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Staring at her reflection in the giant mirror fadilah study the magnificent red wedding gown she's wearing, she stare at jadwa from the mirror who's clearly lost in her thoughts making her to sigh, she do been observing how quiet and weird she's been acting for the past one week.

"JD!"fadilah yell making her to look abruptly.

"What do you think about the gown?"fadilah ask and jadwa smile awkwardly at her.

"It's perfect wlh
Wishe I selected red as well."she say and fadilah smile.

"The white look good on you,
Anyway what is bothering you this days?
Is there something you are not telling me jd,"fadilah say removing the wedding dress.

Like what?"jadwa say curiously.

"I don't know but you've been acting weird and talk less, I know you agree to this wedding because of our family but jadwa there's nobody in this whole planet that will genuinely love you the way ya Armaan do, he care about you and always want to spend even the little time he has with you,
I don't know but sometimes i feel as do I'm always not lucky, a little part of me wants to believe that ya hafiz love me but a big part of me knows he agree to this because of our family."fadilah say and jadwa sigh.

"I don't love ya Armaan i know i sound mean but that's the fact, I love and care about him as a brother but a husband, i love someone else i just don't want to create more scene and makes it look like I'm the only one always going against our parents decision not after i know i'm not even there real daughter."jadwa grumble and fadilah sigh as she roll her veil.

"Anyway let's not talk about the biological parents shit because you and i both know that jawahir is the stranger here and you my darling sis will always be our number one favorite."fadilah say with a smile as she pick her hand bag.

The two leave the wedding dress shop talking mostly about the wedding which is just 2weeks away.


"Salamu,alaikum."Aarman say entering the parlour.

Ohh good evening ya Armaan."jawahir say coming out from the kitchen making him to turn.

"Evening jawahir.
Please let jadwa knows I'm here been trying her contact but it's switch off."he say sitting on one of the sofa.

Ya jadwa isn't around, she left early this morning, something about her dinner gown."jawahir say with a shrug and Armaan sigh relaxing on the sofa he's been really busy with the wedding preparation that he doesn't even have time for himself.

"Should I get you something to drink or eat?"jawahir ask looking at him and he humm in response.

"Yes please.
Is Anty hanan home?"he ask sitting upright and pick the remote from the center table.

But she's sleeping.
Should i wake her?"jawahir ask heading for the staircase.

"No it's fine.
I will just wait a little longer for jadwa."he say putting on the football channel, jawahir and head back to the kitchen.

Jawahir doesn't understand why Armaan never for once pay attention to her, he has never even for once look at her he always try to avoid her or make there conversation short , for some reason she doesn't know why she always want to talk to him Armaan is one of those few people that have this awesome charisma that you do just love them just by looking at them.

Jawahir peep from the kitchen screen glass and shake off all the negative thoughts churning in her head, she pick a plate and dishe out the fried rice with chicken sauce and a soda drink she do always see jadwa giving him soda anytime he come, she drop the food on the dinning table and glance at Armaan who's too busy watching the television.

"I don't know fadilah, wlh kin chika banzan surutu, shi grandpa Amir dinne zai baki kudi without asking what you will use them for?"the familiar voice echo around the house making jawahir to turn her gaze to where the voice is coming from.

"Ya Armaan the food is ready."jawahir yell from the dinning table.

"What are you doing here ya Armaan?"jadwa say walking inside the parlour as she put her phone inside her handbag.

"Welcome back ya jadwa.
How did it go?"jawahir ask standing by the kitchen door.

"Alhamdulilah."jadwa answer and sit on the couch next to Armaan who's smiling endlessly at her.

"God JD.
Is this the way you welcome your fiancee,"Armaan say jokingly and jadwa snort.

What are you doing here I thought mummy said not to ever come to this house it's three days to our wedding can't you wait until then."jadwa say harshly and Armaan frown.

She do been acting all harsh and mean but Armaan always laugh it off as if it doesn't bother him, he knows jadwa is still angry with him and he believes once they marry everything will be back to normal he will have his old free spirited best friend back.

"I just want to spend some time with you, I miss you jd even do you are awfully mean this days."Armaan say with a frown and jadwa roll her eyes with a sigh.

"This wedding preparation is killing me, I'm so,so,so always exhausted."jadwa say removing the six inches heels she's wearing as she tells Armaan how her day went by as he stare at her with a giant smile on his face.

The more he stare at her, the more his love for her intensify in his heart, Armaan knows jadwa is the one and only woman he wants to spent the rest of his life with,he will make sure to do everything it takes to make her love him.

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