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With the wedding few weeks ahead the family are really busy with the preparation.

Laying on her bed jadwa stare at rotating ceiling fan it's been two weeks since jawahir moved into the house do everyone is trying to act all normal with her but it's impossible she feel as do everyone is pretending and she doesn't belong here anymore.
Aarman is the only one she could sit and talk her mind out to but with there wedding few weeks away he seems really busy and have less time to spend with her, her grandfather has called and try talking to her few times about her reclusive behavior but she couldn't stop she try acting all normal but she just feel weird and get jealous whenever she saw jawahir spending time with there mother the fact that the two have same hobby makes there relationship perfect in jadwa eyes.

"Ya jadwa."the voice say she doesn't bother to turn because she knows who they belong to.

"Sorry, daddy is calling you downstairs."jawahir say and leave the bedroom quietly.

Jawahir has try few times to get to know jadwa but it's impossible, there parent even arranged a girl day out for the two but it ended up with jawahir alone talking and jadwa clearly not interested as she go through her phone the whole day, sometimes jawahir wishe jadwa would give her a chance so they can be sisters but she knows it's impossible since jadwa avoid everyone of the family members except for there elder brother hafiz and her fancee who she only spend time with and sometimes even see her laughing.

Jadwa continue laying on her bed, she don't want to speak to anyone she's been instigating a lot of stupid thoughts and idea into her head,she knows she care about Armaan but marriage is not even part of what she wants right now she just want to be alone and far away.

The bedroom door open and her father comes in, he sit on the edge of the bed and touch jadwa by the hand releasing a heavy breath.

"JD."he say staring at the girl worriedly as she humm in response.
"JD do you have any idea how what you are doing is affecting everyone of this family members, we all care about you jadwa , we miss your grumpy self, even your grandfather has been extra grumpy and angry with everyone because of you, fadila has been all quiet, your grandmother has been angry and snapping at every little situation, your mum may pretend she's happy but you have no idea how many times she cried herself to sleep, what about me JD don't you care about me, I miss you jd I miss our evening tennis game and how we gossip about your mum weird behavior strolling down the street in the evening, jawahir maybe my biological daughter but you will forever be my only princess, please jd I think you've punished us enough and we 're all sorry for everything."hafiz say patting her on the back as she cry silently into the bed.

As angry as she's with everyone she also misses them, they are her family after all, she sit upright and clean her tears, she smile at her father before engulfing into a hug making a smile to creep on his lip.

"I missed you too daddy."jadwa say crying as he whisper soothing words into her ears, after minutes of all the emotions he tell her to get ready he has a surprise for her downstairs and leave the bedroom.

Jadwa sigh and go through her wardrobe finding something to wear, jadwa love trousers, she love trousers, plain fitted t-shirt and sometimes abaya, she put on a blue jeans and wear a red t-shirt and tie her hair morer like drop the veil on her head,she come out of the bedroom and head downstairs stopping dumbfounded at the end of the staircase.
Today is her birthday and she completely forgotten, how comes no one send her a text message not even her friends she smile widely as the all scream SURPRISE.

Everyone of the family members is here, from her grandparents, to her cousins even grandmother jasrah and her husband raheem.
  A cake butter icing land on her face making her to laugh as she look at the direction to see her cousin bassam (fadilahs junior brother) making her smile to widen.

"Are you going to stand there all day?"her grandfather Amir say, she laugh and enter the well decorated parlour as conversation start to spark everyone wishing and saying all sorts of mean things to make her angry just like they used to, jadwa feel a sense of reliief as she excitedly mingle among her family again she feel loved and find peace by them surrounding her.

Standing at the extreme corner of the luxurious parlour jawahir watched as everyone do everything to pleased jadwa, she's angry, sad and happy, angry because everyone completely forget today is also her birthday, sad because she feel like she doesn't even belong here anytime jadwa is around it's like she's invisible, happy because jadwa is finally happy and maybe everyone will stop acting all worried and maybe she could try to fit in and find happiness with her family.

She didn't realize she's crying until someone use a handkerchief and wipe the tears off her face making her to look up abruptly.

"Go.....good evening ya hafiz."jawahir say and he chuckle.

"Jadwa will come around, I know you are very strong person jawahir you've been through a lot and i promise you like the saying goes, "after every hardship comes happiness" we are a family and sometimes we've to sacrifice a little for others that's what family do for each other."hafiz say hugging his crying sister.

"Now wipe off those tears and go celebrate with your sister remember today is also your birthday right."hafuz say and she nod with a smile and he hand her a small gift item making her smile to widen as she open.

It's a locket with a picture of her by the left and him by the right, jawahir smile and hug him one more time before handing him the locket and he put it on her neck as they both head for the lousy parlour.

Meanwhile all this happened in front of fadilah ever since the day jawahir was announced as one of the family members fadilah find herself being insecure since hafiz has never been comfortable with anyone other than jadwa but now he even smile and go outing with jawahir, fadilah find herself generating a very bad hatred toward jawahir and seeing the two this moment she feel like jawahir is nothing but a hovoc to the entire family.

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