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Laying on the royal queen size bed armaan reminisce about the beautiful night he spend with jadwa, he stare at her peacefully sleeping face next to him she snuggled like a baby making him to smile, they do both pray subhi prayer and decided to go back to bed,
But he couldn't sleep the image of there first intimate moment stuck in his head he smile and shake his head,
He glance at the wall clock and its 11:43am in the morning making him to sigh, he need to prepare something for jadwa a breakfast in bed will be an awesome way for her to start her day,
He amble himself to the closet and put on a grey joggers with a plain white T-shirt and leave the bedroom.

"Good morning."jawahir say as Armaan enters the kitchen.

"Morning J.
How was your night?"he ask opening the freezer.

"Good."jawahir say and continue drinking her coffee from where she's sitting on the kitchen islan.

"mine was marvelously awesome."armaan say with a giant smile removing the ice fish from the freezer and jawahir humm in response.

"Samira brought food for the two of you."jawahir say making armaan to turn slightly from what he's doing.

"Ok."was his reply as he remove the necessary things needed for the dishe and close the freezer.

Jawahir watch from where she's sitting as her husband begin cutting all the unnecessary things as he put the tiny gizzards he cuts into a pot, he add some black pepper and put it on the gas on a low.
Jawahir wonder why armaan care less about her she's better than jadwa she do know,
she's beautiful,
she has a nice body which everyone compliments and adore why can't her husband see all those qualities in her, for how long is she going to cope and live in this miserable life,
The kitchen door open making both of them to turn there attention there.

Jawahir turn her gaze back to the cup of her coffee when she see it's jadwa the fact that she's wearing a very short handless red night wear that's revealing her tiny laps makes jawahir roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Good morning sunshine."armaan say happily his voice deep with excitement as jadwa walk inside the kitchen with a smile.

"Morning my hero.
What are you cooking for me?"she ask hugging him from behind dropping her head on his back making him to smile.

"It's this weird Gizdodo recipe i learnt specifically specially for you."he say with a giant smile making jadwa to chuckle, she release him and stand next to him.

"Good morning jawahir."jadwa say with a glance and turn back to what armaan is preparing.

Jawahir humm in response and drop the now empty mug in the sink and leave the kitchen.

Jawahir know if she continue sitting in the kitchen and watch the two she will surely die of cardiac arrest, she open her bedroom and amble herself inside.


"No way wlh ya armaan you are lieing."khadijah say and flip the chessboard.

"What are you all doing in my house in the first place it's my first day with my wife we need some peace everyone should leave."he say making the three girls to laugh.

"This one you are glowing and now you are sending us out don't kill our sister fah, it's already clear that she's exhausted from yesterday night considering the fact that she's been sleeping herself since we came."malika say making everyone to laugh and armaan roll his eyes in boredom his cousins are overly dramatic.

Since she's exhausted you three can leave now, let's go and don't come back until next month."he say picking there bags from the floor

Don't pregnant my sister this soon,
I'm not ready to be an aunty."khadijah say as they all head for the door.

"I will make sure i got her pregnant today."armaan say with a smug smile throwing there bags on them.

Wlh i must revenge ya armaan just wait until i marry."zainab say as armaan close the door laughing.

He sigh and enter the parlor, he pick the plate of unfinished food that his cousins ate and take it to the kitchen, he load it in the dishwasher and come back to the parlor and lay next to jadwa who's sleeping on the carpeted floor on the pile of duvet armaan smile and cover themselves with the blanket.

Coming down the stairs jawahir wear a short silk purple gown that perfectly hugs her body revealing her beautiful shape, halfway on the stairs she spot the two sleeping in the parlour buried beneath the pile of blankets only there faces showing, jawahir feel her heart beat palpitating and a pile of jealousy in her throat, she head back to her room and throw herself on her bed and start crying.

Is a short chappy but i try .

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