💧The End💧

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5years later

Stuffing her books into the backpack the girl grumble on how much she hate stress, she pick the earphone from the bed and remove her phone from the charger before exiting out of the bedroom.

She walk pass the little girl playing in the small playhouse by the end of the lobby and take the staircase as she plug her earphone singing along "that's what I want by lil-nas x"

Glancing at the teenage girl that enter the kitchen not sparing her a glance the woman in her early 30 sigh as she release a heavy breathe.

"Good morning mummy." A teenage girl say as she enter the kitchen dropping her backpack on one of the kitchen stool.

"Morning baby.
How was your night?" The lady ask with a smile and the girl mutter good.

The two watch as the teenage girl remove the yesterday leftover shawarma from the fridge and set it in the microwave she turn to the two, glance briefly at them and turn back to what she's doing.

"Breakfast is ready."the lady announce and the girl help her to set the mini dinning table in the  kitchen.

Coming out from the bedroom the young man in his late 30 close the door shut as he adjust his glasses.

" Dada."the little girl say making him to smile.

"My JD.
How was your night?" He say picking the 2years old girl who smile revealing her dimples.

He walk down the staircase as the little girl  sing the morning rhyme for him making him to laugh.

"Good morning daddy." The teenage girl say as she collect the bowl of yoghurt from her mum.

"Morning samirah.
How was your night?" He ask as he drop the little girl on the high children chair.

"Good morning Best." The lady greet with a smile making him to node as he sit on one of the chairs next to the little girl on the dinning table.

"Morning J.
How was your night?" Armaan ask and Jawahir node with a shrug.

"Farhana breakfast is ready." Jawahir say but the girl continue doing her stuff, do she has an earphone on but she could hear them, she turn the milk into the glass cup and pick her plate of shawarma exiting the kitchen as she mutter incoherently to herself.

Jawahir release a heavy breathe as she feel all appetite lost in her making her husband to sigh as he hold her hand squeezing it reassuringly.

Samirah dishes the food as armaan continue pleading with them to take it easy on farhana and she will come around soon.

The death of jadwa has make a negative impact on every single family members in the amir extended family especially farhana, the little girl find it difficult to accept, cope and be her normal self it takes alot of therapy and help from family members before she gradually comes back to her normal self, Armaan himself was diagnosed with schizophrenia and spend nearly a year in the psychiatric hospital, farhana was the reason he gradually comes back to his senses because she reminds him of his late wife, previously within the year he read the letter jadwa left for him and armaan was left with no choice than to fulfill his wife dieing wishe by staying with Jawahir, along the line armaan learn to forgive her and let life goes on and they where blessed with a baby girl who he named after his late wife.

The only problem the armaan households face is farhana awkward behaviours other times she act all jovial with everyone but some days she act mean and wouldn't hesitate to say whatever hurtful word to anyone that bother her.

"For how long is she going to understand that i am sorry, there isn't a single day that will past and i won't regret whatever decision and the wrong path i choose years ago, I feel responsible for everything and i wishes some day farhana will realizes that I'm a changed person, I just want her to take me as her mother an..........

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