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Cacophony is the best word to describe fadilahs house, with the loud music, people chattering and moving up and down makes everywhere so loud and noisy.

"Are everyone here seriously related to us?"jawahir say looking around the parlour confused making samira to laugh.

"Of course ya fadilah anyone you see here is directly related to us one way or the other if not paternal then maternal and very close family friends that become family."samira say and jawahir node looking at the way people are gallivanting around there at least 20+ people in the house and according to samira not everyone is present.

"Where the fuck have you been,
"Na zaga gidan ga almost 7 times searching for you."a girl say to samira making her to laugh.

"Come on suhailat i just saw you coming in with ya mukhtar."samira say making the girl to roll her eyes.

"Fine you gat me,
Hello my name is suhailat."the girl say to jawahir who node with a smile.

"This is ya fadilah Anty hanan daughter that married ya Armaan."samira explain and the girl node with a smile.

"I'm really excited for this get together i know it won't end well because like seriously i gat a lot to say to."suhailat say and samira laugh.

"Okay everyone it's time."someone yell in the parlour as everyone search for where to sit samira disappear into the crowd with suhailat.

Looking around the crowded parlour jawahir pick the dinning chair she was sitting on and keep it at the secluded area in the parlour and sit, she watch as everyone talk with one another bickering and talking with smiles on there faces, she spotted jadwa she's sitting on an unfamiliar guy lap on a one sitter couch with jamal on her lap.
  Her eyes roam around the parlour searching for Armaan but she couldn't spot him and she sigh.
After what seems like forever the parlour become quiet and jawahir look up from her phone.

"Soo as you all know as usual we are here to bond, to share, to love and adore ourselves as a family as usual but before that we will like to introduce our long lost cousin who is new here but she's a family regardless and she's also married to one of our brother, ladies and gentlemen please welcome jawahir to the family."the unfamiliar guy yell as everyone applaud with a smile.

Jawahir just watch confused trying to comprehend what just happened everyone turn there gaze to her which make her very much uncomfortable, she look up slightly and smile.

"Come on sis you don't have to shy we are family we all love you and Care about you."a girl say sitting next to jawahir with a smile.

"I really appreciate thank you very much."jawahir say more like in a whisper making them all to cheers happily.

"Alright now is the time if anyone has anything to say that will improve our relationship as family please don't hesitate to voice out your idea."another guy say and everyone begin whispering among themselves and a girl stand up.

"Please in the family group chat if someone don't have anything reasonable to share they should not text because seriously my phone is full with unnecessary pictures that it's not even important,
Ya saif wlh this message is specifically directed to you and nabila I'm really serious."a girl say making everyone to laugh.

"Agreeded said and nabila take note."a guy say making everyone to chuckle.

"What again?
anyone else because I'm really hungry."a guy say and a girl stand up.

"Wetin you want talk "hajiyan rigima"
A guy say and the girl glare at him and clear her throat.

"Good evening brothers and sisters,
It's with respect that i stand here to voice out my opinion which i didn't mean it in a harsh way and i want to make it clear that whatever I'm saying I am not indirectly saying it to anyone."the girl say emphasizing on the last sentence.
Well i think as family we need to have some empathy if one of us is going through a rough time but we don't do that we rather go around gossiping  about it which is very inappropriate.
Thank you very much."the girl say in her very sweet British accent making jawahir to smile.

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