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Staring at his sleeping wife armaan entwined there hands together as he continue whispering some prayers, he didn't even go to see there baby he's been sitting with his wife for the past 6hours since they brought her out from the theatre.

"Armaan."hayat call and he sigh turning his gaze to his mother inlaw.

"Yes mummy."he answer with a sigh.

"Please eat something you've been sitting for almost five hours, jadwa is fine she spoke with you before she fall asleep, you didn't even go and check on the baby,
Koh sallahn asr bakayi ba gashi magrib yayi."she say with a weak smile.

"I'm just soo exhausted and my heart has been jittery it won't stop beating rapidly, I'm having this ill feeling something extremely bad is about to happen."armaan say with a sigh and massage his forehead.

"Nothing is going to happen armaan insha Allah, always keep a positive mindset, go and pray.
Where's jawahir?
Didn't you called and tell her,
So she can come stay with her your mum and cousins are coming tomorrow."hayat say and armaan node ambling himself outside the hospital room wondering why his heart has been restless.

"Besti where do you think we should bury this thing, i will love to bury it somewhere outside the house where no one can find it or even try to come dig it out."jawahir say as they come out from the car , she pick her baby from the car seat and jamila bring out the baby bag.

"Bury it in the garden because i don't think Burying it outside will be a good idea people always built new houses you never can tell."jamila say as they walk to the entrance door.

"You are right.
I will just bury it in the garden besides we rarely make use of the garden in this house."jawahir say as she push open the door with a sigh.

"Are you going to do everything now or you will first go to the hospital this one that your mum won't stop calling what lie will you even say."jamila say as they both head upstairs.

"I'm doing everything right now,
this is the perfect time, it won't even take long and i will be done with everything."jawahir say as they enter her bedroom, she drop sleeping samirah in her crib and sit on the bed with a sigh.

"I'm so exhausted can't even believe we go to maiduguri and come back today, hurry up and do whatever you want to do so we can go to the hospital before everyone become suspicious."jamila say standing up and jawahir stand up with a sigh.

"I will go find where to hide this in her bedroom before we go and
Bury this things in the garden."jawahir say as they exit her bedroom talking about how excited they are to complete the ritual so they can see how effective it is.

Coming out from the mosque armaan sit outside the hospital premises holding his throbbing head he can't even understand why he's feeling this way, the intensity of the headache he's feeling makes him hold tightly his forehead as he feel his heart beating rapidly.

"Armaan."hafiz call his cousin brother as he sit next to him.

"What happened?"he ask worriedly holding armaan hand.

"My head won't stop throbbing "gaba na sai faduwa yaketayi bansan meye yasa ba" take me to jadwa."armaan say as he try standing but stagger do to how dizzy he feels as hafiz hold him calling one of the nurses passing by.

Armaan continue calling jadwa as he feel his heartbeat becoming more rapidly his world spinning and his brain maneuvering he feel as do his memories are escaping and he ended up losing consciousness.

Staring at the wall of the hospital room jadwa wonder where her husband has been,
do her mum assure her he's fine but why didn't he come to check on her it's so unlike him.

"Jadwa."Amany call gaining her attention making her to turn.

"Yes aunty."jadwa answer with a weak smile making her aunty to smile.

"Your husband is fine stop over thinking he's been watching over you since you where asleep he went home to rest a little."amany say and jadwa node.

Jadwa just have this weird feelings something isn't right, her mind keeps instigating this weird thoughts and she can't even sleep because of the unnecessary weird dreams she's been dreaming about.

"Maman baby."the familiar voice say entering the room making jadwa to look at the two weirdly.

"Weldon jd,
I couldn't come early samirah isn't feeling to well."jawahir say with a smile as she drop the food bag.

"How are you feeling jadwa?"jawahir ask worried sitting next to her on the bed as jadwa look at her weirdly.

"I'm fine."jadwa answer as her mind drift to earlier that day and what transpire between them that even lead to her been in this situation.

Mummy good evening.
Aunty amany.
Sis nadra."jawahir greet with a smile as they all exchange pleasantries.

Jadwa stare in bewilderment as jawahir and jamila start conversation with there mum and sister they look happy jawahir precisely she look different and happy she reminds her of the old jawahir the one that she admire do to her introverted behavior jadwa wonder what the sudden change of behavior is all about she wishes she can trust the two girls but jadwa knows better than to trust either of them jawahir has become soo selfish and cunning with the help of jamila,
jadwa hope they aren't trying to do something crazy because the last thing she want is to deal with a scrappy rival relationship after birth.

May the almighty protect us from all evils,
may he never allow us to take the wrong part of shirk.

It's a short chapter do but nevertheless still
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