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Sitted in the big luxurious parlour the family chattering among themselves,
The adult talking among themselves mostly about business and upcoming weddings,the children talking about school and other struggles while the little children run in the parlour.

Armaan who's sitting on the dinning table with his male cousins clearly lost in his own world with his eyes fix on jadwa sitting 5feet away from him, he sigh and massage his forehead ever since there little discussion yesterday he find himself bored and exhausted with a heavy heart he leave the parlour to get some fresh air.

The thought of not been with jadwa makes him sick to his stomach, everything about him always revolves her she's connected to every part of his life, she's present in every chapter of his life, she's his dream she's everything he wanted.

The sob of someone makes him walk deep into the garden.

"Mum?"he say walking toward her but she doesn't look up.

"Mum are you alright?
What happened?"he ask worriedly sitting next to her as she hug him for comfort.

Armaan doesn't know what exactly to think, his parents never fight so he is positive this has nothing to do with his dad and his mum's family they are perfect matter of fact she's an only child just like him so seeing his mum crying just makes everything complicated and doesn't makes sense to him.

"Mum please talk to me, you are making me worried?"Armaan say hugging her but his mum keeps crying he just keep calm and let her cry out, his mum means alot to him if anyone hurt his mum that person won't like the consequences.

"Your dad wants to marry a second wife."she say after minutes of crying.

"What?"Armaan say confused as he raised his mum head from his shoulder.
"B...but why?
"Did you two fight or something?"Armaan say looking at his mother worriedly and she shake her head with a painful smile.

"You know sometimes Armaan, love makes us do crazy things, when we love someone we do take every risk just to be with them, your dad used love this beautiful girl "samrah" she was perfect for him he do come over to our house just to talk about her, it was an awesome relationship one i wished it was with me, I've always love your dad from the first day they moved into there house in "Surrey",
It wasn't a secret to anyone in my family even his parents know just how much i like him the only oblivious person was your dad, when we graduated from the university your dad wanted to marry samrah on the day of there wedding samrah eloped with someone else, I then decide to marry him in replacement of samrah, he learn to love me our friendship escalated to a beautiful relationship and we gave birth to you after 3years and now after all this years I thought fu'ad has move on,
I guess I'm wrong."she say crying, Armaan hug his Mum as she cry, his parents never tells him there love story they always stick to the friendship to marriage lies.

"It's ok mum.
Don't worry i will talk to dad."Armaan say and his mum smile at him.

There's nothing beautiful than being with someone you love, maybe i have my own good times with your dad he gave me the love i wanted from him, let him experience the beauty of being with someone he wants to be with not a replacement girl."she say with a smile.

"I will be fine, i just need some time,
I'm soo used to being with him all the time."she say and Armaan smile with a nod.

"I love you mum."Armaan say making her to smile.

"I love you to."she say and the two both sit in silent reminiscing about the good ole days, Armaan sigh maybe he should tell his mum about jadwa but he doesn't want to add up to her worries but she's the only person he can trust.

"Mum there's something i need to to tell you."he say and she humm in response.


"What about ya hafiz he is 30 and still single."jadwa grumble and her mum just shake her head.

Sometimes she blame herself for over pampering jadwa thanks to her dad for always backing up for her, so apparently the family decided to talk to there children about marriage and the male in the family are with there father's while the females which is only fadilah and jadwa are with there mothers.

"Is hafiz your mate why do you always give me headache, mummy you see what I'm talking about, she never listen she thinks it's her right to do whatever she wants to do."hanan say to her mother making her to sigh.

"It's ok hanan, this children of nowadays need prayers, Allah ya shiryeki jadwa."sobia say to her granddaughter.

"So coming to the conclusion did you both have any serious suitor,?"jasrah ask her granddaughters.

"Please granny jasrah just give us more time please, talk to daddy they should give us more time."jadwa say and her mum glare at her making her to keep quiet.

"Anty what's the point of there opinion, fadilah you are marrying hafiz is not a request but an order from your dad, jadwa you are marrying Armaan directive from your dad as well, we gave birth to you and i think we've the right to make decisions for you."Amany say to the children because honestly they are irritating her already and it's not like they are in any serious relationship.

Ohhh please ya Armaan and i are friends beside fadilah likes him and i don't love him."jadwa say and her mum glare at her.

"Fadilah is it true?"hanan ask the girl and fadilah shake her head in denial.

"Shegen karya da rawan kai"you are marrying Armaan and that is final."hanan say and jadwa storm out of the parlour muttering to herself.

"You can leave now fadilah."hanan say with a smile and the girl mutter a thank you before quietly leaving the room.

"What if jadwa refuse you know how stubborn she can be."hanan say to her mother.

"She will come around, sometimes i wonder why this world will be complicated, i am positive fadilah and hafiz will work out because we female are soft he do just give a lot of attention and she will completely forget about Armaan that is if what jadwa say is actually true,"sobia say and jadwa humm in response.

"Sobibi talking out of experience."she say to her best friend of 40years making both the children to laugh.

They all dive to conversation as jadwa start telling them the weird love story on how they both ended up with there dads.

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