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Tranquil it's the word to describe the state jawahir is she couldn't even believe what she's hearing, the level of armaan and jadwa betrayal towards her it's severe she shake her head as she feels her animosity towards jadwa multiplying, the bedroom door open and her best friend comes in.

"Besti mi."jamila say sitting on the edge of the bed looking worriedly at her, jamila came to town a day after jawahir gave birth she traveled to maiduguri for a friend wedding yesterday.

"What happened?
I just got back wlh i branched at sadiya place to check on her."jamila say touching jawahir hand.

"Didn't you hear?"jawahir say looking at her bestfriend.

"Hear what?"jamila say confused.

"Jadwa is pregnant.
I just got back from the hospital and that jadwa has come back heavily pregnant."jawahir say bitterly.

How is that possible,
I mean.......God i am speechless."jamila say shaking her head in disbelief.

"They tricked me,
You know what?
i am not staying in this house for 2months no, never."jawahir say as someone knock on the door and they yell a come in.

Fadilah,khadijah,malika and jadwa come in making jamila to raise her nose with a snort.

"Good evening j.
How is our baby?"fadilah say with a smile and jawahir smile weakly at her.

"Evening."she grumble.

"Good evening jawahir.
Congrats."jadwa say with a smile and sit on the couch in the bedroom next to the bed as jawahir stare at the pregnancy bump in surprise.

"The baby is sleeping why must you touch her?"jamila say to malika who's trying to pick the baby from the crib.

"Is it your baby?
What is your problem must you always create unnecessary scene all the time.
Wait until you give birth to your own then you will have that right."malika say and pick the baby with a glare.

"Jawahir how's your health?"khadija ask and she mutter a fine.

The three girls stay briefly and leave the bedroom considering the fact jawahir looks uncomfortable and very unwelcoming to them.


The next few days pass and the naming ceremony hold at There grandfather house with alot of family and friends the house was full and the baby received a lot of gift from well wishers armaan named baby samirah and gift jawahir a brand new range rover.

"The driver is waiting for you."hanan say to her daughter and jawahir node dropping her phone on the bed.

"Mummy i want jamila to stay with me that way she can help me with samirah."jawahir say and hanan sigh.

Armaan has find a nanny to help you kema kinsan ba zai yarda ba after what happened during summer."hanan say and jawahir pout..

"If it was jadwa that requested you would have pressurized him to do so,.
Always treating me differently because i didn't grew up with you."jawahir say and exit the bedroom as she continue grumbling to herself making her mother to sigh.

Walking inside his grandfather house armaan head to the parlour upstairs where he meet his grandfather and his wives father, he greeted them and sit on the far end of the parlour.

The reason i call you to come urgently is your uncle here come and meet me that jawahir has been throwing tantrums about jamila coming with her to your house to help her with the baby and chores,
He objected about that and she has been saying all sort of offensive word and being so petulant, so i don't know if you will agree to let her stay for some time since she's leaving after the winter holiday."Amir say and armaan sigh heavily and clear his throat

"Grandpa i don't want jamila to stay in my house she will create a serious misunderstanding between them, but if she has to stay then you need to call her and seriously warn her because i won't tolerate any of her malevolent behavior."armaan say and his grandfather node.

"It's ok.
I will personally speak to her.
You can leave may God bless you."his grandfather say he mutter amen and leave.


Arranging the dinner on the dinning table jadwa and khadijah gist about the last five months in London.

"Don't worry we will come and help you whenever you are tired, basmah is going back tomorrow but she said she will come back next week."malika say and join them in the dinning table.

"Basmah and her trouble relationship.
When is jawahir coming it's past 8pm."khadijah ask and jadwa shrug.

"I don't know maybe she will soon come ."jadwa say just in time the doorbell ring and malika rush to the door.

"You girls are still here?"armaan ask coming inside the parlour.

"We are sleeping over."khadijah say and armaan hug his wife.

Gross you two are been so frisky."malika say with an eyeroll.

"I didn't ask you to stay in my house,
Well jamila is staying over here for the winter."armaan say and jadwa feels her heart drop.

It's not possible ya armaan you know how that girl is,
No way will i ever accept that.
I will just go back to the London if that's the case."jadwa say shaking her head in disapproval.

Grandpa personally called me about it jawahir has been fussy about it and your dad was left with no choice than to come meet grandpa about it, just relax grandpa has promised to warn the both of them nothing is going to happen."armaan say reassuring and jadwa sigh.

"Nothing will happened jd.
There's nothing they can do except what the almighty has already planned so just relax besides we are all here for you we will come everyday if you want us to."malika say with a weak smile and jadwa sigh.

"May almighty chooses what's best for us."jadwa say and they all mutter ameen.

"I think they are here."khadijah say and open the door.

Jamila comes in with the suitcase and baby bag with a smile on her face as they all stare weirdly at her because it's very unlike her.

"Good Evening jadwa.
Ohh malika,khadijah are you two sleeping over,
Welcome ya armaan."jamila say friendly as they all stare at her in bewilderment and armaan head to the door and help jawahir with the baby.

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