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Jadwa's pov!

Driving into my grandparents house i halt at the garage with a sigh, i seriously don't know what's going on as angry as i am with everyone but I have to know what exactly is going on and who's that estranged woman all my answer will have to be here since both my parents are here, I lock my car and head inside the building checking my beeping phone as i collide into someone.

"Sorry."the girl say covering her face with her hijab i shrug and head upstairs to meet my grandparents.

Your daughter is alive i myself doesn't know about her, after what happened that night i quit my job and leave the country to start afresh, it was never my intention to go back to the hospital or be in contact with anyone from the hospital but then last month i kept on receiving this text messages about what transpire that night and i decided to meet up with that person, it was my colleague who received the other woman labor that faithful night, she then told me after we all left the hospital the baby somehow miraculous gain consciousness and was sent to an orphanage, i went to the orphanage and find out she was adopted 3weeks after she was brought there it takes a lot of searching to find out who adopted her and unfortunately the woman died yesterday and left all this."the familiar woman from our house this morning explain as i stand by the door.

What's going on ?
Can someone tell me what she's trying to say?"hanan say confused looking between her husband and her father.

"Jadwa isn't your daughter."Amir say feeling sorry as he look at his daughter.

"I'm sorry hanan you shouldn't blame hafiz for any of this, we were all helpless we all see how excited you were to be with your baby and unfortunately things doesn't go well that night and we thought she died coincidentally faridah over here was an old friend of mine and work in the hospital, a mad woman was rushed to the hospital she gave birth to jadwa and died so with the help of faridah we swapped the babies, believe me we just want you to be happy."Amir say trying to hold his daughter but she stepped back.

"Hanan please.
We will find our real daughter insha Allah i promise you."hafiz say and hanan Chuckle bitterly.

How could you,
You.....hafiz i trusted you all this years you lied to me,
What about jadwa do you have any idea how she will feel if she find out about this."hanan say feeling betrayed.

"Nobody will tell jadwa a......

"But i already know."jadwa say from where she's standing in the parlour making everyone to turn there gaze to her.

"I heard everything,
I've always know I'm not the perfect daughter for you, who ever thought a mad woman daughter will grow in such lavish home and be ungrateful."jadwa say cleaning her stained cheek as hanan walk to her.

"Don't you ever say that again."hanan say slapping her on the cheek.
"You will always be my daughter jadwa, you are my happiness, I raised you the way you are i overly pampered you into your bratty self and i am happy to have you in my life, you are my everything."hanan say engulfing jadwa into a bone crushing hug.

The parlour become quiet the situation is Soo intense that everyone is speechless and dumbfounded, Amir stare at his wife who's looking at him surprisingly she never thought her husband will ever keep such big secret away from her, Amir feel guilty and responsible for everything he look at his son in law who's so engross staring at his wife and daughter before he breathe out in relief.

"Hanan."hafiz called his wife she look up from her daughter and clean her face.

"I'm sorry for lieing and keeping things away from you it......hafiz doesn't get to finish hanan drag jadwa by the hand and they both leave the parlour.

"Just give her some space."sobia say to hafiz who just sigh he doesn't want to loose his wife because of this.

"Where can we find the girl?"sobia throw the question at faridah and she hand her the envelope.

She open the envelope and remove the multiple pictures of a very beautiful baby, she is indeed a replica of her mother, as she go through the pictures and the baby grows she begin to notice the familiarity making her to furrow her brow in confusion.

This......this....this is jawahir."sobia say confused as she feels the tears emerging from her eyes.

"How could i be so stupid and blind,
Jawahir is hanan daughter?"she asked looking at the lady and she nod.

"She was sent to work as a maid by her grandmother after her adoption parents death."faridah explain.

"Who's the girl?Amir ask his wife collecting the pictures from her hand.

"She works here as a maid she's always recluse and.......the salam from the door makes them all to look over.

"There she is, jawahir."sobia say collecting the plates from the girl hand and drop them on the couch, she remove the hijab she usually close her face with.

"Jawahir."sobia say once more touching the teenage girl face as the girl look at her confuse, she hug her and start crying.

Hafiz, who's standing by the corner of the parlour stare at the girl and indeed without a doubt anyone could tell she's his wife replica, he didn't realize he is crying until he feels the liquid drip on his hand, he uses the back of his hand and wipe off the tears.

This is your father,
We are your grandparents,
My daughter hanan is your mother,
We are your family."sobia say in between sob as she hug the confused looking girl.

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