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"Anty jawahir you should pick the grey gown ya Armaan love that colour."samira say removing the gown from the hanger.

"Is this necessary,
I mean it's just a get together nothing much."I say confused and farida snort.

"Anty j you have to look good believe me all the get together doesn't end well and I'm sure this one will be of no difference."faridah say sitting on my bed.

I thought it's just everyone from the family."i ask and samira node.

But it's just us,
i mean the young  family members, you will get to know everyone today it's pretty fun but it always end with a very serious argument all the time."samira say and i nod.

"How exactly is it."I say confused sitting on the bed.

"It's like any other normal gathering, once everyone arrive they kinda do small introduction, then if someone has anything to say they voice out there opinion, if anyone have some sort of problem with another person they can voice out to he/she,
if there's someone that's keeping grudges they can talk things out to resolve, just normal stuff and then we eat,gist about random stuff, play games like chess, truth or dare,puzzle,word meanings and my favorite game DANCE IT."Samira explains and i nod.

"How is this Dance it game, hope it's not about dancing because seriously i suck at that."I say and they both laugh.

"Ok let me explain this part to her please ya samira."farida say to her sister and she nod.

"Everyone will write a name of the song they want to be play,
then they mix up the papers in a jar and everyone will pick randomly,
they will then spin a bottle and whoever the bottle point at will open his paper whatever song it's written they will play it and he will pick someone to dance with for 2minutes, it's really awesome i love it."faridah explain with a giant smile and i nod.

"Sounds like fun,
Ok so let's start getting ready,
then we can go help them with some work at the house."i suggest standing up.

I'm gonna see my jamal, i heard ya fadilah is pregnant again."farida say.

Where do you hear that one, you and your fake news it's just a silly rumors."samira say as faridah jump down from the bed.

"Uhmm aside me and ya fadila who else is married among our cousins?"I ask curiously.

"Yeah there's ya fadilahs elder sister ya nadra She's married with two kids but we didn't usually count her in our younger ones stuffs because she's the eldest, i will just say your wedding and fadilah is the first wedding then jadwas own that's coming soon."samira say and i node, the two leave the room talking about what they will wear as i amble myself to the bathroom.

So it's been 2weeks since jadwa is back everything seems ok ya Armaan didn't really talk to me regarding what i did but me and him we are cool he no longer give me the silent attitude, he's friendly and even help me out sometimes in the kitchen,
  So today they decided that there's going to be a get together which will hold at fadila house, everyone will be there at first i told ya Armaan I'm not going but he said i have to because it's like a family tradition and it will also be an opportunity for me to get to know everyone in the family which i totally agree with him,
   Samira and faridah are the only people I'm close with they are Soo sweet i really enjoy there company they make me feel so relax and happy.


"I hope this get together should end well i remember how i ended up going home with a black eye last year."malika say as she bite her pizza making all the girls in the kitchen to laugh.

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