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Jadwa's pov!

Coming down the staircase i stuff my phone into my backpack.

"Come on hanan please eat, you are going to get sick you've been crying since yesterday."my dad say as i peep through the dinning table and see him trying to console my mum.

So apparently my GGF(great-grandfather) died in Italy and they brought his body today and ever since my mum got back from her parents house she's been crying, seriously in my opinion the dude is 87years so what's the point of crying, ugghhh if my grandfather die i will cry for sure do we don't get along according to him I'm too lousy to be his blood, get this straight my grandparents are still young so they aren't dieing anytime soon, did i mention that my grandfather is the most grumpy man on planet earth.

Where are you going to?"my dad ask snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oohh, uhmmm.
Ya Armaan flight will be landing in 1hour time i want john to take me."I ramble looking at my mum who's eyes is puffy from too much cry.

Buy some kilishi for your mum on your way back, baby you will eat it right it's your favorite."my dad say looking at his wife worriedly.

"No,"my mum say with a sniff making my dad hug her to his chest muttering whatever i don't want to know to her and i quietly leave the parlour.

My dad is 100%whipped, like sometimes i wishe someone will just love me soo much, whenever they have an argument my dad will spend the rest of the day mopping around like a teenager, Love makes us do crazy shit nevertheless my mum and dad always want to tell me about there weird love story but hey i am not interested in listening to some boring old lovestory.

Once inside the car i bring out my phone, a picture of me, my brother and ya Armaan is ofrcse my wallpaper, ohh yes i have an elder brother a very boring one ofcrse, Ya hafiz love books one minute you are asking him what he will eat the next minutes he's studying, no offfense but I thought everyone hate studying.

"John please if we reach just let me know, I am sleepy."I mutter and close my eyes shut.

My mind drift to Ya Armaan and i smile, ya Armaan and i are bestfriends, he's my favorite cousin, my brother, my secret keeper matter of fact he's mee.
like seriously there's nothing he doesn't know about me, when i started my period he was the first to know, he knows everything about me, i won't say i know everything about him thou he's kind of the introverted type and hardly voice out his problems untill you pressurise him.

"We're here."John voice ring in my ear and i sigh.

"Thanks john."I mutter and come out of the car.

The hammatan night breeze makes me shiver and i blow out some air out of my mouth, my eyes caught the familiar figure yelling at some stranger making me to chuckle.

I walk quietly to her back and touch her shoulder making her to smack me with her handbag.

"Ohh sorry!
I don't know it's you."she yell and i laugh holding my face.

"God fadila,
Why didn't you tell me you where coming."I ask standing next to the car.

"Ohh please jadwa as if i will miss picking up my crush from the airport."she say dramatically making me to Chuckle.

Fadilah is my cousin, she's completely crazy,lousy and any other words that will describe a loud person but she's still my favorite sister, my only gossipmate and she has this terrible unrequited crush on Ya Armaan.

"My mum has been crying like seriously the dude is old why on earth is she crying so much."i say and fadilah laugh.

"Wait till you go see your grandmother, like seriously she even fainted it's her dad thou, your grandfather is there doing his i am the boss attitude, didn't even allow us to see the old man corpse."fadila say and we both chuckle.

"Grandpa Amir is very grumpy and mean wonder how he ended up with someone as sweet as my grandma."I say and fadila nod in agreement.

"My grandma say it was a complicated lovestory."fadilah say and i humm in response.

"I hate love stories."I say and she chuckle.

"Do you know what i was thinking?"fadilah ask and i shake my head.

"Can you help me and Ya Armaan become close, like i know you two are best friends and he always listen to you, so i was thinking if you will figure out a way for him to notice me."she say and i look at her baffle.

fadilah are you really serious about the whole Ya Armaan thing, i understand we were young then about the whole crush thing but come on fadilah you are 19 you can't go around chasing after a guy it's weird."I say and she sigh.

"You won't understand,
I like him, I really like ya Armaan but he hardly even notice my presence."she say with a pout just in time my phone blink.

"They've arrive come on let's move closer, huh uncle fu'ad will start insulting this country just wait and see."I say and as we both walk to the main entrance.

"Anty Asma'u and her weird hausa accent."fadilah say and we both laugh.

After 15minutes of standing and searching the crowd, I spotted the familiar silhouette among the crowd making a smile to creep on my lips.

"Ya Armaan!"I yell as i start running penetrating through the crowd and jump on his body crushing him on the floor.

"God jadwa!
You will kill me one of this days."he say as i stand up and hug uncle fu'ad.

"Good one jadwa, did you join a martial class or something, Ohh God "mun iso ga shegen zafi wanna kasar taku"uncle fu'ad say removing his jacket and i turn to face anty asma'u who's talking with fadilah.

"Uhmm it's now you are seeing me."she say teasingly as she hug me making me to smile as we both head to the car.

"Ok so are we going to grandma jasrah house or ?"I ask with a smile and uncle fu'ad snort.

"Hell no,
I am going to soby's house at least there's alot of food there, Maybe Armaan and Aleey will stay at jasrahs house."he say making me furrow my brow at the familiar name and i turn to see the familiar face talking to ya Armaan.

Aleey, you come with them."i say confused and he smile with a nod.

"Who's taking us i am damn tired."uncle fu'ad yell and i chuckle.

  we are all going to grandma sobia's house before you all decide where you want to stay."I say and uncle fu'ad sit in the front with john, anty asma,u sit with me and Aleey sit beside me.

"Okay so maybe ya Armaan will go with you fadilah."I say l winking at her and she smile giving me a thumbs up.

"Whatever."he say and follow fadilah to the car, I watch as she collect the backpack from him making me to chuckle.

"What are we waiting for john,
Let's go to my favorite grumpy grandfather house."I say and uncle fu'ad laugh.

The drive it's a lousy one with uncle fu'ad bombarding me with millions of questions and anty asma'u yapping about how much she misses "Danwake"

So here i am again with another amazing chapter.

If you are a fan of my two desires series book then i assure you, you will enjoy reading this book.

Note: you don't have to read my previous book of the desires series to understand this book, all the three books are stand alone Novel, so just add untainted desires to your reading list and lets enjoy the ride.

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I love you all.

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