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So i sing a song for the hustlers,
Trading at the bus stop
Single mothers
Waiting on the cheque to come
Young teachers.........jadwa sing as she load the plates in the dishwasher.

Apparently jadwa has agreed to be doing the house chores since jawahir is now put on bed rest it's the least she can do for her do armaan insist on bringing a maid but jadwa disagreed with the idea.

"Weldon."jawahir say entering the kitchen making jadwa to turn quickly.

How are you feeling?
Did you want something?"jadwa ask with a smile.

I just want to do something i am tired of always laying and doing nothing,"she say sitting on the chair in the kitchen.

"But you heard what ya hafiz said,
You need to rest until like 4-5months then you can start doing some work."jadwa say opening the fridge, she remove the watermelon she cut earlier and give it to jawahir who collect it muttering a thank you.

"I have been trying ya armaan contact it isn't going can you call him for me?"jawahir ask and jadwa node.

"Sure."She remove the mp3 from the hook and switch it off as begin scrolling through her phone and the door bell ring.

"Don't worry i will get that."jawahir say and stand up.

Walking to the door jawahir click it open and jamila is standing in the front with a smile, jawahir smile and urge for her to come in, despite what jamila manipulated her into doing jawahir still stay in contact with jamila regardless the warning her husband gave to her according to her if it wasn't for jamila she wouldn't be pregnant and she could have been still mopping around and armaan wouldn't have even notice her as stupid as that may sound but jamila is her good luck charm she's the best friend she never had.

You just abandoned me,
You didn't even come to check on me I'm carrying your godson."jawahir say as they hi five with jamila.

Jawahir close the door shut as they enter the parlor talking.

"Haba dee this isn't fair you promised me,"jadwa voice echo from the kitchen as the two enter.

"Ok thank you.
Have it."jadwa say and hand the phone to jawahir who collect it.

"Yes j.
Jd said you want to speak with me,
Hope you are fine.
I will soon round up from office and i will be home before you know it."armaan say and jawahir walk out of the kitchen.

Jamila glare at jadwa who seems unbother as she continue with her chores in the kitchen.

"When will you be pregnant again?"jamila ask and jadwa ignore her and begin humming a song she's singing in her head as jawahir comes back with the phone.

"Thank you.
I will just go to my bedroom."jawahir say and jadwa node with a smile.

"It's fine i will bring your food when I'm done."jadwa say and the two leave the kitchen making jadwa to sigh as she pick her mp3 and connect it to her phone putting on the music all over again.


What's this stupid friendly thing you are doing with this girl,
She's your rival,"kishiyarki che"regardless how nice she act it isn't deep inside her heart you should get some sense."jamila scold once they enter the bedroom making jawahir to frown.

Look besti, I have already hurt her enough and she still forgive me despite what i did again i am fine with the way we are living, we are happy, ya armaan is always paying attention to me they are both always pampering me, I'm satisfied anx ok with the way things are going."jawahir say and jamila look at her baffle.

You are soo naive,
Armaan isn't worried about you he's just doing all that because you are carrying his baby,
What exactly did you think will happen if jadwa gets pregnant,
Did you seriously think he will still be all this charming to you,
Wise up J.
Jadwa is just trying to play the good wife thing so that she will maintain her position in his heart,
This is the right time for you to claim him and let him be yours."jamila say and jawahir stare at her best friend as she mull over what she just said.

Jawahir don't want to believe whatever jamila is trying to instigate into her head but it all make sense to her every single point jamila mention it's right to her, maybe armaan is showing affection towards her because she's pregnant and jadwa is trying to act all innocent so he can think she's happy about the pregnancy.

"You really think so bestie."jawahir say and jamila snort.

"I know so.
I grew up with that witch that's how she is always trying to win everyone's heart, she's a devil in disguise."jamila say as someone knock on the bedroom door and jawahir yell come in.

"Sannun ku.
Here is your food."jadwa say and drop it for jawahir on the bedside drawer.

"Thank you.
Please jd can you get me a case of water and that watermelon juice you made yesterday if it's still remaining please."jawahir say with a smile and jadwa shrug.

"It's fine,
I will get it for you."jadwa say and exit the room making jamila to clap her hand in amusement.

"This girl is a really good actress like seriously jadwa going for an errand for you?
Does that even make any sense to you?
This my besti need prayers,
Thank God i have come if not they would have just use you,
"Da sai kin haihu zaki gane baki da wayo,
wanan munafukar nayin ciki zaki gane waye jadwa."jamila say the last part bitterly as she continue saying all sort of mean and harsh words to jawahir who listen attentively mulling and putting whatever jamila say to her together so that it Will make sense and know the next step she will take.

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Will jawahir seriously listen to jamila?
Is jadwa really putting on act as jamila said?
What about Mr armaan is he really doing all that because jawahir is pregnant?

To find this answers continue reading untainted desires an explore the rivalry life of this two ladies.

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