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12 years later!

Sitted in his bedroom Armaan stare at the screen of the MacBook pro a picture of him and jadwa at a mall with her on his back, he sigh and massage his forehead.
  Sometimes he wishe he can just tell her what and how he feels toward her one minute he think she likes him the next minute she's calling him a Bestie,
Jadwa has become a mystery to him do he knows she really do care about him but he doesn't think she want them to become a thing.

The beeping from his laptop snap him out of his thoughts and the familiar name appear on the screen, he put on his earphone and click to answer the video call.

"Hey beautiful."he say with a smile and jadwa like the drama queen she is give him the middle finger making him to laugh.

"Aren't you going to come for the burial , you should be happy you will witness your greatgrand father burial you know."jadwa say and he laugh.

"Our flight is by 3pm, is someone missing me Soo badly."he say with a wink and she snort.

"Come on i will pass on that, you aren't my type, so i......jadwa pause and stare at the unfamiliar figure behind Armaan making him to turn back.

"Ohh Aleey how many times did i have to warn you about barge into my bedroom without knocking."Armaan say and push the stranger away.

"Who's that?"jadwa ask in a whisper.

"It's a friend they just moved to the neighborhood few blocks away from our house,Aleey come and say hi to my sister."Armaan say with a shrug.

"Hello."Aleey say with a wave and jadwa smile.

"Hi."she say with a wave making him to smile.

"I am Aleey."he say and jadwa find her self smiling more than she want to.

"I am jadwa, it's nice talking to you aleey"jadwa say staring at him.

"You are beautiful."Aleey say making jadwa to blush shyly as Armaan push him off the screen.

"Bye JD talk to you later."he say and close the laptop shut.

"Don't ever say that to her."Armaan warn aleey who's looking at him confused.

"She's your sister, not your girlfriend and i am just saying the truth, she's beautiful."Aleey say and Armaan mutter a whatever.

"Why are you here?"Armaan say in annoyance leaving the bedroom as Aleey trail behind him.

"Well my dad won't be around for the weekend and i was thinking maybe we could hangout at my place."Aleey say excited as the two sit in the parlour.

"I can't, I told you we are going for my GGF burial tomorrow and our flight it's leaving today."Armaan say and Aleey sigh.

"Ohhh that, yeah.
Can i come along."he ask with a shrug and Armaan look at him like he's crazy.

"We are leaving the country dude not taking a trip to Coventry."Armaan say with a snort.

I mean i will be bored so why not just tag along."Aleey say just in time the front door creak open.

"Welcome home mum."Armaan say helping his mum with the multiple shopping bags.

"Thanks sweetheart.
Aleey how are you enjoying the neighborhood."she ask sitting on the couch.

I was thinking of following you all to Nigeria, i mean my dad isn't in town and he wouldn't mind."Aleey say with a shrug as the door open and fu,ad come in.

Aleey want to come with us to Nigeria."asma,u yell making her husband to sigh.

Did he knows anyone there?"fu,ad ask sitting next to his wife.

"No sir.
I mean my dad told me my mum is an African, who knows maybe she's a Nigerian."Aleey say with a shrug and Armaan snort.

"Soo you are going to search for her or what?"Armaan say and Aleey chuckle.

Can i come?"Aleey ask looking at fu'ad he doesn't understand why the man doesn't like him.

I don't own the aeroplane, you pay for your ticket and they give you a sit to fly."fu,ad say with a shrug ignoring his wife glare.

"Don't mind him aleey.
Our flight it's leaving by 3pm so go arrange your things we only have few hours left."asma,u say and Aleey nod excitedly leaving the house.

"I have a bad feeling that this isn't going to be a nice idea, like why did he have to come."Armaan say and his mum sigh.

"Armaan this boy care about you,
He's the only genuine friend you have, if you didn't get rid of this your grumpy behavior you will end up being friendless like your dad, nonsense."asma,u say and leave the parlour muttering to herself.

"Your mum is crazy."fu'ad say with an eyeroll making Armaan to chuckle.

"But you still love her."he say with a smile.

"Unfortunately yes, she do give me migraines with her attitude sometimes."fu'ad say looking at his only child.

Do you think it's alright if i tell jadwa i like her, i mean.....i think she just want us to be friends."Armaan say disappointedly.

"So you haven't tell her all this while,
Come on son the more you delay the more you are giving other guys opportunity to woo her, if you love someone let them know you do because they wouldn't know if you didn't tell them."fu'ad say making his son to sigh.

"Sometimes i think you don't have to tell a lady you love her to let her know,  JD and i have been together since childhood, sometimes she makes me feel we are more than friends and other times she completely ditch me in the friendship zone it's frustrating, she's complicated."Armaan say with a sigh.

"You have to tell her Armaan, a woman may like you but in as much you didn't say those stupid 4 damn letters she won't even think twice to ditch you and your stupid emotions."fu,ad say standing up and Armaan nod.

"I will try and tell her ."Armaan say and his dad nod.

"You better do before it's too late."he say and head to the bedroom muttering about how much he hate traveling.

Armaan sigh and lay in the couch, a little part of him isn't sure that jadwa will say yes but a big part of him is confident she will say yes beside she is his bestfriend since childhood.

I am excited for them to be home,

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