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Laying on the bed armaan type on his laptop as he reply the necessary emails.

"Aren't you supposed to be with jawahir today?"jadwa ask and armaan humm in response.

"I just want to finish this work."he grumble and jadwa shake her head and sit on the bed.

"Stand up and leave please,
I want to sleep "banason damuwa dan Allah" I just got back."jadwa say laying down entering the duvet, armaan ignore her and continue typing on his laptop.

"Make sure you leave please,
I'm very sleepy i would have kick you out."jadwa say as a yawn escape her mouth, she say her supplication and close her eyes.

Pacing in her bedroom jawahir shake baby samira as the little girl cry the bedroom door open and armaan comes in.

"What's wrong with her?"he ask and collect her from jawahir.

"I don't know.
Look at the time you are coming to bed it's past midnight is it fair at all,
Whenever it's jadwa that you are going to spend the night with i didn't even see you through out that day but when it comes to me you spend half of the night there because i am insignificant to you right."jawahir say sitting on the bed as armaan sway the baby and she keeps quiet.

"You are been overdramatic j,
Jadwa is pregnant she needs more attention than you,
be considerate and don't forget that when you where pregnant i did same to her, so it hurt and you let me spend the night with you knowing i was supposed to be with her."armaan say and jawahir snort.

"You don't regard me as anything,
The only person you care about is jadwa, Jd this and jd that."jawahir retort and armaan ignore his wife unnecessary spat about what doesn't even make any sense to him.

After what seems like forever samirah go back to sleep he place her inside her crib before joining jawahir who's asleep on the bed.


"What do you expect in the first place,
Besti i told you since last summer the only way you can win him is only if she's gone, anytime you are ready to change your mind and do what's right then let me know sadiya even told me about another sorcerer in maiduguri she said his work is even better than that of the one i was telling you about."jamila say as she remove the chicken from the deep fryer.

"Besti it hasn't reach to that,
I will find another way the animosity i have for that girl is beyond the way you can even imagine."jawahir say making jamila to chuckle as she wrapp the fruit salad bowl.

"You like her j.
If you hate her so much you would just get rid of her without a second thought."jamila say and jawahir sigh.

"Besti mi i..........jawahir start saying but the kitchen door open and jadwa comes in.

"Good morning to you two."she say and walk to the fridge but neither of them answer her.

Jawahir watch as jadwa open the freezer as she scan it with her eyes she wander back to the pregnancy bump and hiss.

"Jawahir did you take the strawberry ice cream i kept yesterday night?"jadwa ask and jawahir shrug.

"Your name wasn't written on it."jawahir say and jadwa stare at her.

"You know what jawahir?
Just because i ignore the stupid things you do doesn't mean I'm stupid,
My name wasn't written on it but you didn't keep it there, stop behaving lik a hooligan it's unlike you i am not stupid and the next time you will push me to my limit you won't like the other side of me i can tolerate anything but i don't appreciate being underrated."jadwa say sternly pointing at jawahir.

Jawahir look at jadwa weirdly and clap her hands laughing.

"Ohhh really.
See jadwa or whatsoever is your name, just remember that you aren't a daughter of this family you replaced me and every single feeling ya armaan is showing you is supposed to be me because if i wasn't replaced i would have been the one that he marry and not you.
You would have been roaming around with your mad mother that's if you don't run mad yourself."jawahir say with a snort making jadwa to stare at her surprisingly, jadwa feels the anger in her doubling and she smile weakly at jawahir.

It's ok you have say your mind but let me see how you will replace me,
every woman you see on this earth have the evil side of her,
So jawahir i dare you to replace me in ya armaan heart."jadwa say staring at jawahir, she glance at jamila with a glare before hissing and leave the kitchen.

"Did you see what i am telling you,
Jadwa can never be nice the girl is a devil reincarnation, just agree to what i told you and ya armaan will be yours forever."jamila say with a shrug and jawahir shake her head.

"Let me see what she can do."jawahir say and storm out of the kitchen leaving jamila alone and she shrug.

Entering her bedroom jadwa sit in front of her mirror as the hurtful words jawahir say to her continue ringing in her ears, she wishes she know her mother even do her mother is alive how can she even know who her real dad is when she's just an ordinary mad woman.

"Jd."armaan call coming out of the closet dressed up in his working suit and she quickly wipe her tears.

"Are you crying?
What happened?
Did jamila do anything to you?"he bombarded the question and she shake her head.

"It's nothing,
I'm just restless can i visit the orphanage today?"she ask and armaan look at her confused.

"Orphanage?he ask and she node making him to sit on the chair facing her.

I love you,
Even if you aren't our blood you are my everything you mean the whole world to me, God has a reason for everything and i am happy you've been replaced years ago, you are an amazing person and i am glad i will get to share my life with you."armaan say and hug jadwa making her to smile.

"Promise you will never leave me ya armaan,
You will stay with me in any situation."jadwa say making armaan to smile and break the hug.

"I will fight the world to be with you jd."he say and kiss her on the forehead.

"I am still going to the orphanage do."she say and armaan smile standing up.

You are free to go khadijah and malika can go with you i would love to come but i have a meeting today which i am sure will last for hours."armaan say and jadwa node.

The two leave the bedroom talking and laughing as they descend down the stairs with there hands entwined together.

"Good morning baby."jawahir say and armaan smile at her.

My baby is asleep."he say and let go jadwa hand, he pick samira from the small bed she's laying on the couch with a smile.

"Mira."jadwa say and collect the baby from armaan with a smile as she sway the baby much to jawahir displeasement.

"I have to go i will eat when i get back.
Take care of yourselves."he say and slightly kiss baby samirah and jadwa on the cheek before rushing out of the parlor.

"Give me my baby."jawahir say and snatch the baby from jadwa with a glare.

"You will die with jealousy jawahir,
Because jadwa always get what she wants without even trying."jadwa say with a smile and shrug.
"You can eat your food my husband and i are don't eat scrappy breakfast."jadwa say laughing and head upstairs.

"You see what I'm saying.
Wise up j be realistic,
This isn't some stupid novel where things will be sour between him and jadwa and armaan will run back to you,
this is reality.
It's either you fight for what you want or you die with depression."jamila say and jawahir breathe out heavily.

The two eat the breakfast with jamila yapping trying to convince jawahir to visit the sorcerer so armaan will forget about jadwa.

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