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Crying on her grandparents bed jadwa wail like a small child who's parent denied her candy on Halloween night, her grandmother try talking to her grandfather but he don't want to listen the two ended up with an argument.

"Jadwa."sobia say to her granddaughter but the girl refuses to look up and continue crying.

Please sit up."her grandmother say sitting her up as she clean her face.

"It's ok "kinji" your grandfather is going to talk to Armaan if he said he doesn't want to marry you then nobody is going to force you both, now you have to tell me the truth.
Are you sure you and Armaan are not a thing because if Armaan says he will marry you then there's nothing i can do about it jadwa, it's already hard to convince your grandfather to reconsider his decision and ask Armaan opinion on the issue."Sobia say looking at her granddaughter.

"Grandma me and ya Armaan are nothing, we've never even talked about any relationship, I even told him i like his friend and he wasn't against it."jadwa say and Sobia sigh.

"I am just telling you,
If you two know you've even a slightest feeling for one another and you are just trying to fool yourself then it's better you go and meet him right now so you two can sort things out before your grandfather call him."Sobia say and jadwa nod.

"Oya go and meet him right now,
I don't understand you kids of nowadays even have guts to say no to your parents decisions."sobia say as jadwa leave the bedroom grumbling to herself.

Wearing his singlet Armaan stare at his reflection in the mirror, he need to get his haircut, the bedroom door creak open and jadwa comes inside from the mirror Armaan could tell something is disturbing her.

She sit on the edge of the bed and he turn to face her.

"What's wrong?"Armaan ask sitting on the bed next to her do he already knows what this conversation is all about.

Jadwa turn and face him with a frown.
"Are you seriously asking me ya Armaan?
Everything is wrong, didn't you know what grandfather say stop smiling it's not funny, I don't want to marry you."she grumble and Armaan smile at her.

"Why don't you want to marry me?
Am I not your spec or I'm not handsome enough?"he say and jadwa glare at him.

"Stop joking ya Armaan, I am serious grandpa is going to call you now he wants to hear your opinion on the stupid engagement."jadwa say and Armaan sigh before breathing heavenly.

"Jadwa."he say staring at her and hold her two hands, his heartbeat immediately start accelerating.
"I love you jadwa, i have always do and i know you feel thesame we've been together since childhood."Armaan say staring at jadwa and she removes her hands from his.

"I told you i love someone else, besides i always look up to you as an elder brother and best friend nothing more, I care about you but i don't love you, I don't want to spend life with you."jadwa say and Armaan look at her surprisingly.

I've love you for years, you can't leave me for a stranger you don't even know this guy, you just met him i myself is still getting to know him, I love you jadwa and i am sorry if you don't feel the same way but i can't sacrifice my love for you to a complete stranger, it's insane."Armaan say and jadwa look at him surprisingly.

"I don't love you ya Armaan,
I don't want to be with you marriage is a life commitment and i don't want to spend it with someone i don't love."she yell angrily and Armaan chuckle bitterly.

"But you want to spend the rest of your life with someone you don't know, a stranger you just met 2days ago, did he even love you?
Jadwa we belong to each other we know everything about each other, we are like a replica of the other we are what every couple should be."Armaan say trying to hold her as she swat his hand away.

"I don't care ya Armaan,
I don't love you and i don't want to be with you, just to make it clear to you wether or not you agree to this stupid marriage i am not going to marry you."jadwa yell and leave the bedroom closing the door shut.

Armaan sigh and pick his shirt he unbutton it before slipping it on and begin to button it , it doesn't matter how furious jadwa will be with him but he isn't going to let her marry someone else, he love her and she belongs to him alone, he has harbor that love for years and even a rejection won't makes him quit,

He slip on his shoes and leave the bedroom muttering to himself.

Arranging the breakfast on the dinning table the parlour door open making Sobia to look up.

"Armaan hurry your grandfather is in his parlour upstairs waiting for you."she say to him once he near the dinning table.

"Good morning grandma."Armaan say and hug her slightly making her to smile.

"How was your night?"she ask with a smile looking at him and he nod.

"Good let me go and meet him."he say and head to the staircase his phone vibrate and he remove it from his pocket making him collide with someone and the sound of shattering glasses echo around the parlour.

"I'm sorry."she say and begin parking the broken glasses, Armaan look at her weirdly and head upstairs as he heard his grandmother yelling at the girl to be careful while handling the utensils before she hurt herself.

"Sallamu'alaikum."Armaan say once he's at the parlour door and his grandfather answer the salam.

"Good morning grandfather."Armaan say and sit on the carpeted floor opposite his grandfather.

"How was your night Armaan?"Amir ask the boy dropping the magazine he is reading and Armaan mutter Alhamdulilah.

Armaan listen attentively as his grandfather give him advice on importance of sabr and life in general.
If there's one person he likes spending time with is his grandfathers they always motivate him and give him hope.

"Thank you grandfather."Armaan say and Amir nod.

" Armaan.
You know we all want what is best for you right?
We can never make decision that will affect you and your happiness, so i want you to be honest with me.
Do you really want to marry jadwa or are you willing to marry her because we ask you to?"his grandfather ask Armaan could feel his gaze penetrating on him if he say yes then jadwa will be his but if he says no then he will make jadwa happy and she will be happy with him but he can't imagine life without jadwa in it.

"I want to marry jadwa because i want to be with her grandfather."Armaan say and his grandfather nod.

"It's ok.
You can leave now, May God bless you."he say and Armaan mutter an Ameen before walking out of the parlour.

You really want to be with jadwa i hope she understands that and give you a chance.

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