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Picking his laptop from the bedside,
He press the power button and keep it on the reading table.
  He amble himself to the closet and put on a shirt before coming back and sit on the chair with sigh, he stare at the picture on the screen of the laptop and facepalm, he go through the laptop and couldn't find any of his social media app making him to furrow his brow in confusion.

"But i haven't use this laptop for the past 5 months."he say to himself as he continue going through the laptop.

He sigh and connect the wifi to the laptop and begin to download back his things wondering maybe the laptop crash or something.

He head downstairs to get a case of water and bump into jawahir in the kitchen door.

"Ohh you are in room?
I thought you are at the gym or ....somewhere."jawahir say looking at him.

"Yeah i just gat back from the gym and wanted to do some stuffs in my laptop but it's as if someone temper with it, all my apps are gone."he say with a shrug.

"That's weird maybe it crash or something, haven't you been using it?"jawahir ask leaving the kitchen.

It's been like months since i last used it i just want to check my social media pages it's been a while."he say opening the fridge and pick a case of water.

He walk to the parlour and jawahir I'd watching one of her Korean series film and he seat next to her on the couch with a sigh.

"I will be going to London soon."Armaan say and jawahir humm in response with her gaze fix on the television.

"Next week,
I need to go help dad with some work I'll stay for a month or two."he say turning to face jawahir who's attention is completely on the television.

"Jawahir!"he say nudging her and she turn.

"Are you even listening to me,
I say i will be traveling soon."he repeat .

To London?"she ask with a raise brow.

"Yeah dad need me to come do some work for him i will be staying for a month or two."he say and jawahir humm in response.

"Do you want to come?"he ask and she shake her head.

"I wish i could but our admission is out and school will soon start,
Don't worry i will be fine."she say and turn back to watching her film.

Armaan head back to his and all the apps are downloaded, he login into his Facebook page, there are a lot of notifications he go to his profile and couldn't find the post on jadwas missing making him go through his feeds till his very first post on Facebook but couldn't find it, he drop the laptop and head downstairs.

Drinking the Apple juice jawahir go through the television channels

"Jawahir."Armaan yell coming down the stairs jawahir ignore him and continue doing what she's doing.

"Jawahir did you tempered with my laptop?"Armaan ask and jawahir turn her gaze from the television to him.

Why will i do that?
Is everything alright?"she ask looking at him weirdly making him to face palm.

Someone login into my Facebook page."he say and jawahir shake her head.

"That's weird maybe someone hacked into your page,
Your laptop is always in your bedroom i don't even know what your bedroom looks like how will i get access to your laptop."jawahir say looking at him and he sigh.

"I'm sorry i don't mean it that way,
I'm just.......sorry just forget it."Armaan say and head back to his room.

He sit down with a sigh wondering why anyone will just hacked his page just to delete the post about jadwas missing, the only person he would suspect was jawahir but she has never enter his bedroom or even know anything about social media for her to hack his account why will she even do that, a lot of thoughts keeps churning in his head and he sigh and decide to just write a new post about her again.

He go through the pictures in the laptop trying to select some and he stumble on an unfamiliar picture making him to zoom it, he stare at the picture and the more he stare the more he feel his heart shattering into pieces.

"jD."he say looking at the picture, he close the laptop shut and head downstairs enrage.

"Jawahir."he yell running down the stairs making the glass cup in her hand fall do to fright.

"Why did you do it?"he ask entering the parlour, jawahir who's now standing look at him confuse.

"Do what?"she say looking at Armaan with her heart beating rapidly.

"Don't you dare pretend with me,
I saw the picture, what exactly is going on, what did you know jawahir?"he ask walking to her front as she walked backward.

"Know what?
Armaan stop you are scaring me."she say as she trip and fall on the couch.

"What did you know about jadwa,
First my Facebook is deleted and the post about JDs missing is gone from my Facebook wall and then a picture of a homeless, shabby looking jadwa in my laptop this three things can't be a coincident, what exactly did you know please jawahir."Armaan say the last sentence calmly.

Jawahir stare at Armaan who clean his face trying his best not to cry and shake her head.

"Why should i tell you?
You are my husband ya Armaan but all you care about is jadwa, all the time jadwa this jadwa that, she ran away on your wedding day because she doesn't care, can't you see she doesn't deserve you."jawahir say bitterly and Armaan kneel in front of her.

"Please jawahir just tell me anything you know and i promise you i will be the husband you want me to be,
She's your sister."Armaan say and jawahir shake her head.

"She's not my sister,
She was the reason i didn't grew up with my parents, she was the reason everything went wrong in my life, jadwa is the one that took away everything from me even my biological parents my family and everything."jawahir say and stand up to leave but Armaan hold her legs.

"Please jawahir didn't you saw how she was looking, she's suffering jawahir she's going to die, do you have any idea since when she's in that condition, you can't be this heartless."Armaan say but jawahir swat his hand away and head to her room.

Armaan sit in the parlour as the image keep on popping into his head like a nightmare.

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