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"Yanzu haka za,ayi wanan bikin babu ko mai not even a single event."fadilah say loading the plates in the. Dishwasher.

"Uhmmm please i don't want anything even grandpa has agreed to it so you girls can't change my mind."jadwa say munching the Pringles.

"Are you like nervous.
I mean abun fa gobe ne."malika say and jadwa Chuckle.

"It's just ya armaan it's not something new."jadwa say with a snort.

"Not him.
Girl you two are staying in the same house i know jawahir is nice and friendly but kishiya fa babu sani babu sabo."zainab say sitting next to jadwa who shrug.

"I don't have problem with her staying i mean everyone will just mind there own shit, I won't pretend to start any stupid friendly friendship or sisterly rival relationships."jadwa say making malika to chuckle.

"You are too straight forward it's annoying."malika say as the front door open and zainab peep from the kitchen door.

"It's me madam you too like gossip."khadijah say laughing and join them in the kitchen as the girls dive into conversation mostly about the nikah which is tomorrow at exactly 11am.

Sitted on her bed jawahir stare at the wall clock with her hand supporting her cheek, she doesn't know what to expect with jadwa one thing that she's certain about is she will just have to be patience because regardless how there husband want to do justice she do know Armaan will always love jadwa more than her.

"Jawahir."someone say knocking on the door snapping her out of her thoughts, she stand up and adjust her night wear, she creak the door open and armaan stand.

"Can i come in?"he ask looking at her and she node opening the door widely  for him.

Jawahir close the door shut and release a heavy breathe before turning back and walk back to the bedroom, she sit on the loveseat next to the bed considering the fact armaan sit on the edge of the bed.

Armaan stare at jawahir who's sitting with her gaze on the floor, she's wearing a short silk red night wear giving him full access to her laps jawahir has a very perfect chubby body unlike jadwa who's slim.

"Jawahir?"armaan called and she sit folding her legs on the loveseat.

"Yes."she say adjusting her night wear to close her visible lap.

" I'm not perfect i care about you and I'm sorry i have to bring jadwa into this house i promise you i will do my best to do justice between you two,
Jadwa means alot to me likewise you.
I want a peaceful home please jawahir."armaan say and jawahir node as she feel her vision blurring she flick away her tears making armaan to sigh.

Armaan stand up from the bed and sit next to her on the love seat he embrace her into a hug and jawahir lay on his chest crying quietly.
armaan feel guilty for hurting jawahir feeling he do know she genuinely care about him regardless what she did to him before finding jadwa he do believe she do it because she love him armaan wish he can love jawahir just the way she show him love and care, he wonder how it's going to be living with two women as his wife in same house.

After few minutes he feel jawahir weight on his chest he glance at her and she's asleep, he pick her bridal style and drop her on the bed, armaan study jawahir body his eyes wander from her face down to her chest making him to gulp he raise his hand to touch her but stop himself, armaan doesn't want anything to come between him and jawahir because he has been keeping himself for jadwa for a very long time as selfish as that may sound but he want to spend his first special moment with jadwa.


"Give me the gloss.

"Where's my headband?

"Zainab give me the kohl.

"Khadijah please do my eyebrows for me please.

This are the noise that filled hafiz house apparently grandma soby decided to organize a photo section after the nikah jadwa refuse to leave hafiz house regardless the persuasion from her grandparents and parents.

"See fine girl.
Hah ya armaan will probably leak you finish by the way you are glowing.
Sannun ku da aiki."fadilah say coming inside her bedroom were the make up artist is doing jadwa make up.

"Ohhh my gosh.
Jadwa you look awesome."khadijah say coming inside the bedroom going live in her instagram.

Jadwas phone begin ringing and malika pick it for her from the bed with a smile.

"Its him.
Maybe an daura ne."malika say answering the phone puting it on speaker and hand the phone to her.

"Hello mrs Armaan."armaan voice say making everyone to awwnn.

"Wlh an daura you are finally mrs armaan fu,ad and i will soon come to see you.
I love you."armaan say and everyone laugh.

"ByeBye."jadwa say and end the call with a smile.

"anty amany and grandma jasrah is here you should hurry."samira say coming inside the house.

Ya jadwa you look really beautiful wlh."zainab say looking at jadwa mouth open.

After few minutes everyone is done and they all load into the cars for grandma sobia house.

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