the 8 female cousins of the family.

"At this point i don't care,
I just want to leave they all think they are doing me a favor.....the sound of the door makes her end the call immediately.

"Who are you speaking with?"fadila ask looking at jadwa questionably.

"It's none of your business fadila.
You all should stop pretending like you care because you don't,
Ever since everyone knows that jawahir girl is the real daughter of this family everyone just keep on putting on an act as if they care when in reality you all don't, I'm sick and tired of you all."she yell making fadila sigh.

"I don't know what and how you want us all to prove we care about you jD,
You are making things complicated you are just angry because of this marriage but believe me  you and Ya Armaan will be happy you two Are perfect for each other,
I don't know whoever you are speaking to JD but you've been my best friend and sister since childhood i know you very well please JD,
Tomorrow is your wedding don't do anything stupid that you will end up regretting in the future.
Goodnight i will go meet the girls soo they won't suspect anything."fadilah say and quietly leave the bedroom.

Jadwa sit on the bed with a sigh, she doesn't understand why she's angry with everyone, she just want to be far away from everyone, she feel as do jawahir take everything from her, she wishe they never know about her  as selfish as that may sound but that's what she feel, she lay on the bed. And stare at the contact she just called tomorrow is her wedding and she has to make her final decision this night, it's either she stay and marry someone she doesn't love or leave and be find happiness a lot of thought keeps on churning in her head as she fall asleep trying to make the perfect decision she won't end up regretting.

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Ok JD i hope you shouldn't make any stupid decision.

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