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Horrible, awful, stupid, i don't even know the best word to describe how I've been feeling for the past 5days, i don't even know why ya Armaan is stressing himself over someone like me after what i did to him, why did everyone even still care about me,
i was a selfish being and i deserve whatever that happened to me in Bulgaria.
  It's been 5days since ya Armaan saved me from the awful street of Bulgaria i really don't want to even think of all that I have been through since i have left home 13months ago if anything life has taught me a lesson one should appreciate whatever situation they found thereself in my mum always say that to me i never take that sentence seriously untill now, the worst mistake anyone would ever do in this life is to go against his family advice to the extent of leaving home, leaving home was the very big mistake i ever did in my life.

"Your seatbelt JD."ya Armaan say snapping me out of my daydream and i try fixing the seatbelt but my hand keep on fumbling around with the belt.
  He collect it and fix the belt making me to sigh and turn my gaze to the plane window, what will i tell everyone when i get home after the humiliation and embarrassment i caused them why did everyone still care most especially ya Armaan,
My mind reminisce back to when he first saw me at the hospital with his friend he was ecstatic hugging me Soo tightly and even break down in tears,
I was stupid to even compare his love with that horrible person they called Aleey, i shouldn't have listened to him in the first place.

"JD."ya Armaan say nudging me by the hand and i turn my gaze to him.

"Lets go."he say and i look up to see the plane is almost empty, he remove our bag from up cabinet and hold my hand but i refuse to stand up, he turn and look at me.

"JD come on."he say and drop the bag and sit.

"Everyone is excited to see you,
Do you have any idea how everyone missed you JD look at me."he say and flick away my tears with his finger.
"We all don't want to know why you did what you did and we don't want to know what you have been through for the past 12months, we want you to be happy, we just want our jadwa back the free spirited annoying everyone's favorite cousin."ya Armaan say with a smile and hug me slightly.

After some few minutes we come down from the plane, the hot breeze of my country hit me and there's nothing amazing as been home, we pick our luggage and come out of the crowded airport.

"JD!"the familiar voice of my bestfriend yell among the crowd making me to turn my gaze over there and saw her running toward us,
She crush me into a hug making me to stagger and ya Armaan was quick to hold the both of us.
  The rest of my family walk toward us,my mum,dad,grandpa raheem and his wife, my brother, 2 of my cousins farida and samira even jawahir everyone want to embrace me i end up breaking down, my mum hold my hand tightly as we all walk to the car.
  I enter thesame car with my parents,
My dad is the one driving with ya Armaan in the passenger seat while me,my mum, fadila and farida are in the back seat.

The drive home is a lousy one with ya Armaan telling them how his friend found me and took me to the hospital,
With fadilah and my cousin farida bombarding him with questions on how he found me.


Guilty i think is the best way to describe how I'm feeling right now,
Everyone is extremely happy seeing jadwa, grandpa Amir even organize a very big special welcome party everyone of our family members are here even the ones across the country.

"Is this the ya Armaan wife?"one of the girls ask as i drop the plates on the dinning table.

"Yes, she looks like grandma soby."one of them reply as they both turn there gaze to me.

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