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Crying silently on her bed jadwa wonder when things will get back to normal in her life, it's been a week since armaan divorce her but he neither called nor come home even when there grandfather called him he didn't answer the call rather he switched off the phone.

"Jadwa."farhat call pushing the bedroom door open with a sigh.

You are still crying,
It's been one week if he really do care he would have come and check on you.
Did you know his phone has been off and he hasn't been going to the office,
A sigh he and his wife are celebrating your exit out of the house."farhat say to her best friend and jadwa sigh sitting upright.

"You all know this isn't his doing,
For how long are we going to continue letting him do what he's doing,
Jawahir is the daughter of this family but that doesn't give her the right to do what she did to him."jadwa say wiping her tears and farhat sigh.

It's all our assumptions but we don't have a single evidence to prove jawahir is behind what is happening in your house."farhat say wiping her best friend face with a weak smile.

"That's what everyone say.
Evidence this evidence that.
This isn't a court case or crime scene that we will need all that,
Ya armaan is not himself he need serious prayers this isn't fair."jadwa say as she feel the pain in her heart multiplying making her to clutch her chest.

"Jd."farhat say holding her best friend as she begin gasping for air and the bedroom door open.

What happened to her."hafiz say holding his sister as she begin coughing out blood through her mouth.

"Get the car keys."he say and pick her up as they all rush out to the car.

Laying tiredly on his bed, sweating profusely he breathe out heavily as he stare blankly at the ceiling,the numbness of his body multiplying each day as he feel sick and weak with each passing minutes, he can't remember the last time he step out of his bedroom.

The bedroom door open and jawahir comes inside the bedroom.

"Where's jadwa?"he ask and she shake her head tiredly.

"I told you jadwa left,
She left you since you fall sick.
Nobody in your family want to take care of you except for me."jawahir say and drop the plate of food on the bed.

Apparently armaan fainted the day he divorced jadwa he gain consciousness and become really sick, he's been asking about jadwa and his family but jawahir always try to instigate the fact that they all left him since he fall sick, armaan is clueless wether or not to believe her because he can't even remember a single thing aside the fact that jadwa gave birth to a baby girl.

"Eat your food."jawahir say but armaan shake his head in denial.

"Take me to my family,
What's that smell?"he say scrunching his nose up in disgust and jawahir look at him weirdly.

"What smell?"she ask trying to perceive anything with her nose.

"Is that smell coming from you?"
Armaan say try sitting upright but couldn't do to how weak his body is, he close his nose with his hand.

"I'm smelling?
Then you will die in here alone,
Because nobody is coming to save you from here.
Nonsense."jawahir say and angrily storm out of the bedroom making armaan to sigh in relief.

Jawahir pace in front of the bedroom wondering what she's going to do,
Her mind drift to years ago at the sorcerer house and her heart drop.
"The day someone dig out that charm,
Your husband will hate you and you won't like the consequences" jawahir wonder where the charm went to because she have to invite some laborers to dig out the entire garden but she couldn't find it,
She intentionally switched off her husband phone and hide it in her bedroom so nobody will bother come to there house.

The doorbell ring making her to jump in frighten as she wipe away the sweat from her forehead.

"James you said they are all inside?"Amir ask and the security guy node standing next to Amir who patiently press the doorbell.

After minutes of waiting Amir order the James to breakdown the door.

After what seems like forever which is just 48minutes James breakdown the giant German door and Amir enter the house looking around the dusty environment irritated.

"James are you sure human beings live here?"Amir ask and James node.

"Yes sir.
Madam take samira to school every day and go bring her back when it's time."James say and Amir node.

Armaan."Amir call but no one answer.

Standing confused in her bedroom jawahir enter the bathroom and comes out stand in the closet and sigh tiredly.

"Jawahir."a familiar voice call making her heartbeat to accelerate.

Jawahir thought of going out but stop the door handle creak open and she stare with a rapidly beating heart as the door open widely revealing her grandfather.

Daman kina ciki?
Where's armaan?"he ask looking around the bedroom and jawahir scratch the beck of her head nervously.

"I......I.....he....we...I.."She say not knowing what to say as she stare at the floor.

"Where's armaan bedroom?"Amir ask and James gesture for him to go out.

Amir node and exit out of the bedroom wondering what has come over his grand daughter as he trail behind the security guy who take a left and stand in front of a white German door.

"Open it."Amir say and James creak the bedroom door open.

The oozing smell of sweat and a mixture of badly urine makes the two cover there nose as James switch on the light and Amir stare baffle at the sight on the Italian royal bed.

"Armaan."Amir say looking at his nephew grandson.

From his blurry vision armaan watch the two silhouette figure walk toward him.

"Armaan."Amir say removing the duvet covering his body and feel a wave of anger in him.

"I want jadwa."armaan say in a whisper and Amir shake his head.

"James can you carry him?"Amir ask and James node as he strongly lift armaan and drap his hand on his shoulder.

"Let's go."Amir say and head to the door, he open the door widely for james as he drag Armaan.

Standing by the staircase rail jawahir watch as the security guy helplessly hold her husband as he drag him down the stairs, she turn her gaze to her grandfather who's attention is completely on her husband and she sigh.

"Gr.......jawahir try saying but Amir throw a deadly glare at her making her to keep quiet.

She watch as the three exit out of the house, jawahir thought of following them but decide to stay back confusedly not knowing what to do, she pick her car key and drive out of the house.

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