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Entering the parlour Armaan head to the kitchen, he open the fridge and remove a case of water.

"Good morning ya Armaan."jawahir say, ignoring her he drink his water and throw the empty case in the trashcan and head to his bedroom muttering to himself.

Jawahir sigh and continue preparing the breakfast with a lot of thoughts churning in her head,
   Few minutes later she's done, she dishe it on a plate and head upstairs,
With a rapidly beating heart she knock on Armaan bedroom door as she mutter some prayers, after what seems like forever the door open.

"Your breakfast ya Armaan."she say a little unsure looking at him.

"Are you mad?
What did i said to you yesterday?
Take this garbage out of my sight."he say flinging the plate off her hand and try closing the door but she was quick to put her hand slamming the door on her hand making her to yelp in pain as she hold her fingers.
    Armaan glare at her and mutter a sorry he try closing the door again and jawahir call him making him to turn with a sigh.

"What?"he say angrily.

"Ya Armaan.
I.....i..I'm really sorry about how things turn out between you and jadwa, i am not trying to replace jadwa i just want us to be friends that's all, I also feel really bad and guilty for marrying you jadwa is my sister regardless what she did to you she's still my sister I'm sorry our parents did this to you....Us....just I'm sorry, "jawahir say as she feel her vision blurring.

"Whatever."Armaan say and slammed the door shut making jawahir to sigh , she wipe away her tears and head back to the kitchen to get something to get rid of the messy floor.

The next few weeks passed by in a hazy, ever since she spoke to Armaan about not trying to replace jadwa he begin answering her greetings and eating her meals jawahir feel a sense of relieve and hope.

Today as usual jawahir wake up early to prepare breakfast for Armaan who now usually spend his day in there grandfather money exchange firm he usually leave 9:00am and jawahir always beat the time by making sure his breakfast is ready before then.

"Good morning ya Armaan."jawahir say with a smile as she stare at her husband in admiration, Armaan hardly look at her which give her enough time to Stare at him as much as she want without having to worry about getting caught.

"Morning jawahir.
How was your night?"he ask as he sit on the dinning table.

How was yours."she ask and begin dishing the breakfast which is egg sauce with fried chips with his regular ginger tea which he taught her how to make it, Jawahir sit in her regular position which is directly opposite Armaan.

"You should get ready by 2:pm we are going to your parents house."Armaan say without looking up from his food.

"Ok."she say with her gaze pin to Armaan, jawahir wonder why she never get tired of staring at him, she always find his bristly eyebrows fascinating, his Teutonic-dark hair that is always comb neatly which left her wondering if he ever worked as a hair dresser not to mention his almond shaped eyes that his bronze color eyeball fit in perfectly they were like a fire of passion her husband is indeed dishy he really look like a goddamn model, jawahir wonder why on earth her sister ran away from this Godly gorgeous man.

"Are you hearing me at all:"Armaan ask snapping her out of her thought as he look up from his food.

"Yes, yes."jawahir say making him to look at her weirdly and shake his head.

Once he's done Armaan bid his goodbye with jawahir and head for his grandfather office, reminiscing the past few days Armaan doesn't know exactly what to think of jawahir he will rather describe her as weird,
  She do stare at him as if she's staring right through his bones and soul,
he do wonder why she does that,
Sometimes he feels really bad for her considering the fact that she doesn't have friends and is always home 24/7 it's been 6weeks since they married yet she has never go out and the only person he do hear her talk to is her mother.
  Halting at his grandfather money exchange firm he sigh and relax in the car, he really can't wait for the summer to be over so he could go back to Surrey he miss his mum and friends.

Wearing the ankara blue fitted gown jawahir stare at her reflection in the mirror and smile she look really beautiful or so she thought, the knock on her bedroom make her quickly pick her handbag and open the bedroom door.

"Aren't you done?"Armaan ask going through his phone not giving her a glance.

"I'm done.
How do I look ?"jawahir ask with a smile making him to look up from his phone.

"Not bad."he mutter and go back to pressing his phone making jawahir to pout but didn't complain as they both descend down the staircase.

The drive to her parents was a quiet one jawahir wonder what is going through Armaan mind he always look tranquil.

"Uhmmm Ya Armaan?"jawahir say a little unsure and he humm in response with his eyes fix on the road his right hand place on his lap he perfectly position his left hand on the steering wheel.

I was wondering maybe i can go to school?"she say looking at him.

"Ok."is his only reply and she look at him confused but decide to keep quiet.

"I will drop you off ,
Just call me when you are ready."he say once they are in the front of her parents house, he park by the gate and jawahir look at him again .

"Aren't you coming in."she ask closing the car door, he hand her handbag to her and drive away making her to shake her head muttering weird to herself and enter her parents house.

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