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Closing the bedroom door shut jadwa drop the plate of noodles on the bed and carry the little girl, she sit her on the bed and look at her.

"Farhanan mummy.
Where did you see that thing aunty jawahir collected from you?"jadwa ask and farhana point to the mirror making jadwa to look at her confused.

"Behind the mirror?"jadwa ask and farhana node and jadwa breathe out heavily with a sigh.

Eat your noodles so we will go to aunty mami house, brother jamal and samrah are waiting for us to go to the park."jadwa say and start feeding her daughter wondering how that charm get into her room.
The knock on the bedroom door is what gain her attention,she yell a come in and continue feeding her daughter as the door creak open making both she and farhana to look up.

Staring at his wife and the little girl armaan wonder what stops him from entering this bedroom he always anticipate to come for the past 2years, the room looks thesame and different with the giant pink wardrobe by the left side of the room and the long shoe rack armaan wonder why he can't feel even a single affection towards his wife and daughter.

"Do you need something?"jadwa ask looking at him snapping him out of his thoughts and he shake his head.

Get ready we are going out all of us."armaan say glancing at the little girl quietly nibbling her food.

"Maybe next time.
Farhana and i have plans for today."jadwa say and turn back to her daughter.

You said to always listen to daddy."farhana say making armaan to look at the little girl surprisingly.

You can't say no to daddy but i can say no because i am an adult."jadwa say and feed the little girl.

Armaan stare at the two,his eyes fix at the little replica of his wife wondering where he has been not knowing his daughter grow up soo fast, a little part of him want to spend some time with them but a big part of him want to avoid them completely, it's a weird feeling which he couldn't control for the past two years.

"Daddy do you want to eat?"farhana ask with a smile making him to smile weakly at her.

"Daddy has eaten his food,
"Salir de mi dormitorio(leave my bedroom) please."jadwa say not sparing him a glance making him to turn his gaze to her.

"I want to feed my daughter."armaan say making jadwa to look at him baffle.

You don't have a daughter armaan.
Farhana is my daughter alone i could vividly remember the last time you pay attention to her was two years ago at the hospital, leave before your wife comes in i am in no mood for unnecessary drama."jadwa say and stand up.

Armaan watch as she open the door making him to shake his head confused looking at her in bewilderment.


"Leave."jadwa say gesturing to the door, the intensity of the anger in her it's multiplying rapidly and if she keeps on staring at armaan she will do something crazy,do she knows it's not his doing but she doesn't care she just want him out of her bedroom right this minutes.

"Leave daddy you are making mummy to cry."farhana say and jump down from the bed, she hug her mother by the leg making jadwa to sigh kneeling on the floor hugging her daughter.

"I love you mummy,
I won't talk to daddy if that will make you cry."farhana say as jadwa clutch her daughter tightly, thinking about what she's been through for the past two years, the sleepless nights she had to spend crying yearning for her husband attention, how she have to convince her daughter that her father do care about her regardless how he ignored her.

"Jadwa."armaan say kneeling next to his wife and daughter.

"Leave me armaan,
Please just go away."jadwa yell hugging her daughter to her chest who's crying.

Farhana care about her dad but the love she has for her mother she can't even measure that, do she's still a little girl but the memories of her mother crying every night calling her father's name is always in her head.

"What the fuck is going on here?"jawahir voice echo from the door making armaan to stand up abruptly.

It's not what.......

"Get out of this room right now."jawahir say sternly and armaan sigh he glance at his wife who's crying hugging her daughter to her chest and walk out of the room.

"Nonsense."jawahir say and close the bedroom door.

She head to the parlour and pick her phone from the couch, scrolling through her contact list she dial her best friend number.

"Besti mi."jamila say and jawahir exit the parlour.

"Besti i am in deep shit."jawahir say and explain what transpire previously in the evening on one breathe.

God how did she even found it?
It's ok i was going to call you anyway because my wedding date will be fix next week and grandfather Amir wants me to come within the week,
So i will just come tomorrow or next so we can go back to the sorcerer.
But he still listen to your orders right?"

But he started acting weird and i even saw him in her bedroom right now,
You need to come besti i can't take chances no way."jawahir say walking to the garden.

"I will come by tomorrow insha Allah,
I will call sadiya to sent me the sorcerer New contact his previous contact isn't going through."

"Thank you sweetie."jawahir say and the two continue talking mostly about jadwa and what they will do next to make armaan stay away from her, after minutes of talking the two ended the call and jawahir sigh.

She scan the garden wondering where she buried the charm, she can't even remember when last she enter the garden it's been months, the garden has been previously 're organized within the year with a sigh she exit the garden to go back to check on her husband.

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