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Opening the pot with a sigh jadwa add the meat into the beans soup, she stir it before closing the pot and sit on the chair with a sigh it's been 2months since jawahir got back and nothing seems ok they are always quarreling jadwa is getting exhausted with the unnecessary tantrums they often display.
The creaking of the kitchen glass door is what gain her attention making her to turn her gaze there.

Opening the pot on the stove jawahir snort and pick a cup from the cabinet, she fetch the water from the bowl and add it into the soup with a smug smile.

"Why will you do that jawahir,
Stop acting childish this whole scenario and immature behavior we are doing is stupid, samirah is two months old and i will soon give birth if we continue like this our kids will grow up with soo much hatred against each other, if there's anything you want me to do so we can get back together tell me I'm ready to do it."jadwa say looking at jawahir who snort with a grimace.

"I don't want to stay with you in this house, i want you out far away from my husband,
Talking about kids,
jadwa i will never allow my children to be all loving with your kids.
that will never happen not if i am alive."jawahir say as jamila comes inside the kitchen.

"Besti what is going on?"jamila ask standing next to her bestfriend.

"What is going on between us is none of your concern jamila.
Winter holidays has ended please leave.
What are you even still doing in this country? Everyone has left.
Leave and let us have some peace."jadwa say and jawahir laugh.

You don't seems to understand.
Me and you can never be friends or sisters the animosity i have towards you is too......i don't know a word to use but i soo much hate you.
I wishe you will just die or whatever just disappear and let me have the life you took away from me right from birth."jawahir say making jadwa to look at her surprisingly.

Don't let jamila turn you into what you are not.
This is unlike you,
You are an amazing person with a clean heart don't let jealousy and the worldly things that isn't even important change who you are."jadwa say staring at jawahir with soo much weakness, jadwa may be a brat but she hate people showing so much hatred towards her, it weakens her spirit and always hurt her feelings deeply.

"I hate you jadwa,
I hate you Soo much and you know why?
Because any time i see you,
it reminds me that every single thing you are enjoying supposed to be mine, you replaced me jadwa and you just make me less important,
Look at me......jawahir say with a chuckle and flick away the tears in her eyes.
I'm the real daughter of this family but what did i get from everyone?
Absolutely nothing.
No one cares about me, my very own grandfather can't even hide the fact that he loves you more than me, my dad, my cousins even my husband,
You snatched every single thing away from me and you expect me to forgive you."jawahir say as she feel her heart aching, the intensity of the hatred she feel toward jadwa multiplying rapidly and she uses her hand to fling away the soup from the stove splashing it all over the kitchen making jadwa to stand up abruptly.

You need to calm down."jadwa say stepping back as she walk backwards to the kitchen door in frighten she has never seen jawahir soo furious she look different and extremely dangerous.

"Anytime i see this your face,
any time i see this your fucking face jadwa."jawahir yell walking toward jadwa making her to trip and fall colliding her back with the kitchen glass door.

Opening the parlor door armaan quickly run to the kitchen do to the incoherent voice.

PLEASE JAWAHIR JUST STOP."Jadwa yell using her hand to cover her face crying.

Are you crazy?
Do you want to kill her?"armaan say pushing jawahir and he kneel next to jadwa.

Sorry, it's me please open your eyes."armaan say holding jadwa as she clutch to him.

The intensity pain in her abdomen makes her scream clutching and gripping armaan tightly by the hand.

"What happened?"armaan say confused trying to remove her from his chest.

"Ciki na."jadwa say making armaan to remove her forcefully from his body and he see the blood spot on the floor.

Jawahir watch from where she's standing she wishes she can beat jadwa and throw her out of the house completely, armaan pick her bridal style from the floor and basically run out of the kitchen making jawahir to snort.

"Besti."jamila say and stand next to jawahir with a sigh.

"I want to go to the sorcerer."jawahir say and jamila look at her surprisingly.

"Are you sure you want to do it?"jamila say mentally jubilating.

"Are you taking me or not?"jawahir say and jamila sigh.

We will go tomorrow m.......

"I want to go now.
Are you taking me or not?"jawahir say and jamila roll her eyes.

I will just go get ready and we will leave immediately but don't you think is a little selfish that you didn't follow them to the hospital."jamila say but jawahir ignore her and exit the kitchen muttering to herself.

Jawahir doesn't want to hear anymore excuses, at this point she wants jadwa out of her life completely, she want armaan all to herself she want to be the only one he will listen to, she want to be his one and only wife.

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check out this amazing book "wild flower" written by rinahs_ink i promise you won't regret reading.

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