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1month later!

The loud music coming from there daughters bedroom is what wake the peacefully sleeping couple, hanan sigh with a facepalm as her husband sit upright.

"Don't worry baby i will go talk to her."hafiz say to his wife and she sigh.

"It's morning anyway so i guess it's time to start the day, Daddy say he wants to see everyone so they can finalize the wedding date today."hanan say to her husband as she make a pillow with his lap.

"Oohh yeah.
I hoped jadwa doesn't do anything crazy i know she says she's ready to forget everything and be with Armaan but I'm not sure she's saying it from her heart, jadwa is a whole sinister case file."hafiz say playing with his wife hair.

"Allah ya shiryeta, anything about jadwa i leave it in the hands of God."hanan say with a sigh as the two continue talking mostly about there daughter.

Sitted with his grandfather in the magnificent parlour Armaan tell him about his now estranged relationship with jadwa.

"I mean one minute she's like the normal jadwa and the next minutes she's aggressive and getting mad about everything she's confusing me , I can't even predict her next reaction."Armaan say exasperated.

"Are you sure she's not still in contact with that British boy because i'm going to speak with your parents this evening and finalize the wedding date."Amir say to his grandson, making the boy to sigh.

"As bad as i want to marry jadwa, I think she and i need some more time to make our relationship back to normal."Armaan say just in time his grandfather phone start ringing.

Amir look at his phone screen and gesture for Armaan to excuse him as he pick his phone and enter his home office.


"Mummy wlh i have a feeling ya hafiz is hiding something from he's been acting weird for the past few days,"hanan say to her mother making sobia to sigh she doesn't want to add pressure to her daughter she could have tell her she's also facing same thing about her father.

"Why will you say so?
You have start with your curiosity
You should ask him if you think he's acting weird."sobia say to her daughter and hanan sigh.

"Mummy wlh he's always hiding and answering this estranged call I've tried checking his phone but he usually delete the contact immediately he's done, I have an extremely bad feeling about it, wlh mummy I've been having this weird dreams and with jadwa problems the pressure is just too much for me to handle."hanan say tiredly as her mother smile and hug her.

"Everything will be fine jadwa will also come around, it's just childishness but she will come along once your father finalize the wedding date."sobia say and hanan humm in response.

The software knock on the door makes them both to look up and mutter a come in, the girl quietly walk into the bedroom with a plate of fruit salad muttering a good evening to the two women.

Come here.
how many times did i told you to stop wearing this hijab didn't i bought you new clothes?
Oya go and remove this thing and put on something good."sobia say to the teenage girl who hide her face beneath the hijab and quietly leave the bedroom.

"How many months from now do you think dad will fix the wedding date?"hanan ask her mother as she chew on the fruit salad.

"I don't know hanan.
Maybe a month or two your father is unpredictable."sobia say with a sigh.

"Mummy you look stress is something bothering you since i come you've been sighing and breathing is exhaustion is there something you're not telling me."hanan say worriedly looking at her mother.

"Nothing hananu,
I will be right back let me go and check what this children are doing in the kitchen."sobia say and leave the bedroom as hanan lay on the bed.

Reminiscing on the last few weeks and her husband estranged behaviours she sigh, she doesn't want to over think things but why and what exactly is hafiz hiding from her, for the past long years of there marriage he has never keep anything away from her matter of fact every single decision he takes in his life he must include her in it,
Sighing she decided to go check on her dad, she do wanted to talk to him but unfortunately he was with Armaan, she close the door behind her and head for the parlour.

"Stay away from my family, what exactly do you want ?
This is the last money I'm sending to you and if you ever disturbed him I won't hesitate to make someone take care of you in the very way you deserve."the familiar voice coming from the office makes her walk closer to the door with a rapidly beating heart.

"Anty hanan."someone called making her to turn frighten.
"Sorry, mummy is calling you she's in the kitchen."one of the maid say and she nod trailing behind the maid as they descended down the stairs.

"Yawwa hanan please come and go to "Deenas" so you could get me some garlic I don't know it's finish, yaranan girki kawai sukeyi basu dubawa koh abubuwa Sun kare,"she say and hanan groan.

Hanan send one of the maid to get her veil upstairs and she leave for Deenas

Driving along the busy road hanan mind drift back to her father and she sigh, who's her father talking to her?
What exactly is going on?
The familiar Hummer jeep halted by the road side makes her look at the plate number and she furrow her brow in confusion.

She slow down and caught the figure of her husband talking to the unfamiliar woman making her to slow down the car, she watch from the tinted glass as he talk to the woman do she's getting his back view but from all indication they seems to be having fun since she's laughing and smiling, after few minutes he enters his car and drive away.

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