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The next few weeks passed with an intense argument and unnecessary quarrel between the two rivals which armaan at the end of every settlement blamed jadwa for everything.

"Jadwa can you cook some noodles for me?"armaan ask entering the parlour, jadwa continue pressing her phone ignoring his presence, she's been really upset and angry with armaan his sudden selfish behavior always annoy her.

"I'm talking to you jadwa."armaan say standing in front of her but jadwa look uninterested as she continue pressing her phone chewing the gum in her mouth loud.

Armaan feel the anger in him accumulating previously jadwa has been nothing but annoying and selfish which is annoying him, he snatch the phone from her hand and throw it on the tiles floor making her to stand up.

"I am talking to you jadwa,
If you can't respect me as your husband you can do the other way round because I'm your elder brother right."armaan say intensely staring at jadwa.

Jadwa stare into armaan eyes with a very bitter look and anger, she hiss and leave the parlour jawahir who's standing by the staircase watching everything that's happening with her now visible small bump smiling mischievously at the scene, jadwa walk pass her and she slightly fall on the floor and scream gaining armaan attention as jadwa turn to her.

"Why did you push me that way jadwa."jawahir say holding her pregnancy bump closing her eyes painfully making armaan to run to her.

"Sorry j.
Why are you doing this jadwa.
Why are you very wicked this is soo unlike you, you've changed into a complete evil being."armaan say as jadwa feel the anger in her multiplying.

"I'm evil!
A very nice word to use this thing here drugged me and abort my baby you didn't called her evil.
I will show you just how evil i am."jadwa say and slap jawahir two times on the cheek making her to stagger.

Armaan hold a staggering jawahir who's holding her cheek confused, as he stare weirdly at jadwa he ask jawahir to hold the rail of the stairs.

"You slapped her jadwa?"armaan ask stepping next to jadwa who turn to leave but he was quick to hold her as she struggle and yell at him to let go her.

"Let me go ya armaan,
Don't do anything crazy you will regret."jadwa yell knowing very well how savage armaan behaves when he gets angry and by the look on his face jadwa knows if by any chance armaan get hold of her the consequences won't be a good one.

"You slapped her in my presence,
Can't you see she's pregnant?"armaan yell as he hold jadwa's two hands in his dragging her down the stairs.

Jawahir sit on the staircase as she watch in amusement how armaan drag a screaming jadwa to the parlour pleading and yelling to let go her hand, he throw her on the carpeted floor making her to collide with the television stand.

"The next time you make my wife so uncomfortable jadwa,"armaan yell, he uses all the anger, frustration and stress in him to kick her landing straight into her stomach as she scream in pain, he raises her head and slap her two times on the face as she scream.

"Stop ya armaan,
My stomach I'm pregnant you are going to kill my baby."jadwa yell clutching her stomach as armaan try kicking her, the parlour door open and there parents stand confused at the door.

What am i seeing like this?
Are you a woman abuser?
domestic violence?
Jadwa."hafiz say looking at his nephew and his daughter who's wailing in pain on the floor.

Hanan open her mouth several times but couldn't find a word it's like this whole scenario is a dream to her,
Jawahir who's sitting on the staircase stand up, As there father walk to where jadwa is laying on the floor he pick his daughter from the floor and leave the house.


"How's she feeling hafiz?"he ask and he sigh.

She's fine but it's like she lost the baby because it's just 5weeks and the force he applied to kick her in her abdomen it's severe."hafiz say and the elderly man sigh.

"I still can't understand what makes him soo angry, it all didn't make any sense to me armaan hitting jadwa not even jawahir,
this is soo confusing."he say and hafiz node I'm agreement.

"I have to go and tell your grandfather jadwa can't go back to that house God knows what she's going through,
We need to get to the buttom of this.
Zaman kishi da munafunchi sukeyi.
They are sisters they can't continue like that."he say and hafiz sigh.

The two talk mostly about the situation as hafiz briefly tell him the little misunderstanding his wife always told him they do always have.

Two days later.

Sitted in the carpeted floor of the giant luxurious parlour armaan heart will probably rip off his chest by the way its beating, he can't even look up at his grandfather he feel like a complete idiot for beating a woman his wife for that matter, his family refused to let him see jadwa since she's been in the hospital it's frustrating the most stupid part was she was pregnant but never mentioned to him and now he is the reason behind the miscarriage armaan wished there's something he can do to rectify his mistakes.

"Armaan."his grandfather call.

"Na'am ranka shi dade."armaan say with his gaze on the floor as his grandfather clear his throat.

"What offense did my grand daughter did to you that you have to treat her the way you did?"Amir ask his voice echoing around the magnificent quiet parlour full with elders of the family.

Armaan clear his throat as bad as he didn't want to say anything but he do know how his family are and to make things easy it's to speak up rather than keeping quiet it's like some sort of disrespectful attitude to them, he narrate what has been going on in his home down to what transpire that day and what lead to the unfortunate mistake he made.

The parlour become quiet as the elders whisper among themselves before the place become quiet again.

"This is not even a reason to me,
And henceforth if by any chance something even close to this repeat itself you won't like the consequences,
I don't know how you are going to do it but peace must find itself a place in that house, justice and fair judgement must be made it doesn't matter wether or not the other person is pregnant everyone must do there work and if they are incompetent then you bring a maid for them to help them out the day of there own chores,
The next time you talk to any of my grand daughters in an ill-manner way or raise your voice on either of them let alone your hand you won't like the consequences, forget the fact that you are a family because i Amir will make sure you receive a lesson you would never forget in your life,
I don't appreciate domestic violence women are queens and you treat them with love not maltreatment them,
You grow up and see how your dad treat your mother don't bring a savege behavior into our family,
we don't appreciate that.."Amir say in a very serious warning tune and armaan node.

"I'm sorry grandpa.
Thank you very much."armaan say as the rest of the elders begin saying all sort of useful advice to him on how to make peace among his wives, armaan listen as his mind wander back to jadwa the thought of facing her again after doing what he did to her makes him sick to his stomach.

I don't think jadwa will want to go back do.
Will jawahir ever mend her ways?

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