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"Ya hafiz where's farhana?" Jadwa ask as farha feed her the plate of fruit salad.

"Farhana will come later in the night and armaan to." Hafiz say as he examine his sister with his eyes, tomorrow they will be leaving for LA and regardless how hard everyone tried to convinced armaan not to come with them it's all in vein, armaan came to the hospital two days ago after hanan told him everything he literally breakdown at the sight of jadwa, he feel responsible for the situation she is in it was a very intense moment for the two as armaan keeps on apologizing and pleading  for forgiveness, he ended up spending the night in the hospital for the past two days he's been the one taking care of jadwa do he himself isn't very healthy but armaan believe jadwa health is more prior to his,
He left in the afternoon to go arrange his luggage for the trip which it's an early flight tomorrow morning, nothing really changed between farhana and her dad rather it become even worst because the little girl doesn't look where her dad is do jadwa tried talking to the little girl occasionally but farhana is rather adamant and stubbornly object or walk out of her yapping mum whenever she start talking about her dad.


Picking his necessary things from the closet armaan remove the portrait of jadwa and him from the wardrobe, he stare at the picture wondering why and how h he wasted five years of his life without her by his side, he pack the clothes and enter the bedroom but stop weirdly staring at the figure staring at him.

"Ya a......

" get out of my bedroom."armaan say gesturing at the door as he stare rudely at jawahir who's kneeling on the floor her eyes swollen do to stress and too much crying.

"Ya armaan.
I know i have inflicted alot of pain on everyone, you most especially but I'm really sorry please find a place in your heart and forgive me please , I don't understand why I did what did, don't leave without forgiving me I don't know how long I'm going to survive this." Jawahir say crying as she feel her heartbeat hitch, she try opening and closing her mouth but couldn't find her words,

Armaan turn from the bed where's arranging his suitcase for the trip and freeze.

"Jawahir?" He call looking confused at her as she begin gasping for air, he quickly remove his car key from the hook next to the bed, he pick her from the floor and rush out of the bedroom.


Pacing around the theatre room the entire Amir household are in the hospital, it was a very big coincidence for armaan when he gets to the hospital with Jawahir only to find out that jadwa too has been urgently rush to the theatre do to the sudden reaction in her body, Jawahir too was quickly rush to the theatre because she was unconscious by the time they reached the hospital.

"Daddy." The little girl say making armaan to turn his gaze back to her from the theatre door he do been staring for the past one hour.

"Meerah." Armaan say with a weak smile at samirah as he hold her to his chest.

"Will my mummy be fine,
Farhana say my mummy will leave me." Samira say and armaan smile shaking his head.

"Your mummy will be fine.
Aunty jadwa will also be fine OK." Armaan say and samira node as he place her between his legs with a smile,

Armaan eyes wander around the hospital lobby full with his family members as he spot farhana sitted all alone by her self on the floor next to a wheelchair with her gaze fix on the theatre door one will think she's looking right through the door.

"How is she feeling?" Armaan ask as he glance at jadwa who's laying on the bed.

"We are leaving soon, this night actually we can't wait until tomorrow morning, I have arranged for the flight, she's fine for now." Hafiz say as he support jadwa head on the pillow.

"I will be right back." Hafiz say and exit the room making armaan to turn his gaze to jadwa.

"Baby please be fine for me." Armaan say and kneel on the floor next to the bed, he hold jadwa hand in his staring at her face as she smile weakly at him.

She slightly point at the drawer on the hospital wall and armaan turn confused.

"I should open the drawer?" He ask and she node.

He stand and walk to the drawer, he open it and a piece of envelope is inside and her remove it turning his gaze to her.

"Is this what you want?" Armaan ask and jadwa node.

"What's this?
Is this for me baby?" Armaan ask happily and she node.

He try opening it and jadwa stop him with a head shake and he frown but slip the envelope into his pocket.

"I really do love you JD." Armaan say but pause as jadwa start coughing and a slight blood comes dripping from her nose.

"Hold on baby lemme call ya Hafiz,
Armaan try standing but she hold him quickly as she cough hardly and the blood come rushing from her nose, the heart monitor begin beeping and the door open.

" what happened to her?
Excuse me."hafiz say as he hold jadwa.

The excruciating pain in jadwa chest makes her cough even hard as she feel her larynx opening wide making her to vomit the blood content she feels blocking her heart, the blurry figure standing around her and the voices echoing around the bedroom become less and dense, she keeps on repeating the very word she's so used to saying "la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam"
The noise begin fading as a serenity and calmness begin to engulf her.

"We are losing her get the defibrillator quick." Hafiz yell at the nurse as the heart monitor stop beeping, he remove the wires connected to her body and begin to apply some more pressure on her chest.

"What is happening to her?
Jadwa pleasee don't leave me in this world,
I promise to never hurt you, I love you JD please." Armaan say as he look confused at hafiz who's now using the defibrillator on jadwa who's laying without a motion.

Hafiz feel every piece of his heart shattering, he couldn't save his own sister, the hot liquid emerging from his eyes makes him feel stupid.

Wake up!" Hafiz say to his sister as he vigorously shake her body, he slap her three times on the face and he breakdown in tears, the room become quiet ,the nurses staring worriedly at there simple yet emotionless doctor broken, armaan stare emotionless at jadwa body and he started laughing.

"Jadwa I know you won't leave me,
She's awaka." Armaan say making everyone to look up at jadwa but she's not moving making them to turn there gaze back to armaan who's talking to the wall.

No,no armaan don't start with the delusional, hallucinaton hings please." Hafiz say and wipe his tears as he order the nurses to wheel jadwa body on the bed out of the room.

"I'm not hallucinating,
Baby did you hear him,
Talk to him he think you aren't real." Armaan say and squat staring at the chair.

"Armaan look at jadwa over there,
That's her body OK." Hafiz say as he ask the nurses to stop but armaan shake his head saying all sort of words and ended up passing out on the floor.

Hello loveliess.
I missed you all but nevertheless I'm back and here's your second to the last chapter.

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Jk to all of you.

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