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Standing all by the bed the Amir family watch as hanan clean armaan body with the soak towel of the medicinal herbal they collected from the mallam, it's been 5days since Amir brought armaan lifeless body back to his house they invited a mallam who gave them some islamic medicine and herbal to make use on him according to the man armaan has been under a very bad spell for a very long time which It's going to be a gradual process for him to recover to his normal self, do jawahir has also go back to her parents house but she barely come to check on armaan do to how everyone stare weirdly at her the fact that nobody talk to her about what she did even makes her guilty the more.

"How are you feeling?"Amir ask armaan and he node.

"Where's jadwa and my baby?"armaan ask for the hundredth time making everyone to sigh, that's armaan only word whenever he speak but no one has said anything to him.

"Jadwa and your baby are fine they will come and see you soon,
Jadwa said to tell you to take good care of yourself."his mum say with a weak smile as armaan stare at his family members, he doesn't understand why they don't want to tell him about his wife and baby.

"I want to see them."armaan say as he feel the familiar intense headache starting making him to close his eyes.

The past five days armaan was brought home jadwa has also been on life support since she previously fall sick and farhana doesn't even want to see her father the last time farhat brought her the little girl ran out of the bedroom saying her dad is going to kill her, it was a very painful sight for the entire family which makes even the strongest grandpa Amir shades a slight tears.

"Drink this."hanan say and give him the mug containing a mixture of grinded cilantro,parsley and other  herbs.
He drink the content and didn't take long before he fall asleep making everyone to sigh in relief.

"He's improving."Amir say and everyone node in agreement.

"Hafiz said whenever jadwa gains consciousness they will perform the heart transplant."farhat say and grandpa raheem node.

"May the almighty chooses what's best for us."hanan say as her mind wander back to her daughter making her to sigh, regardless what jawahir did hanan still feel really sorry for her daughter because she neither eat nor sleep she has loss alot of weight since she came back home.

The family leave the bedroom and all head to the large magnificent grandpa Amir parlour and all stop baffle at the figure on the floor.

"What brings you to this house?"grandmother jasrah say and jawahir kneel on the floor.

"Grandpa Amir, uncle fu'ad,
Granny raheem, please I'm sorry for whatever i did, please I'm really sorry.
Dan Girman Allah da manzon sa ku yafemin.
I don't know how and when i become so selfish about the materialistic things in life,
Mummy please forgive me,
Farhat I'm sorry.
Anty asma."jawahir say confuse as she look between each of her family members crying as she regret every single decision she takes, regreting ever listening to her late best friend advice.

Amir stare at jawahir regardless how angry he is whenever he sees a lady crying it weakens him, his only weakness are his family and seeing the amount of tears and regret jawahir is showing he feel really sorry for her, he sit on his royal couch with his wife next to him, the rest of the family members take there place on the couch.

"Life it's nothing jawahir.
And it doesn't matter wether or not we forgive you because we don't have anything to say here, your husband, jadwa and poor little farhana are the people you cheated and offended,
Look at your husband in that bedroom, he barely speak nor eat. you......
I don't know what to tell you jawahir but never in my entire life did i ever think my very own blood will do something like this,
Your sister is in the hospital we don't even know her fate yet let's not mention the hatred little farhana has generated towards her dad all because of your selfish reason,
I'm disappointed in you jawahir,
Very,very disappointed,
We all didn't expect something like this from you how you completely change from the pure innocent jawahir into a demonic, satanic selfish human being is what i can't understand,
your own husband.
How can you even keep him in that house in such condition someone you claimed to love wholeheartedly,
Did you have any idea how he's been coping for the past 5 days let's not mention what jadwa and her daughter has been through for the past 5years all because of you."Amir say with a head shake as he stare at jawahir who's crying profusely in regret.

"I'm really sorry grandpa.
I'm sorry for hurting everyone in this family I regret choosing the wrong path, I'm really sorry daddy, mummy please forgive me."jawahir say crying and Amir sigh.

"We all don't have problem with you jawahir,
Your husband, jadwa and farhana are the people that you need to seek forgiveness from,
We all pray that some day you will realise what you where doing is wrong and the almighty accepted our du,a so it's left for you to do the right thing,
Jadwa is the one you hurt, you completely ruined her life because of you she's laying helplessly on that hospital bed only the almighty knows what her fate will be.
Little farhana, I don't know how you are going to make her understand that her father truly loves her,
And armaan?
How are you going to even face him?
You completely ruined and wasted his 5years of life.
You have done a lot of damaged jawahir and only you can rectify that nobody not even me can do anything in this situation because we don't even have the right to question armaan if he takes any rash decision because you deserve any decision he will make."Amir say and leave the parlour, he believes if he continue looking and talking to his granddaughter he will loose his temper and he won't like the consequences of his actions.

Uncle fu,ad,
Anty asma,
Daddy please I'm sorry you all should find a place in my heart and forgive me."jawahir say crying and fu'ad sigh.

"Everything will be fine insha Allah,
You need to go back to the almighty, seek his forgiveness, he's the most merciful he will forgive you and when you are UNTAINTED by sins everything will be alright in your life."fu'ad say looking at jawahir regardless how much she hurt his only child he can't stay angry with her that's his nature he smile weakly at her.

"Just like Ya Amir said,
We all forgive you jawahir but we can't question whatever decision armaan will make because we can't understand his pain, the best solution is for you to go back to your almighty seek his forgiveness and he will set your deeds right."grandpa raheem say and everyone sigh.

"Pray hard jawahir,
You need to pray very hard for the almighty to forgive you if..........

Sobia pause and turn to the parlour door and Amir comes in.

"Jadwa has gain consciousness, hafiz just called me we need to go to the hospital."Amir say and everyone stand up.

"Honey you are all staying at home,
Armaaan needs you, we won't stay long and we will be back."Amir say, the ladies grumble among themselves but where left with no choice but sit back as the male in the parlour all exit to go see jadwa in the hospital.

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I love you all.

This book is gradually coming to an end soon😌💕

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